Chapter 171 Powerful Dharma

"Congratulations to Senior Brother Huli for condensing the Xuan-level wolf demon's Dharma"!
"Senior Brother Huli, you are so awesome!"

"Senior Brother Huli, after you return to the Monster Clan, you will definitely be able to hold important positions!"

"Senior Brother Huli, there is absolutely no one in this Qiankun Tower who can match your skills!"


Many demon monks congratulated one after another.


Listening to the flattery of many junior brothers, Hu Li's face was filled with pride.

"Senior Brother Huli, the Qiankun Tower will not end for several hours!"

"You have awakened such a powerful dharma!"

"Why don't we kill those humans and test the power of this dharma?"

A demon monk spoke out.

"Brother Huli, let us see the power of your Dharma form!!"

"Those human monks killed Niu Wu!"

"We just happened to avenge Niu Wu!"


Many demon monks spoke out one after another.

"Okay, let's go kill the murderous monks!"

"Let them see the power of my Dharma form!"

Huli stood up directly from the ground.

Other demon monks followed Hu Li one after another.

Hu Li and others had just walked out of the valley when they saw several human monks walking towards this side with surprised expressions on their faces.

"Senior Brother Huli, there are several human monks there!"

"Looking at them, they must have just awakened!"

"Senior Brother Huli, let them see how powerful you are!"


Many demon monks pointed at the several human monks in front of them and said.

"it is good!"

"Today the Japanese general will let you see the giant wolf's appearance!"

Hu Li shouted and countless yellow lights flew out from behind him.

Only a huge wolf demon was seen, rising from the ground like a mountain peak. Not only that, there was also a terrifying pressure on this huge wolf demon.

Places with a radius of dozens of miles were locked by the coercion of this huge wolf demon.


"No, it's a member of the demon clan!"

"Hurry up and cast your Dharma!"


Many human monks discovered Hu Li and others instantly.

They also performed Dharma.

It’s just that the Dharma images of these monks are just ordinary Dharma images.

Under the pressure of the giant wolf's Dharma, not only these monks began to tremble, but even the Dharma displayed by the two men began to tremble.

"Hahaha, Senior Brother Huli is really amazing!"

"The Dharma images of these people all trembled under the Dharma images of Senior Brother Huli!"

"Senior Brother Huli, we can kill all the humans in this Qiankun Tower!"

"As expected of a strange beast, it is really powerful!"


Many demon monks laughed loudly.

Huli's face was also full of smiles.

He didn't expect that his Dharma form would be so powerful.

Just by showing it, the human monk was suppressed to the ground.

It even made their Dharma images tremble.

"how is this possible!"

"How can there be such a powerful monk in the demon clan!"

"Another monster has awakened the form of a strange beast!"

"Is there any hope for our human race?"


Many human monks were lying on the ground with ashen faces, their eyes full of despair.

It turned out that they had awakened the golden elixir dharma.

You can make some achievements in the world of immortality.

But unexpectedly, he met Hu Li, who possessed the appearance of a strange beast.

Before all their plans are implemented, they will be killed here.


When many demon monks saw the desperate human monks, they all laughed loudly.

At this moment, a burst of rapid footsteps came over.

Many demon monks and human monks all looked towards the entrance of the valley.

I saw a man wearing a brocade robe and a mask walking over quickly.

There is no doubt that this man is Qin Feng.

When they saw Qin Feng, the faces of many demon monks were filled with joy. "Haha, another human monk!"

"This man is here to die again!"

"Human monks are all a bunch of trash!"


Many monster monks defended and laughed.

"Fellow Taoist, run away quickly!"

"This person has the appearance of a strange beast!"

"Escape and tell the heads of Overlord Sect and Tianjian Sect!"


Many human monks shouted loudly.

After all, Qin Feng has not yet been suppressed by the giant wolf law.

Qin Feng is also a human monk.

They didn't want Qin Feng to die here either.

Only when Qin Feng escapes can he bring out the matter of Hu Li's awakening of the alien beast's dharma.



"No one can escape today!"

Hu Li's face was full of cruelty.

What he awakened was the Demonic Wolf Dharma,

Today he happened to use these human monks to test the power of his demonic wolf form.

Qin Feng's face did not change at all.

He slowly walked towards Huli, and soon he walked into the pressure of the demon wolf's Dharma.


"How can you enter the Dharma?"

"This is all over!"

"No one can escape now!"


The faces of many human monks were full of deathly gray.

Originally, they expected Qin Feng to spread the news here.

But now Qin Feng has walked into the pressure of the demon wolf law.

There was no possibility of him escaping.


Hu Li and many demon monks all laughed.

Originally, Qin Feng was outside the Demon Wolf Dharma Appearance, so Hu Li still had some difficulties in killing Qin Feng.

But now Qin Feng has entered his dharma.

He killed Qin Feng however he wanted.

There is no need to worry about Qin Feng escaping.

Qin Feng did not pay attention to Hu Li, but quietly looked at the demonic wolf in the sky.

Not long ago, Qin Feng had awakened the heavenly magic weapon.

He also wanted to try the power of the magic weapon.

But now this Huli is the best choice.

Hu Li glanced at the many human monks, and then set his sights on Qin Feng.

"Boy, you should be the first to test the power of my Dharma!"

After saying this, Huli roared loudly.

The demon wolf above suddenly emitted a dazzling red light.

Then the demon wolf roared and rushed towards Qin Feng like lightning.

At this moment, Huli's face was full of smiles.

In his eyes, the human monks here are all dead people.

He believed that his demonic wolf form could absolutely crush everything.

"The demon wolf's Dharma? It's indeed good."

"But, my Dharma appearance is not bad either"!
Under the demon wolf's appearance, Qin Feng's expression remained unchanged and he did not feel the slightest bit nervous.

After saying this, Qin Feng strode forward.

In an instant, countless golden lights slowly emerged from behind him.

A huge long sword rose from his back, exuding endless pressure.

At this moment, the entire valley shook.

Everything trembled under the long sword.

Even Hu Li's Demonic Wolf Faxiang began to tremble.

That terrifying pressure was also crushed by the pressure of the long sword.

The human monks who were suppressed on the ground also stood up in shock.

Hu Li's face was also full of shock.

How could he not understand the scene before him.

This is the suppression between dharma and appearance.

Just like the demon wolf's Dharma just now, it can easily suppress the Dharma of all human monks.

Hu Li's eyes widened, his breathing stagnated, and the Dharma-like demon wolf that originally rushed towards Qin Feng also stopped.

(End of this chapter)

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