Tiga: I, the cosmic bully Pigmon

Chapter 69 69 Little Pigmon: I hope I’m dazzled

Chapter 69 69. Little Pigmon: I hope I’m dazzled
"Lucia said Monster No. [-] has been helping her."

The Yerui team members told Lucia truthfully.

"So, Monster No. [-] is really just a simple and kind little monster." The touched Xincheng drank some water and said.

"I thought you would have seen it already."

Next to her, Lina, who had the most contact with Monster No. [-], was slightly dissatisfied.

"You see, we didn't do anything to Monster No. [-], and in a sense, the Victory Team is also protecting Monster No. [-]." Xincheng laughed dryly.

At this moment, the captain received a communication from Director Sawai.

"The news from Dr. Yatsuo is that the Mags power system can be put into testing. The testing time will be next week. They will conduct final debugging this week."

After hanging up the communication, Captain Hui looked at Team Lina.

As the ace pilot of the Victory Team, Lina is the perfect candidate for this new power system test.

"I understand."

Lina nodded, a light of expectation appeared in her eyes.

"I have heard people in the headquarters mention this term before, but what exactly does this power system do?" Dagu asked curiously.

"Dago, what do you think is the fastest thing moving in space?" Captain Hui Jian asked after hearing this question.

After thinking for a while, Da Gu said with some uncertainty: "Light?"

"That's right." Lina took over.

"So Dr. Yatsuo is a genius. He uses protons and antiprotons to collide and uses light as propulsion. This is the basis of the Mags power system."

"That's it...but I didn't quite understand it."

Dagu scratched his head with his hand, looking a little embarrassed.

"Dagu, you definitely didn't study physics carefully when you were in school." Lina joked.

Dagu did not deny it: "Who would be interested in physical formulas?"


at the same time.

The largest power plant in Tokyo, little Pidgeon Chubai crossed his legs, hummed an unknown song, and was very comfortable drawing electricity from the battery.

Soon, after draining the electricity, he got into the ground again with a satisfied expression on his face.

When passing some staff members underground, it was inevitable to overhear the discussions of several more staff members.

However, the gossip they chatted about was either so-and-so's family had left, or so-and-so's child was not theirs, and some people claimed to have seen a moving robot at night... Chubai was speechless after hearing this.

So after draining the electricity, Chu Bai directly used the geomobile to go to Grandma's house.

It's strange to say that Redel just left last night, but because he went through a lot of things today, Chu Bai felt as if he had been through it for a long time.

"A'er has left. Grandma will probably be sad for a while. Let's talk to her tonight."


After half an hour.

Little Pigu Mengchubai used the ground to move and sneaked into the courtyard of grandma's house.

It was evening at this time, and the small courtyard was extremely quiet, and no movement could be heard.

Chu Bai speculated that grandma might have gone out to buy groceries, so he opened the door and walked into the house without thinking too much.

If you put this behavior in someone else's house, it might be considered a break-in.

But Chu Bai had his own fallacy. Grandma regarded her as her own child, and she was going back to her own home, so how could she be considered 'trespassing'.

The living room is as clean, tidy and simple as ever.

When he came to this house before, he always regarded it as a temporary resting place, and he didn't notice it.

Now when I look carefully, I realize that the layout of my grandma's house is very harmonious, and the various home decorations are also of high quality. All kinds of daily necessities are piled neatly and meticulously.

Unexpectedly, my grandma, who keeps expired biscuits at home and makes do with meals every day, is also a person who pursues life very much.

After looking at it, Chu Bai turned his attention to the photo of his grandma's husband placed in the middle of the living room.

The grandma’s husband in the photo is about 50 or [-] years old. Although he is old, he still has a resolute face and sharp eyes.

"No wonder it attracted my grandma when she was young."

Chu Bai murmured.

As soon as he finished speaking, Chu Bai suddenly felt a strange feeling in his heart. He seemed to see his grandma's husband winking at him in the photo? !

"Are you dazzled?" Chu Bai lowered his head and rubbed his eyes with his little paws.

Looking at the photo again, I suddenly felt that the eyes in the photo seemed to be staring in a certain direction...

Chu Bai felt that maybe he was too tired these past two days and his eyesight was dazzled.

However, out of curiosity, he chose to follow his grandfather's eyes in the hallucination photo, and finally landed on the door of the back room where his grandmother lived.

Suddenly a bad premonition hit his heart, Chu Bai hurriedly stepped forward and opened the door.

The room inside the door was the same as outside, clean and tidy, except that the quilt on the tatami was not folded.

"No, the quilt is bulging and there is something underneath it. Could it be that grandma took a nap until dusk..."


Grandma is gone.

The doctor said the time of death was early yesterday morning.

Walked in a dream.

By the time Xiaopigu Meng Chubai reacted and rushed the sleeping grandma to the hospital, it was already too late.

That night, Grandma's children came back, contacted the funeral home, and took away Grandma's body.

Soon, various relatives of grandma came.

When they learned that it was a little monster that finally sent Grandma to the hospital, they were shocked and surprised; of course, there was also a lot of suspicion.

But what surprised Chu Bai was that grandma's children had been helping him explain.

Ordinary people who have no normal contact with monsters have a visceral fear of monsters, so even if Grandma's children suspect that they are the murderer who caused Grandma's death, Chu Bai will not have any surprises.

But unexpectedly, they didn't, and even called themselves to help grandma watch the night together.

At night, grandma's son knelt down in front of Chu Bai with tears in his eyes: "Thank you, Ada."

Chu Bai helped his grandma's son up with calm eyes, without saying a word from the beginning to the end.

The depressing night passed quickly.

The next day was grandma’s farewell ceremony.

After witnessing his grandma's body being put into the crematorium, Chu Bai left.

After leaving the funeral home, he wandered aimlessly on the streets.

For him, who has now become a monster, the death of human beings is a normal thing for him.

In the previous monster disaster, Chu Bai even saw someone being trampled into meat pies by monsters.

Therefore, things like separation between life and death should not cause any fluctuations in Chu Bai's heart.

Besides, grandma is really old.

However, Chu Bai still felt uncontrollably empty.

He hoped that grandma could stay in this world for a little longer, even if it was just one day.

That way at least I can talk to my grandma, say goodbye or something.

I had long made up my mind that after I could communicate with humans, I would spend more time chatting with Grandma to relieve my boredom.

Just one day late.

Just one day.

Chu Bai looked up at the gray sky.

I can’t figure out why there are such coincidences in the world.

At a certain moment, Chu Bai's thoughts went back to the early morning two days ago, when the meteor fell from the sky.

At this time, Chu Bai seemed to suddenly understand why he felt empty in his heart at that time.

"Grandma left at that time."

"A'er asked me to take good care of grandma before he left."

Whispering softly, Chu Bai was on the bustling city street. The setting sun stretched his little figure long and aimless, and he walked further and further away alone.

He has one less place to live in this world.

"Goodbye grandma."

(End of this chapter)

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