Chapter 114 I have let you go

Outside the Lingshi Mine, somewhere in a valley.

Qin Feng took several storage bags and flew towards the Tianjian Sect with his flying sword.

These storage bags are all filled with spiritual stones handed over to the sect.


When Qin Feng flew over the valley, a loud noise came from below.

Then streaks of light emerged from the valley.

These rays of light quickly gathered into a large formation.

The moment the formation just took shape, a terrifying force of gravity came over from the top of the formation.

"Second-order gravity array!"

Qin Feng immediately recognized that this formation was a second-order gravity formation.

Although this gravity formation did not have much impact on Qin Feng.

But Qin Feng still lowered his figure.

I want to see who is down here.

As Qin Feng landed on the ground, three men walked out from the side.

The first person was Chen Dongming, who left not long ago.

On his left is a middle-aged man carrying a long sword, and on his right is an old man holding a long sword.

"Deacon Chen?"

Qin Feng didn't have much doubts.

After all, not long ago, Chen Dongming's friendship score with him had dropped to [-] points.

"Hahaha, Chief Qin and we meet again!"

Chen Dongming's face was full of smiles.

It seems that everything here is already under his control.

"Deacon Chen, what on earth do you want to do when you block my way?"

Qin Feng looked at Chen Dongming coldly.

"What do you want to do?"

Chen Dongming smiled twice and then said: "Obviously hand over all the spirit stones you have!"

"I, the deacon, can keep your whole body intact!"

"Deacon Chen, this is the sect's spiritual stone. Do you dare to steal it?"

Qin Feng said as he took out the storage bag.

"Hahaha, as long as you die here, no one will know that we stole the spirit stone!"

Chen Dongming laughed loudly.

He didn't even look at Qin Feng.

It seems that Qin Feng has already put the meat on the chopping board.

After Chen Dongming finished laughing, he looked at the middle-aged man, and then nodded: "Junior Brother Li, kill this man and get the spirit stone."

"As ordered!"

Junior Brother Li cupped his hands and rushed towards Qin Feng with his long sword.

"Lightning technique!"

Looking at Junior Brother Li who was rushing towards him, Qin Feng waved his hand lightly, and a bolt of thunder and lightning fell directly.


There was only a soft sound, and the lightning technique hit Junior Brother Li directly on the head.

Junior Brother Li didn't even struggle, he fell directly to the ground without any chance of breathing.

"Foundation-Building Monk".Chen Dongming let out a shocking cry. He had never thought that Qin Feng was actually a foundation-building monk.

Moreover, he could kill Junior Brother Li with one blow.

"Haha, foundation-building monk?"

Qin Feng shook his head slightly, and then a terrifying pressure burst out from his body.

This coercion was very powerful. As soon as it came into contact with Chen Dongming and the old man, it suppressed them both to the ground.

"Cultivator Jindan?"

"You are a golden elixir monk!"

Chen Dongming's expression suddenly changed.

He never thought that the guard at the Lingshi Mine was actually a strong man of the Golden Pill.

If he had known that Qin Feng was a strong man in the golden elixir, how could he have ambushed Qin Feng here?

Moreover, how could a strong Jindan person come to guard the Lingshi Mine?

"Deacon Chen, are you going to rob me now?"

Qin Feng walked up to Chen Dongming with a smile.


Chen Dongming's face was full of frustration.

He couldn't understand that Qin Feng was a strong man in the golden elixir.

"Deacon Chen, what does your demon tribe's special sacrifice mean?"

Qin Feng looked at Chen Dongming.

"Special sacrifice?"

Chen Dongming suddenly opened his eyes wide.

He didn't understand why Qin Feng knew about their demon clan's special sacrifice.

Isn’t this kind of thing only known to people from their demon clan?

"Your eldest brother Chen Jinming has already told me!"

"He also wants to go to the human city with 30 humans!"

Qin Feng spoke slowly.

"How could my elder brother tell you this!"

Deacon Chen's expression changed slightly.

He simply didn't believe that Chen Jinming would tell Qin Feng that he wanted 30 people to be sacrificed alive.But if Chen Jinming hadn't told Qin Feng.

How could Qin Feng know so much.

"Of course he won't tell me!"

"I'll bet you know how to extract souls!"

"If you don't want to lose your soul, just tell me about your demon clan's festival!"

Qin Feng waved his hand, and streaks of cyan light appeared in Qin Feng's hand.

"Soul-draining magic?"

Chen Dongming looked at Qin Feng with fear in his eyes.

He is a member of the demon clan.

Naturally, I have also heard of the soul-extracting method.

You must know that this soul-draining technique is a very terrifying spell.

It can make the soul of a monk feel worse than death.

"I won't tell you unless you let me live!!"

Chen Dongming was silent for a while before responding.

But he wanted Qin Feng to let him live.


Qin Feng waved his hand directly, and the green light flew towards the mountain pass.

In just an instant, a hidden power grid was deployed at the exit of the valley.

Qin Feng waved his hand again, and a bolt of lightning rushed towards the old man.


Just hearing a soft sound, the old man was directly chopped into ashes by lightning.

"Now you can speak!"

Qin Feng then looked at Chen Dongming.

"The special ceremony was developed by the empress of our demon clan!"

"If the festival can be successful, the strength of all the monks in our demon clan will increase by one level!"

"The material needed for the special ceremony is the Five Elements Spiritual Stone!"


Chen Dongming slowly talked about the special festival.

After listening to Chen Dongming's words, Qin Feng understood what a special festival was.

It turns out that this is a special festival used to increase the cultivation level of all demon monks.

Even a monk at the ninth level of the Golden Core can become a Golden Core Great Perfection monk by participating in the ceremony.

However, special festivals require a lot of materials.

Among them were 30 living sacrifices.

That is to directly push 30 people into the sea of ​​​​fire and let these 30 people burn to death.

In addition to 30 people being sacrificed, three thousand gold spiritual stones, three thousand fire spiritual stones, three thousand wood spiritual stones, three thousand earth spiritual stones and three thousand water spiritual stones are also needed.

"I've already told you about the special festival!"

"Now, you should let me go!"

Chen Dongming looked at Qin Feng warily.

"Okay, you go away!"

Qin Feng waved his hand and put away the pressure at the same time.

"Really let me go?"

Chen Dongming was stunned for a moment, and then slowly retreated out of the valley, his eyes always staring at Qin Feng.

It seemed that he was afraid that Qin Feng would suddenly take action against him.

However, Qin Feng just looked at Chen Dongming quietly, as if he had no intention of taking action at all.


Chen Dongming hurriedly ran towards the outside of the valley.

He must leave this valley before Qin Feng changes his mind.


When Chen Dongming rushed to the entrance of the valley, he crashed into the huge power grid.

"Didn't you say let me go?"

Chen Dongming turned around with difficulty, and his breath became weaker and weaker.

"I have already let you go!"

"You bumped into this power grid yourself!"

"It's none of my business?"

Qin Feng spread his hands with an innocent look on his face.

This power grid had already been installed here before he agreed to Chen Dongming.

Chen Dongming didn't pay attention and ran into the power grid.

It has nothing to do with Qin Feng at all.

"you you!"

Chen Dongming pointed at Qin Feng and then fell to the ground.

"Gold, wood, water, fire, earth, five elements spiritual stone!"

Qin Feng's eyes became intense.

He must not let the demon clan successfully hold this festival.

And he must rescue 30 people.

"Send the spirit stone to the sect first!"

Qin Feng's figure moved and quickly flew towards the sect.

(End of this chapter)

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