Tiga: I, the cosmic bully Pigmon

Chapter 84 83 Chu Bai: Am I a scum beast? !

Chapter 84 83. Chu Bai: Am I a scum beast? !

"Okay, let's go."

After the extraction was completed, Pigumeng Chubai withdrew the tentacles that bound the demon, as ruthlessly as a man who had lifted up his pants and refused to recognize anyone.

The devil was also stunned.

He had clearly shown such fervent desire for himself just now, so why did he fall out of love faster than flipping through a book?
However, he has said so, and now that he is sticking up, it seems that he is worthless.

Just when the female demon felt that her mind was getting more and more confused, Pigmund Chubai raised his head and met her eyes.

When their eyes met, the female demon goddess panicked for a moment.

However, the next moment, the words that came out of this little monster's mouth made her fall into the ice cave.

"Remember not to harm Durban when you go back. Continuing to operate on Earth will be a recipe for death for you."

Aineng Mena: "..."

So, love disappears, right?
In its heart, I am actually not as important as that stupid Durban?
What did all that just happened mean?

After two or three seconds of silence, the demon moved out of dimensions and disappeared in front of Chu Bai.

But at the last moment before leaving, she cast a resentful look at Chu Bai, accompanied by an angry accusation.

"Slag beast?"

Pigumeng Chubai chewed on the words Enengmei scolded him before leaving, and felt that his brain was a little exhausted.

I'm not very good, I just admire the beauty of the female demon goddess, and I released her after extracting it, without leaving her missing arms or legs...

And in the end, he kindly reminded her not to hurt Durban and not to come to Earth again.

Forget it she was the one she encountered this time. Next time she encounters the horn-severing madman Diga, maybe one shot of Pelli Ao's ray will leave her dead.

"These female demons are just not satisfied."

After thinking for a long time, Chu Bai, who couldn't understand the psychology of the female devil, commented.

Subsequently, Chu Bai released his giant form.

The sun has set, but the city of Hakodate is bustling with activity at this time.

Harsh and noisy sounds, one after another.

Human beings are still affected by the violent electromagnetic waves and are attacking each other crazily.

Little Pigumeng Chubai looked at this scene with some regret.

Obviously when I first came here, these citizens were very good people.

"Sure enough, a normal mental state is the first priority for living creatures." Little Pidgeon Chubai sighed with emotion.

At this moment, he had a different understanding of the [happy mind] he had drawn from Durban.

After wandering around the ruined Hakodate City, Chubai was ready to return to Tokyo.

Although it was fun to watch others fight, my status was sensitive and it would be bad if the relevant departments regarded me as an enemy.

At night, in the dark Central Park, the little Pidgeon Chubai used the medium to move underground, preparing to go underground.

However, as soon as half of his body got into the soil, a harsh sound suddenly came from behind his butt.


Chu Bai heard the sound of braking, so he pulled his head out of the ground again and looked behind him in confusion.

What just braked was a strange-looking pickup truck. It was rare to see such a pickup truck with messy decorations, so Chu Bai recognized it at a glance. It was the one from the Monster Circus.

Why haven't these people left yet?

Did they come back to thank me?
No, how did they know they were in Central Park?

Under the puzzled eyes of little Pigumeng Chubai, the driver's door of the minivan opened, and a man with clown makeup hurriedly ran out of the car.

After getting out of the car, the man quickly rushed to Chubai, the little Pugumeng, and grabbed Chubai's paw: "Monster-kun! Leader! Leader and the others are gone!"

Chu Bai: "??"

If you lose someone, just look for him. You're not a police officer!
But considering the current chaos in Hakodate City, the police may not be able to spare time.

But I don’t know anything about finding people.

While little Pidgeon Chubai was stunned, the little monster Durban also got out of the car and rushed towards him quickly.

Unfortunately, before it even took two steps, it fell to the ground with a "duang~" sound.Finally, Durban rolled and crawled in front of Chu Bai and grabbed the other paw of the little Pidgeon Chu Bai.

Chu Bai: "..."

"Maybe the leader and others became violent under the influence of electromagnetic waves and went out to smash and loot."

"Durban, take a walk around the city to eliminate the effects of these violent attacks. They should be back soon." Chu Bai said to Durban in front of him.

Durban replied: "Eh~"

Chu Bai understood: "Huh?"

"You said that on the way here, you have successfully eliminated the impact of violent electromagnetic waves on this city?"

"No wonder you are so weak now..."

"I'm so tired that I can't even breathe. Durban, you are really kind."

"It's okay then. Maybe the group leader will contact you later."


"What? You said that the leader did not disappear under the influence of the devil, but was captured by others?"

"Who will arrest him..."

"Did you see a weirdo with a black bird head? Is it true?"

"What, really, they beat you up while they were arresting you?"

"This is too abominable! It's so inhumane!"

"...Okay, I understand this matter."

Next to him, the man in a clown suit looked confused.

He couldn't understand the babbling language of the monster, but he judged from his demeanor that the monster's demeanor had softened, and he should be willing to help.

So, having no other choice, he grabbed the paws of the little Pidgeon Chubai and cried: "Monster, the leader was most likely kidnapped by aliens when I released the water. It is useless to call the police on this kind of thing." , you must help us."

"If you can help us stop the demon, you can definitely find the leader, right?"

"Monster-kun, don't worry, as long as you can rescue the two leaders, our circus will be grateful!"

Chu Bai: "..."

This feeling is very strange. This is the first time that he has truly accepted a human commission.

And Chu Bai planned to take it.

It's not that he's overflowing with sympathy, or that he really wants the circus gift of thanks, but because the group that captured the leader are probably aliens, and he can extract aliens to become stronger.

In fact, after listening to Durban's description of the weirdos who kidnapped the group leader, he had already roughly guessed the murderer - the abductor of the spaceman, the Lebian nemesis!

The cosmic beings with crow heads from the P413 nebula, they capture earthlings in order to take earthlings back and use them as slaves!

However, even though he knew the other party's identity, it was still difficult to find the spaceman's hideout relying solely on his own strength.

So Little Pidgeon Chubai used telepathy to communicate with the clown man: "Contact TPC."

After hearing Monster-kun's instructions, Clown Man immediately stood up straight: "Okay! I understand!"


TPC Far East Base.

Commander room.

The phone rang for a while and was answered by the captain.

"There is an incident of monsters capturing humans in Hakodate City?"

"The opponent has a head similar to that of a crow? He also has a gun in his hand that can shrink humans with light?"

"Did you see this information with your own eyes?"

"No? A monster told you?!"

"Okay, I understand, the victory team will be here soon!"

(End of this chapter)

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