Tiga: I, the cosmic bully Pigmon

Chapter 6 6 big gains: petrified light!

Chapter 6 6. Big Harvest: Petrified Light!





Five or six earth-shaking loud explosions were heard in succession, along with Gakuma α's horrific screams, which resounded through the sky.

At this time, Gakuma α has changed beyond recognition.

Although its hard body gave it excellent defense among monsters, it was already a bloody mess under the repeated bombardments from the rays on the back of its good brother.

This made everyone in the victory team not far away dumbfounded.

Judging from the appearance alone, the two giant beasts, which are almost identical in appearance, are not of the same school as Pigmon. Why did Gakuma β later help Pigmon to bombard Gakuma α with light?
There is no way to reveal the answer, but anyone with a discerning eye can see that Gakuma α, who has been bombarded all the time, is dying.

Fortunately, a certain good brother seemed to finally notice something was wrong and quickly stopped.

Hearing the screams of his brother Kakuma α getting smaller and smaller, Kakuma β, who was immersed in the firepower output, quickly raised his head: "Ouch? Ouch!"

Its roar sounded a little confused and mixed with some anger. It seemed that it was particularly angry at Chu Bai for repeatedly "doing evil" on its brother.

Gakuma α had long been beaten unconscious and could only whimper a few times with a weak voice.

Hearing this voice, Gakuma β became even more furious and prepared to attack again.

"Huh? Wait!"

Chu Bai quickly stopped and explained: "Hey, stop fighting now. If you fight again, you will never see your good brother again."

After that, Chu Bai pointed at Gakuma α, whose 'turtle shell' was almost completely rotten, "Look, these are the fruits of your own labor. Are you sure you want to continue?"

Hearing this, Kakuma β was stunned for a while.

Although it could tell at a glance that the scars on it were caused by the light from its back just now, how could it possibly admit this ridiculous thing?
Immediately it roared into the sky.

As soon as the words fell, Jakuma β rushed towards Chu Bai, preparing to give up long-range methods completely and prepare to fight Chu Bai up close to the death.


Chu Bai was not surprised but happy.

He is worried that Gakuma β has been harassing him from a distance and cannot get close!Now the other party took the initiative to send it to his door, which was exactly what he wanted.

Chu Bai stopped dodging and ran forward faster than Gakuma β.


The next second, the two monsters collided fiercely. In an instant, the entire island trembled. The edge of the mine was covered with dense cracks, and it seemed that it might collapse at any time.

Kakuma β's horns were firmly pressed against Chu Bai's waist, making it difficult for Chu Bai to move forward at all due to the restraint of Chu Bai's left hand.

At the same time, Chu Bai's right hand was already raised high.

Powerful hand knife!


The hand knife carrying a powerful force suddenly hit the horns of Kakuma β, which shocked Kakuma β's already small head and buzzed.

While Kakuma β was in a daze, Chu Bai suddenly released his grip with his left hand, then stepped onto his back and pressed hard.

In an instant, Gakuma β felt as if a huge mountain was pressing on his back. His legs gave out and he fell to his knees, crushing two deep pits into the hard rock.

Before it could recover, a huge thrust had already pressed Gakuma β tightly, making it completely unable to move.

Immediately afterwards, there was Chu Bai's extremely fierce roar.

"Hey, be good and don't move. Just let me hold you for a while. I won't hurt you!"


Hug for a while?
At this moment, even Jakuma β’s eyes were dull.

It never expected that such a sentence would pop out of Chu Bai's mouth. Is it a new special hobby to suddenly and fiercely hug the enemy during the battle?
But now everything can no longer be controlled by it.

Almost at the same time, Chu Bai's firm and powerful arms hugged Gakuma β's body, and the extracted power was activated instantly.

[The rock monster Gakuma β is being extracted. Please keep the host in close contact for 15 seconds. Once disconnected during this period, the extraction progress will be reset. 】

Feeling the bursts of warmth coming from his spine, Gakuma β was slightly stunned, and then an unstoppable feeling of nausea rolled in his abdomen.

Now it finally understands what the word 'pervert' means in the brother's words.

Pigmon clearly wants to sexually harass and ride on him!
This...how can this be done?Jakuma β desperately resisted and wanted to use practical actions to defend his last chastity.

However, although Pigumon is not strong enough, he weighs a lot after being enlarged. At this stage, it is impossible for Gakuman to break free due to his clumsy racial nature!
No matter how unwilling Jakuma β was, he could only be forced to accept this embarrassing fact.

At least he was only molested and his body safety was not affected.

But before long had passed, an unpleasant feeling suddenly arose in Gakuma β's mind.

Because it feels like there is a mass of heat in its body that is rapidly pouring into the other person's body, as if something is missing!
Kakuma β was anxious like an ant on a hot pot, roaring loudly and struggling desperately.

"Hey, don't move, you'll be fine soon!"

Seeing that the extraction was almost successful, how could Chu Bai give up and hold down Gakuma β so that he could not resist at all.


[The target rock monster Gakuma β was extracted successfully. Congratulations to the host for obtaining the rock monster Gakuma β ability - petrifying light! 】

[Petrifying Light: It can convert energy from the mouth into a special blue light wave. The light wave can petrify most targets it hits! (The actual effect depends on the opponent’s strength and resistance.)]

"It's actually petrified light!"

Chu Bai instantly beamed with joy. The purpose of coming to Jiura Island was to extract the petrified light, and now he got what he wanted.

"Okay, thank you for your gift, goodbye!"

Without any hesitation, Chu Bai let go of Gakuma β and stood up, walking towards the sea in the distance.

He did not intend to actually kill the two Gakuma brothers.

We are all fellow monsters, and the Gakuma brothers only came out to cause trouble because their living environment was invaded by humans. There is no need for them to drive others to a dead end.

Furthermore, after being beaten by him, these two people will be more honest no matter what they think.


Chu Bai's indifferent attitude made Kakuma β anxious.

What does it mean?
Run away after doing it?

What kind of beast do you think you are?
A roar could be heard behind him soaring into the sky, but Chu Bai turned a deaf ear to it and just silently turned around and opened his mouth.

Suddenly, a blue light wave shot out quickly. Gakuma β, who had just stood up, was unable to dodge and was hit by the blast!


With a familiar energy reverberating in his body, Gakuma β had an expression of disbelief on his face.

The next moment, a burst of lime color began to spread on the hit part of its body, and even Gakuma β's movements became sluggish.


Jakuma β was extremely panicked. It could not imagine that it had been petrified by the most familiar petrifying light!

What's happening here?
Seeing that Gakuma β's actions were temporarily blocked, Chubai didn't waste any more time. He turned around and walked alone into the extremely lonely sea to start the long work of digging holes on the seabed.


at the same time.

Several people on board Feiyan [-] were even more stunned.

Dijing pointed at Chu Bai, whose back was gradually sinking to the bottom of the sea, and whispered: "He... didn't he want to kill two monsters to protect the world? Why did he leave?"


Zongfang thought for a long time, but in the end he still couldn't come up with a reason: "Did he really just want to hug me?"

"This is too strange!"

Dijing frowned, looking more and more strange.

"Dago, what do you think..."

He turned around and wanted to consult Dagu for his opinion, but suddenly found that Dagu had already left his seat and quietly came to the back of the cabin.

"What are you doing, Dagu?"

"Ah this..."

Dagu, who was suddenly asked, smiled.

"Well...I want to go to the toilet."

(End of this chapter)

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