Tiga: I, the cosmic bully Pigmon

Chapter 61 61 Abbas appears!

Chapter 61 61. Abbas appears!

As the sun sets, the air begins to grow colder.

Until the sun completely sets below the horizon and night comes.

The time came to nine o'clock at night.

In the room, Grandma, the little pigeons Chubai and Redel were sitting around the stove, talking and laughing.

In front of a few people, the well digger held various tools in his hands and lay behind the TV to tinker for a long time.

Finally, with a boot prompt, the latest news appeared on the TV!
[There have been frequent disappearances at night recently, and TPC is actively investigating. The general public is kindly requested to reduce traveling at night as much as possible, and please also inform people around you of this news...]

On TV, the beautiful host looks dignified.

After Chu Bai saw this report, he knew that the plan was going on as scheduled.

After repairing the TV, he went to the bathroom and washed his hands. Now he stuck his head out and said, "I hope everything goes well for the deputy captain and the others tonight."

"You're sweating a lot."

Grandma walked over and handed Tujing a towel, and asked comfortingly: "You must be exhausted from repairing the TV. Do you want to take a bath?"

"no need."

Dijing refused without hesitation, and then he was afraid of the awkward atmosphere and hurriedly made a joke: "My teammates are working hard outside, how can I have the nerve to enjoy it here."

Grandma saw through what he was thinking at a glance: "Are you worried about these two children?"

After saying that, Grandma pointed with her finger at Little Pigmon and Redel who were sitting next to them.

Seeing that his little idea was revealed, Tu Jing scratched his head in embarrassment: "After all, I have a mission. If I don't take good care of him, I will be fired."

Hearing Dijing's answer, grandma smiled happily: "Okay, I heard that you are a member of the Earth Defense Force. People in the Earth Defense Force are like you, so the earth will definitely be well protected."

Dijing blushed at the praise: "Hey, grandma, these are what I should do."

"No, no, no, it's because you, the Earth Defense Force, are so strict with yourself and have high self-requirements that we can live a peaceful life, and you just enthusiastically helped me repair the TV, so if I can't entertain you If it’s good, I’ll feel bad about it.”

Grandma continued with great enthusiasm.

After saying that, she pointed to the photo of her husband next to her: "My wife was a policeman when he was young, so you should know my feelings for the Earth Defense Force, right?"

After wandering around for a long time, grandma got back to the topic: "Go and take a shower. You will feel much more comfortable after taking a shower. It will also make you refreshed and better protect the earth!"

"As for these two children, I will be responsible for taking care of them!"


"Don't worry. Before you were gone, the two of them stayed with me all night long, and they were still fine." Grandma emphasized again.

With that said, she found a pair of slippers for digging the well.

"Wash and relax. If your mother knew you were working so hard, she wouldn't be able to bear it."

This sentence became the last straw that overwhelmed Dijing's stubbornness.

"I understand."

"Grandma, you must keep an eye on them both..."

After saying that, he took the slippers and walked into the bathroom.

Just after digging into the bathroom and entering the bathroom, Grandma quietly approached Little Pidgeon Chubai and Redel: "Do you two also have important things to deal with?"

"You don't have to hide it from me. You two were chatting with those people in work clothes today, and I listened secretly."

She lowered her voice and continued: "I have dealt with that stupid boy. If you want to leave, do it now."

After hearing what Grandma said, Chu Bai couldn't laugh or cry.

Unexpectedly, grandma's acting skills were quite good, so she was fooled into the bathroom by Dijing.

But this was good, at least it avoided the conflict between himself and Redel when they were about to leave later.

Next to him, Redel looked at Grandma, his head shining, and he was speechless for a long time.

After a while, the grandma who received the telepathy asked: "What did you say, Ah Er? Maybe you won't come back after leaving this time?" "It's okay, don't worry about grandma, grandma's health is fine... cough Ahem, grandma will live a good life even if you are not here."

"And even if you leave, don't I still have Ada? Ada is also a good boy..."

"Grandma knows that you have your own things to be busy with. Grandma can understand."

"Okay, you guys should leave quickly, otherwise that stupid boy will come out later."

"Remember, don't use violence at will. Violence cannot solve problems."

After saying that, Grandma pushed Chu Bai and Redel out of the house.


the other side.

Inside Ueno Park.

In order to make it easier for Abbas to find themselves, the Victory Team chose an open space.

At this time, they are performing to show their strength.

Unfortunately, after everyone acted for a long time, Abbas, the culprit of the disappearance case, still showed no sign of showing up.

While Dagu pretended to attack the new city next to him, he whispered to Zongfang next to him: "Vice-captain, can this really attract Abbas?"

Deputy Captain Munakata: "The captain has informed the Information Department and spread the news that ordinary residents are prohibited from going out."

"If Abbas can really only move at night, then the only ones he can catch are us... Even if he doesn't notice us today due to some accidents, he will definitely take action against us tomorrow..."

Next to him, the Xincheng team member pretended to be punched away by Dagu, made an exaggerated expression, and whispered: "The vice-captain is right."

vice captain:"……"

"If he doesn't arrest us, there is another possibility."

"He saw through your poor acting skills! He knew this was a conspiracy against him!"

"Can't you two have better acting skills? Be more realistic with your actions?!"

Opposite, Dagu and Xincheng bowed their heads after being scolded.

But what Vice Captain Munakata said next made their eyes shine.

Vice Captain Zongfang walked over: "Come on, attack me! I'll show you what acting is!"

next moment!

The fists of Dagu and Shinjo fell on the face of Vice Captain Munakata almost at the same time.

Two heavy punches sent the undefended deputy captain Zongfang flying out!

Half a second later, Vice Captain Munakata landed on the ground, wiped his face, and got a bloody nose.

"nnd! Are you two really deadly?!"

Even without looking, Vice Captain Zongfang could guess the miserable state on his face at this moment.

These two guys are definitely seeking revenge!

"Hey, you two, stand there! It's my turn to punch!"

As a result, the fake fight that originally attracted Abbas became more and more fierce, and began to develop into a real fight...


Behind a bush next to the clearing, Little Pigmund Chubai and Redel carefully emerged from the ground.

After seeing the members of the Victory Team in internal strife, Redel asked in his soul: "Are they stupid?"

Chu Bai nodded with deep approval: "Well, probably so."

As soon as he finished speaking, a strange-looking spaceship appeared in the sky!
When Redel saw it, he immediately became energetic: "That's it! Abbas's spaceship!"

(End of this chapter)

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