Tiga: I, the cosmic bully Pigmon

Chapter 79 Could Monster No. 781 be a model worker? !

Chapter 79 78. Could Monster No. [-] be a model worker? !

After Pigumeng Chubai took off and flew out of the mechanical island, Oguma, who was unwilling to accept it, jumped up and flew over with a "Whoosh!" and grabbed Chu Bai's ankle.

When Chu Bai saw this, he felt a little panicked.

If this guy is determined to continue with him, he won't be able to last long in outer space with his own energy reserves, and he may not be able to wait for Tiga to come to support him in the end.

Therefore, at this time of life and death, Chubai kicked Oguma on the head fiercely.

Then, Pigmon, who had reddish-brown skin, transformed into an angry Pikachu. When he turned his head, a flash of electric light appeared on the top corner of his head.


With a blast of electricity, a strong current struck Oguma's hand hard.

Then, Chu Bai took advantage of Oguma's daze to quickly cancel the giant state.

After shrinking his body, the little Pidgeon Chubai got rid of the control, but the danger has not been completely eliminated.

After that, the little Pidgeon Chubai exploded at the fastest flying speed in his life. "Whoosh!" With a sudden sound, it turned into a red stream of light and rushed towards the Atdis driven by the victory team in the distance.

Behind him, Oguma saw that the intruder had left the range of the Machine Island and stopped pursuing it.

"I hope next time I see you, I will see your body."

In the universe, little Pidgeon Chubai looked back and cursed.


Next to the Atdis.


Laser emission.

The Shengli Feiyan [-], which escorted the mothership, cleared away the robots that tried to approach the Atdis one after another.

"Hey, monster No. [-] has appeared again. Where did this guy go just now?"

Xincheng asked curiously when he noticed that Monster No. [-] appeared in his sight.

"I don't know. I just saw it moving towards the location of the mechanical island..." the well-digger replied in the team's communication channel.

"I just said that there is something evil about Monster No. [-] following us here... Its purpose is most likely not to help us, but the Machine Island."

The Xincheng team member controlling the Shengli Feiyan No. [-] analyzed the situation after yanking the operating lever and avoiding a suicide attack by a robot.

"Why do you think so much? As long as it does not conflict with our interests, then it is our friend..." Vice Captain Munakata, who was driving the Shirayuki, replied.

At this moment, the figure of Little Pigu Meng Chubai passed by the Snow White...

Vice Captain Munakata: "Monster No. [-] flew straight towards the earth!"

"Haha, vice-captain, the friend you mentioned seems to have abandoned us."

The Xincheng players found this scene a bit funny.

Lina team member on the Atdis corrected: "Human beings should not place their hopes on monsters. When we were cleaning up those robots just now, Monster No. [-] has already helped us a lot."

"In a few more minutes, the Atdis will be fully recharged..."

"Xincheng, Dijing, deputy captain, you must hold on!"


"By the way, why did Monster No. [-] become so black? It looks like it was blasted by a cannon."

Dugu, who was piloting the Shengli Feiyan [-], watched the No. [-] monster fly away, thoughtfully.

"That little guy may have just experienced a fierce battle." Vice Captain Zongfang guessed.


the other side.

outside the Earth's atmosphere.

After flying here, Little Pigumeng Chubai looked back specifically.

The victory team is still resisting the offensive tenaciously, and it should not be difficult to survive three and 10 minutes.

After confirming that nothing would go wrong with the Victory Team, Chu Bai accelerated his return to Earth.

He has become a monster. Helping humans is a matter of affection, but not helping is a duty.

And he had just experienced a fierce battle with Oguma, and the whole beast was almost electrocuted into large pieces of barbecue. He really didn't have time to care about others.Right now, the first thing he has to do is to return to Earth to recuperate.

As for seeking revenge on Oguma...

Just think about it.

Anyway, human beings are no longer at odds with the Machine Island, and Diga will help him get his place back.


At sea outside TPC's Far East base.

Dagu was lying on a floating object in the sea water, his hands constantly pulling in the sea water, trying to row back to the base.

In the previous battle with Gobnujiga in the sea, the Ultraman Tiga he transformed exhausted all his energy, and finally disintegrated into a human body before he could even fly away.

This was the most embarrassing time for Dagu to undo his transformation since he had the power to transform into a giant.

Fortunately, he was clever and found a floating object on the sea, and thus escaped from being drowned.

At this moment, Dagu, who was worried about the safety of his teammates, just wanted to return to the base as soon as possible.

"Damn it, I'm pulling slowly with my hands and feet like this, when will I be able to swim back..."

At a certain moment, Dagu, who was always emotionally stable, hurriedly slapped the sea with his hand.

At this moment, a speedboat with the TPC logo appeared on the sea in the distance, and Dagu quickly waved to attract the other party's attention.

Soon, he was pulled onto the boat by the Yerui team members who came to the rescue.

"What's going on inside the headquarters now?"

After boarding the boat, Dagu took a few breaths and asked worriedly.

"Except for a big hole in the F4 hangar, there are no problems."

Ye Rui said, raising his hand and reaching for the huge metal fragments next to the speedboat. These fragments were the wreckage of Gobnujiga after the explosion.

"Do you want to take this back to study?" Dagu stepped forward and offered his hand.

"Yes, maybe we can establish communication with them and understand why these steel masked men attack humans." Ye Rui explained.

"By the way, how are Lina and the others? They should have arrived in outer space by now, right?" Dagu asked immediately.

"Yes, at the moment they are driving the Atdis and Monster No. [-] to engage in a fierce battle with robots in outer space." Ye Rui nodded in reply.

Dagu felt for a moment that there was something wrong with his ears.

"Monster number one?"

"Wasn't it in the sea just now? When did it go to outer space?"

Ye Rui explained patiently: "Just after the huge steel masked man exploded, Monster No. [-] followed the Atdis flying into outer space. During the battle between Atdis and the robot, it also helped the Atdis. It’s been a lot of work…”

Dagu: "..."

Could it be that Monster No. [-] is a model worker?
Just helped him defeat the giant steel masked man, took off directly, and caught up with the Atdis?
By the way, is it already flying so fast?
After a long silence, Dagu suddenly said with emotion: "It's so convenient for monsters to move on the earth."

There is no time limit for activities, and you can use your power freely. If the transformed Tiga can do the same, why worry about not bringing peace to the earth?

Just when Dagu felt envious, a strange voice suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Robots and humans, fight to the death, beware of robots."


On the speedboat, Dagu chewed on the voice that just appeared in his head.

"Dago, what are you talking about?"

Next to him, Ye Rui had a strange expression.

"Member Yerui, didn't you hear that?" Dagu frowned.

Ye Rui shook his head in confusion: "No."

"That might be my imagination..."

Dagu's eyes narrowed, but as soon as he finished speaking, he noticed the huge red shadow cruising under the speedboat.

(End of this chapter)

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