Chapter 130

The days of cultivation pass very quickly.

Several months passed in the blink of an eye.

In the past few months, Qin Feng has been practicing in the Lingshi Mine.

Although his cultivation level is only at the first level of Jindan.

But now his mana is twice as much as before.

In the past few months, there have been many casual cultivators who want to attack the spirit stone mine.

However, they were all destroyed by Qin Feng.

Wanwan has practiced very hard in the past few months.

In addition, the elixirs are very abundant.

So Wanwan's cultivation has reached the fourth level of Qi training.

On this day, Qin Feng summoned Wanwan over.

"Wanwan, I want to go to the Overlord Sect!"

Qin Feng gave Zhang Wanwan a formation flag while giving instructions.

"Sir, don't worry, Wanwan will take good care of the spirit stone mine!"

Zhang Wanwan held the formation flag and said firmly.

Zhang Wanwan was very grateful to Qin Feng.

Before becoming Qin Feng's maid, she had only practiced at the third level of Qi for many years.

But after becoming Qin Feng's maid, she only practiced for a few months and became a fourth-level Qi training monk.

And also learned a lot of magic.

Heavenly Sword Sect.

Somewhere in a secret room.

All the powerful men from the demon clan gathered here.

Because the demon clan sacrifice was not successfully held.

The expressions of these demon masters were very bad.

"Deacon Hu, are there any masters in Tianjian Sect in recent years?"

Jin Hu asked first.

"Your Majesty, the Heavenly Sword Sect has produced two foundation-building monks in the past few years!"

"One of them has been killed by his subordinates!"

"The other person is not very talented, so my subordinates didn't move!"

Hu Xinliang reported quickly.

"it is good!"

"Well done!"

Jin Hu nodded slightly and then looked at Chen Haidong: "Master Nephew Chen, can you find the person who blew up our altar?"


Chen Haidong hesitated and couldn't say a word.

In the past few months, Chen Haidong has been tracking down the monk who blew up the altar.

But after months of tracing, there were no clues.


"Useless trash!"

Jin Hu snorted coldly.

Chen Haidong lowered his head and did not dare to speak at all.

"Has anything big happened in the Xishan Immortal Realm recently?"

Jin Hu looked at the high priest.

"Your Majesty, the Overlord Sect's ladder to heaven will be opened in half a month!"

"In six months, the fairy pool in the Xishan Immortal Realm will be opened!"

The high priest reported.

"The Fairy Pool is about to open again!"

Jin Hu's face was full of astonishment.

This fairy pool is a special secret realm.

There are one hundred special pools in the Fairy Pool.

As long as you sit in this pool and absorb the spiritual liquid in the pool, you can improve your spiritual roots.

It’s just that the Fairy Pool is only opened once every 100 years.

You must have foundation-building cultivation to enter the Fairy Pool, and if you have entered the Fairy Pool once, you cannot enter the Fairy Pool again.

Jin Hu also entered the Fairy Pool once, and his spiritual roots were also improved in the Fairy Pool.

"Zhang Han, go to the Monster Forest, bring out some foundation-building experts, and let them participate in the Fairy Spirit Pool together!"

Jin Hu gave the order.

As long as the strong men of their demon clan occupy the fairy pool.

Then it would be impossible for the human race’s spiritual roots to improve.

"As ordered!"

Zhang Han stood up and said.

"Holy Girl, go to the Flowing Fire Sect!"

"Let's see if there are any strong people on the ladder this time!"

Jin Hu looked at Hu Tianmei.

"As ordered!"

Hu Tianmei received the order.

"Chen Haidong, continue to track down the person who blew up our altar!"

Jin Hu finally looked at Chen Haidong.

"As ordered!"

Chen Haidong bit the bullet and accepted the task.

Flowing fire sect.

mountain gate.

Qin Feng's figure appeared in front of the mountain gate of Liuhuo Sect.

Because the Fire Sect's ladder to heaven is about to open.So many monks came here.

"Do you want to participate in the Overlord Sect's Fairy Spirit Pool this time?"

