Tiga: I, the cosmic bully Pigmon

Chapter 73 72 Boiled Pigmon!

Chapter 73 72. Boiled Pigmon!
In the warehouse of the TPC Far East Sea Base, the small body Gobnujiga, which was treated as garbage by everyone, was squirming as if it had come to life collectively, and then found the corresponding mutilated body and connected it. Reassemble it into a complete small body Gobnujiga.

These mechanical life forms were resurrected like this!

The TPC's behavior of piling enemy corpses in its own base is tantamount to digging its own grave at this moment.

After hundreds of Zunge's small-bodied Bunyujiga gained the ability to move, they began to wander around the base and launch attacks, as if they were looking for something.


Commander room.

TPC executives and the Victory Team gathered here as soon as they received the relevant news, and everyone looked horrified.


"That scrap metal actually came to life again?"

The well digging team members were shocked.

The correspondent who came to report the news nervously urged: "Director, and officers, for the sake of safety, you should evacuate immediately!"

At the same time, Team Ye Rui, who was sitting in front of the computer, suddenly turned pale and said, "Player Lina is not wrong!"

Player Yerui’s fingers were beating rapidly on the keyboard.

"A huge island really appeared in outer space!"

Soon, a picture taken by a satellite was projected on the large screen in the commander's room.

The background of the picture is a dark cosmic space, but at this time, a huge island with a strange shape is quietly suspended in this space.

The picture was taken from bottom to top, so everyone on the Victory Team could see that the bottom of the island was covered with regular metal material.

It was obvious that this island was not an ordinary meteorite, but was made by some intelligent life form.

"According to calculations, the diameter of this space island is about 3 kilometers." Team member Ye Rui reported another series of data nervously.

"Why did such a big island suddenly appear above the earth? Could it be that aliens came to our doorstep?" The well-digger team members frowned.

This kind of thing that usually sounds extremely outrageous seems much more reasonable now...

However, just when everyone was shocked and confused by the sudden appearance of the island outside the earth, the voice of Lina's team member rang out in the communication channel.

"I see that island again!"

"Team Lina, you are not dazzled. We all saw it this time."

This time the Xincheng team member smiled bitterly.

However, what Team Lina said immediately made everyone present stop laughing!
Lina: "That island seems to be attacking something! I just saw electromagnetic sparks appearing on the metal bottom of the island!"

next moment!

A thick blue-white lightning seemed to fall from outer space and landed on the neon Tokyo Bay.

The Far East Base headquarters is not far from Tokyo Bay. At this moment, everyone in the command room could even hear the huge explosion after lightning hit the building.

After that, lightning fell one after another on the space island.

"Boom - boom -"

One vibration came after another.

The entire Tokyo Bay was instantly covered in flames.

"No, the lightning strike is getting closer to our base. The target of that island... is us!"

Yerui team members came to the conclusion after some analysis.


"It's so deceiving!!"

Upon hearing this, the fiery Chief Yoshioka punched the table.

"This is a declaration of war on the TPC."

Director Sawai finally realized the seriousness of the matter at this moment.

After two seconds of silence, Director Sawai decisively ordered, "Victory team, pilot the Atdis and launch a counterattack against the unknown island!"

"But Director, the Atdis is still..."

Captain Hui Jian tries to calm the director down.

The Atdis is a giant aircraft carrier developed by TPC, with a total length of 150 meters and equipped with the most advanced Magus power system.

However, the Magus power system has just been put into practical testing and is full of uncertainties, let alone a giant mothership equipped with the Magus power system.

However, Director Sawai raised his hand to interrupt what Megumi was going to say next, and said firmly, "The enemy will not give us a chance to hesitate."

"Corina is not back yet. She is the best driver of the Victory Team and the most familiar with the newly developed Atdis..." the well-digger said worriedly.

"I'll drive." At this time, deputy captain Zongfang stood up.

Then, he felt the shocked and confused eyes of his teammates, and immediately replied with a serious face: "Hey, don't think I just shout slogans."

"Okay, that's it. Munakata will temporarily serve as the main pilot of the Atdis, and you will pick up the Shirayuki driven by Lina halfway. Victory team, attack!"

Director Sawai ordered.

"What about the resurrected Steel Mask Man in the base?" Dagu looked at the director worriedly.

"There are still so many people in TPC."

When Chief Yoshioka heard this, his expression showed impatience.

"Let's go now!"

The voice just fell!


Another bolt of thunder fell from outer space and struck the sea near the Far East Base.

This attack was closer than the previous ones, and the huge waves caused by the lightning strike even made the Far East Base with a solid foundation seem to be trembling slightly.


off base.

The little Pidgeon Chubai who was waiting in the sea was very unlucky enough to be affected by a falling thunder. The surrounding sea water boiled, and almost became a boiled Pidgeon. He even spit out a puff of black smoke from his mouth.

"Oh, why don't you be so accurate? It just happens to fall on me!"

Chu Bai cursed and left quickly.

Then, the anger on his face was replaced by surprise.

Because he saw the vibrations in the Far East base ahead becoming more obvious.

This means that Gobnujiga is about to rush out!


On the other side, the F4 hangar of the Far East Base.

The small body Gobnujiga, whose target is Max's power system, comes here to wreak havoc.

In order to stop these robots and allow his teammates to board the ship smoothly, Dagu took the initiative to stay and help stop these steel plate masks.

Soon, Atdis entered the launch orbit and successfully flew out of the Far East base.

The people in the Steel Plate Mask suddenly exploded as if they suddenly went crazy.


The special propulsion device behind them sprayed out unknown gas, pushing their steel bodies and crashing into the hangar wall wildly.

"Kuang, kuang——!"

A huge sound echoed throughout the base.



The barrier was breached and seawater poured in.

And these steel masked people followed the gap they had just made and rushed into the sea outside.


In the sea outside the Far East Base.

Little Pigumeng Chubai, who had been waiting for a long time, finally found his prey.

I saw these small-sized Gobnujiga merging in the sea after rushing out of the Far East base!

As the two-meter-tall robots merged and spliced ​​together, a few seconds later, a 60-meter-tall giant Gobnujiga finally appeared!
Chu Bai, who had been waiting for a long time, quickly touched it and stretched out his tentacles excitedly.


The tentacles extended out and wrapped around Gobnujiga's waist in an instant.

[Giant Gobnujiga is being extracted. Please keep the host in close contact for 25 seconds. Once disconnected during this period, the extraction progress will be reset. 】

After the sound of the system sounded, the little Pigmund Chubai pestering Gobnujiga was like a pendant, always hanging on Jiga's back.

As for Gobnujiga, who had a clear purpose, it seemed as if he didn't sense Chu Bai's presence. He raised his steps and moved "clang clang clang-" on the seabed towards the Far East base in front of him.

However, just after taking two steps, Ultraman Tiga appeared and stopped in front of it.

(End of this chapter)

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