Immortality: Start by seizing opportunities from friends

Chapter 108 Why is there no spirit stone?

Chapter 108 Why is there no spirit stone?
"Let's go find other spiritual stone mines!"

The Four Ghosts of Nanshan gritted their teeth and then ran towards the distance.

Although the other younger brothers were very unwilling.

But now there is no way.

You can only choose a new spirit stone mine to rob.

Inside the Lingshi Mine.

Long Xuntian looked at the formation ahead with a gloomy expression.

Originally he thought it was just an ordinary formation.

He can easily break this formation from within.

But who would have thought that this formation would be very strange.

No matter how he attacks.

There are no flaws.

"Damn it, what kind of formation is this!"

Long Xuntian cursed fiercely.

"Fellow Daoist Long, if you don't sleep at night, what are you doing here?"

At this time, a cold snort came from not far away.

"Qin Feng, Guard Qin!"

Long Xuntian's expression suddenly changed.

He never thought that Qin Feng would appear here.

"I didn't do anything without me!"

"I'm just out for a walk!"

Long Xuntian defended loudly.

"Go shopping?"

Qin Feng shook his head slightly, and then said: "Is it necessary to visit the large formation that attacks the spirit stone mine?"

Although Long Xuntian's friendship value towards Qin Feng is negative.

But Qin Feng did not find trouble with Long Xuntian.

Unexpectedly, this Long Xuntian, out of ignorance, actually attacked the formation on the Lingshi Mine.

I want to let the four Nanshan ghosts outside come in.

"Qin Feng. I am Long Xuntian, and we are from the same hometown!"

"Fifteen years ago, we joined the Tianjian Sect together!"

Long Xuntian quickly played the emotional card.

"Ha ha!"

Qin Feng smiled and then said: "For the sake of my fellow countrymen, I will give you a whole corpse. You can commit suicide!"

Qin Feng waved his hand, and a long sword appeared in front of Long Xuntian.

Long Xuntian looked at the long sword at his feet, and then at Qin Feng with his hands behind his back.

He gritted his teeth for the last time, picked up the long sword on the ground, and rushed towards Qin Feng.

Although he is only at the second level of Qi training, he cannot be Qin Feng's opponent.

But he doesn't want to die just yet.

If he could stab Qin Feng with this long sword, he might still have a chance to survive.


It's just that Long Xuntian's imagination was very beautiful. Before he got close to Qin Feng, he was hit by a bolt of lightning.

Long Xuntian turned into ashes before he even let out any screams.


Qin Feng shook his head slightly, and then chased after the four ghosts of Nanshan.

If Long Xuntian's friendship value towards Qin Feng is not negative.

For the sake of being a fellow countryman, Qin Feng still gave some advice to Long Xuntian.

Outside the Tianjian Sect Lingshi Mine.

The Four Ghosts of Nanshan and others came here.

"Brother, I have found out that the guard of this spirit stone mine is Chen Haidong!"

"His cultivation is the Great Perfection of Foundation Establishment!"

The gray-clothed monk said excitedly.

"Foundation Great Perfection?"

"Why are you so excited?"

The four Nanshan ghosts looked at the gray-clothed monk with puzzled expressions.

They are all a group of monks practicing Qi Dzogchen.

It is impossible to rob the spirit stone mine where the foundation-building monks are stationed.

What's more, Chen Haidong's cultivation has reached the foundation of Dzogchen.

It was impossible for them to rob the spirit stone mine guarded by Chen Haidong.

"Brother, the guard of this spirit stone mine will go back to Tianjian Sect tonight to buy healing medicine!"

The gray monk said with a smile.

"Returning to the Heavenly Sword Sect?"

When the four ghosts of Nanshan heard this, their faces were filled with joy.

If Chen Haidong really returns to Tianjian Sect.

Then they can definitely rob this spirit stone mine easily.

"Let's hide first!"

After the Nanshan Four Ghosts finished speaking, they took many of their younger brothers and hid in the woods not far from the Lingshi Mine.

A few hours later, a sword light flew out of the Lingshi Mine and rushed towards the Tianjian Sect.

"Brother, the guard of the Lingshi Mine is gone!"

"Let's move quickly!"

Many of the younger brothers were very excited.

"No rush, just wait for an hour!"