“Definitely going to participate!”

"This is the only place where spiritual roots can be improved!"

"I am a yellow-level high-grade spiritual root. If I enter the Fairy Spirit Pool, I might become a mysterious-level high-grade spiritual root!"


Many monks did not talk about climbing the ladder to heaven at all.

Instead, they kept talking about the Overlord Sect's Immortal Spirit Pool.

"Fairy pool?"

Qin Feng was also very confused after hearing the discussions of many monks.

But Qin Feng soon understood what was going on.

It turns out that this fairy pool is a special secret realm within the Overlord Sect.

After entering the Xianlin Pond, as long as you sit in the Xianlin Pond for an hour, your spiritual roots will be improved.

Even a high-grade Xuan-level spiritual root can be upgraded to a low-grade Earth-level one.

And there are no conditions for entering the fairy pool secret realm.

As long as your cultivation level reaches Foundation Establishment and you have never entered the secret realm of Xianlin Pool, you can enter.

"Raise the spiritual root!"

Qin Feng was very excited.

It is very difficult to cultivate to the Nascent Soul with a high-grade Xuan-level spiritual root.

If you can raise your spiritual roots to above the earth level.

The chances of entering Nascent Soul will be greatly improved.

"Six months later!"

Qin Feng silently recorded the time in his heart.

A few days later, the Flowing Fire Sect's ladder to heaven was opened again.

The person who presided over the climb to heaven this time was not Elder Bao Bing of the Overlord Sect.

But it was Elder Zhang from the Alchemy Pavilion.

The moment Elder Zhang arrived, a rapid bell rang in Liuhuo Sect.

Amidst the sound of the bell, the clouds and mist rolled in the void.Suddenly, all he saw was a ladder appearing out of thin air.

There are a thousand steps on the ladder to heaven, and there is an unspeakable and terrifying pressure on these steps.

"The ladder is open!"

"This time I must climb to the [-]th floor!"

"Last time, a strong man climbed to the top!"

“I don’t know if anyone will reach the top this time!”


Seeing the ladder opening, many monks were very excited.

Although the rewards of the ladder are not very good.

But many monks can train themselves on the ladder.

There are even many monks who have broken through under the pressure of the ladder.

Following Elder Zhang's order, many monks ran towards the ladder.

Qin Feng also discovered the figures of Jiang Lijuan, Lin Shaomei and others among the people climbing the ladder to heaven.

I also saw the demon saint Hu Tianmei.

It's just that Hu Tianmei has not climbed onto the ladder at this moment.

Instead, he led a group of demon monks and looked at the crowd.

Seems to be looking for someone.

Qin Feng was not in a hurry to climb the ladder to heaven.

Instead, he found a deserted corner and took out the mask of consciousness.

At the same time, he also changed his clothes into the clothes of an inner disciple of Liuhuo Sect.

After changing everything, Qin Feng walked towards the ladder.

"Saint, look at that person?"

A demon monk immediately spotted Qin Feng wearing a mask.


Hu Tianmei was slightly startled, and then realized that Qin Feng seemed to be similar to the monk who climbed to the top for the first time.


Hu Tianmei quickly chased after Qin Feng.

But at this moment, Qin Feng has entered the ladder and is quickly heading towards the top of the ladder.

Although Hu Tianmei climbed up the ladder very quickly.

But it's not as fast as Qin Feng at all.

In just ten minutes, Qin Feng's figure appeared on the first floor.

But Hu Tianmei only reached the No. 30 floor.


"Who is this person?"

"Isn't he afraid of the pressure of the ladder?"

Hu Tianmei was very aggrieved at the moment.

She has now discovered the mysterious monk who has climbed to the top of the ladder.

But now there is no way to chase down the mysterious monk.

"Look, a monk has climbed to the first floor."

"Only ten minutes to reach the [-]th floor?"

"Does this person also have to wait?"


The many cultivators who were watching all looked at Qin Feng in astonishment.

(End of this chapter)

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