Immortality: Start by seizing opportunities from friends

Chapter 104 How can you build the 9th level of foundation?

Chapter 104 How can you reach the ninth level of foundation building?

"Brother, Qin Zhenshou thinks you are at the ninth level of Qi training!"

"Brother, show your strength and let Qin Zhenshou see it!"

"Show him how big the gap is between you!"


Many of the younger brothers laughed loudly.

These younger brothers all know that Wang Mingyuan's cultivation level has reached the first level of foundation building.

The previous guards were all killed by Wang Mingyuan.

In their view, there was no problem at all for Wang Mingyuan to kill a monk at the tenth level of Qi training.

"Shou Qin!"

"My cultivation level has already been established at the first level!"

As Wang Mingyuan spoke, he revealed his first-level foundation cultivation.

The terrifying pressure instantly enveloped the entire mine.

His younger brothers were also directly shaken back several steps by this terrifying pressure.

"First level of foundation building?"

Qin Feng smiled and then said: "The guards in the past were all killed by you!"

"Zhengshou Qin, you understand now, isn't it a little late?"

Wang Mingyuan didn't hide anything at all.

After all, in his heart, Qin Feng was already a dead man, and it was impossible for him to go to Tianjian Sect to complain.

"Brother, your pressure seems to be of no use to him!"

The monk with the pointed mouth and monkey cheeks seemed to have discovered something was wrong.

Wang Mingyuan is a foundation-building monk, and even his younger brothers are suppressed by this terrifying pressure.

A few people even knelt directly on the ground.

Qin Feng seemed to have no reaction at all.


Wang Mingyuan looked at Qin Feng with a puzzled look.

He didn't understand at all how his pressure had no impact on Qin Feng.

"Haha, how can the pressure of the first level of Foundation Establishment be useful to me!"

Qin Feng laughed.

"Just the first level of foundation building?"

I don’t know why, but Wang Mingyuan had a bad thought in his heart.
It seemed that Qin Feng standing in front of him was a peerless master.

"Your Excellency is sent by the sect to investigate"?
Wang Mingyuan asked doubtfully.

Qin Feng did not answer Wang Mingyuan's words, but instead used the pressure of the ninth level of foundation building to crush Wang Mingyuan and others.

The terrifying pressure directly pressed many monks to the ground.

Even Wang Mingyuan, who was at the first level of Foundation Establishment, was suppressed to the ground.

"Foundation Nine Layers!"

"What's going on here?"

"How can a small spiritual stone mine come to build a strong man at the ninth level of foundation?"
Wang Mingyuan's face was full of confusion.

This spirit stone mine is a small spirit stone mine.

Usually, monks who practice Qi Dzogchen are guarding the Lingshi Mine.

But Wang Mingyuan never expected that a master of the ninth level of foundation building would come today.

"damn it!"

"It's all your fault for letting me kill the guard of the Lingshi Mine!"

"Now the sect has sent a strong man!"

Wang Mingyuan roared at the monk with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, and he wanted to beat the monk to death.

It was all this monk's idea.

Otherwise, he would not have killed the former monks.

The other monks also looked at the monk with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks with hatred.

The monk with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks was about to cry.

He never thought that in order to deal with them, the sect would actually send a strong man of the ninth level of Foundation Establishment.

"Thank you for helping me discover the Fire Spirit Stone and the third-level rush!"

"Don't worry, I will make sure you don't have any pain!"

Qin Feng said with a smile.

"Third-order rushes?"

Wang Mingyuan looked at Qin Feng in shock.

At this moment, he still didn't understand that the third-order rush he had hidden in the cave had already been discovered by Qin Feng.

It's ridiculous that he thought Qin Feng was just a loser.

The third-order rushes he hid could not be found at all.

"No, you can't kill me!"

"I am a subordinate of the Bone Demon Taoist!"

Wang Mingyuan shouted loudly.

At the same time, he struggled to get up.

It's just that he was suppressed by Qin Feng's pressure and couldn't get up at all. "Go!"

Qin Feng waved his hand, and a huge net appeared in mid-air.

This is the dragnet that Qin Feng cultivated some time ago.

It is also an honor for these people to die under the dragnet.



Wang Mingyuan and others shouted loudly.

It's just that they have been locked in a dragnet and it is impossible to escape.

In the next moment, everyone was reduced to ashes in the dragnet.

Even Wang Mingyuan disappeared without a trace.

"Fire spirit stone!"

Looking at the red light in front of him, Qin Feng felt very excited.

"Go to Fangshi to buy some puppets to dig for fire spirit stones!"

Qin Feng has already made a decision in his heart.

That is to buy some puppets to mine fire spirit stones.

But before leaving the spirit stone mine, he had to hide the fire spirit stone.

At the same time, a third-level formation must be set up outside the Lingshi Mine.

Only in this way can others discover the secret of the spirit stone mine.

Qin Feng stretched out his hand, and some materials appeared on the ground.

This material is the material of the third-order magic array.

There is a third-order magic formation here, and it is impossible for the many miners in the spirit stone mine to discover the fire spirit stone here.

Flowing fire sect.


Qin Feng's figure appeared in the city of Flowing Fire Sect.

Because Qin Feng is now the guard of the Lingshi Mine.

He cannot leave the spirit stone mine easily.

So Qin Feng came to the city of Flowing Fire Sect.

"Wu's Puppet Shop!"

Qin Feng searched for more than half an hour before he found a puppet shop in Fangshi.

"Fellow Taoist, what do you need?"

Seeing Qin Feng walk in, the shopkeeper greeted him enthusiastically.

The shopkeeper of this shop is an old man with a mustache.

"Do you have any puppets here who dig the spirit stone mine?"

Qin Feng said as he looked around the store.

"Yes, yes"

After the shopkeeper finished speaking, he pointed to the dozen giant iron puppets on the right.

"Fellow Taoist, these are the secret puppets in our shop!"

“Mining is very powerful!”

"A body with a thousand spiritual stones!"

The shopkeeper raised a finger.

"Only a thousand spirit stones?"

"Why don't those sects buy the puppet mining spirit stone mine?"

Qin Feng said as he walked to the iron puppet.

"Fellow Taoist, you don't know something. This puppet needs a spiritual stone every day to activate it!"

"And iron puppets are also easily damaged!"

"It's not as convenient as the miners at all!"

The shopkeeper explained.

Qin Feng nodded slightly, but did not speak.

A miner's monthly salary is only a few spiritual stones.

An iron puppet requires more than 30 spiritual stones to be activated for one month.

"I want all of these puppets!"

Qin Feng pointed at the puppet and said.

"A total of eight thousand spirit stones!"

The shopkeeper's face was full of excitement.

He didn't expect that such a big order would come in today.

Eight puppets were sold at once.

"Fellow Taoist, this is your puppet!"

The shopkeeper quickly handed a storage bag to Qin Feng.

"Thank you buddy!"

After Qin Feng finished speaking, he handed over the eight thousand spirit stones.

(End of this chapter)

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