"We'll wait until the guards are far away before we take action!"

The four Nanshan ghosts shook their heads slightly.

Today, Jian Zong's guard has not gone far that day.If we act at this time, the guards of the Lingshi Mine might come back.

An hour later, the four ghosts of Nanshan stood up and rushed towards the Lingshi Mine.

The formation of this spirit stone mine is just a first-level ordinary formation.

The Nanshan Four Ghosts and others only attacked for a few minutes before breaking the formation.

"Hahaha, the formation is broken!"

"Brothers, go grab the spirit stone!"

The four ghosts of Nanshan shouted excitedly.

"Enemy attack!"

"Notify the guard quickly!"

"Oops, some casual cultivators are coming in!"


There was a sudden chaos in the Lingshi Mine. Many stewards organized guards and began to resist the Four Ghosts of Nanshan.

Although the cultivation level of these stewards and guards is not very high.

But there are so many of them.

It would take at least half an hour for the Nanshan Four Ghosts and others to capture these people.

At the same time, Qin Feng had arrived outside the Lingshi Mine.

He also saw a conflict between the Four Ghosts of Nanshan and the manager of the Lingshi Mine.

But Qin Feng didn't help anyone.

Instead, he quickly ran towards the storage room.

It would take at least half an hour for the Four Ghosts of Nanshan and these stewards to decide the winner.

Qin Feng has enough time to seize these spiritual stones and centering stones.

A few minutes later, Qin Feng arrived at the storage room of the Lingshi Mine.

At this moment, the storage room is full of spirit stones.

"There are actually more than 30!"

"I'm afraid that's half a year's income!"

Looking at the spirit stones in the storage room, Qin Feng felt very excited.

He didn't expect that he would get so many spiritual stones during a trip here.

Qin Feng waved his hand gently, and all the spirit stones in the storage room were received into his storage ring.

At this moment, Qin Feng felt no burden at all.

Chen Haidong's spirit stone mine is missing so many spirit stones, it is impossible to suspect him.

They will only hunt down the four ghosts in Nanshan.

After all, this spirit stone mine was robbed by the Four Ghosts of Nanshan.

"And a centering stone!"

Qin Feng's figure moved and quickly ran towards a garrison.

He had seen it by chance.

There is a centering stone in the garrison.

A few minutes later, Qin Feng arrived at the garrison.

A red stone was also found there.

[Centering Stone: A special treasure. When you break through, put the centering stone aside to be immune to the attacks of the inner demon! 】

After Qin Feng put away the stone, he quickly left here.

He did not go to kill the Four Ghosts of Nanshan and others.

He also needs the Four Ghosts of Nanshan to take the blame for him.

With the four ghosts of Nanshan around, the people of the demon clan will not doubt other people.

After more than half an hour of fighting.

After paying the price of several of their subordinates, the Four Ghosts of Nanshan killed all the resistance forces in the Lingshi Mine.

"Brother, we've made it this time!"

"There must be hundreds of thousands of spiritual stones in this spiritual stone mine!"

"This is a medium spirit stone mine!"

"By robbing this place, I think I can build a foundation!"

"The yellow-level high-grade magic weapon that I have been thinking about for a long time can now be purchased!"


Many monks were very excited.

They all know that there are many spiritual stones in this spiritual stone mine.

If they get the spirit stones from this spirit stone mine, they can buy the treasures they want.

"Come on, let's go to the storage room together!"

The Four Ghosts of Nanshan led many monks towards the storage room.

The Four Ghosts of Nanshan have robbed the spirit stone mines several times.

I also know that all the spirit stones in the spirit stone mine are in the storage room.

Just enter the storage room and they will give you a lot of spiritual stones.

Soon the Four Ghosts of Nanshan led many monks into the storage room.

Just walked into the storage room.

The excitement on the faces of the Nanshan Four Ghosts and others disappeared immediately.

Because they found that there were no treasures or spiritual stones in the storage room.

"What's going on here?"

"Why is the pantry empty?"

"Has the guard already taken the spirit stone away?"


Looking at the empty storage room.

Many monks could not accept it.

Because they went through a lot of hard work to capture this spiritual stone mine.

Unexpectedly, there were no treasures at all in the storage room of this spiritual stone mine.

(End of this chapter)

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