Chapter 173 The confused Hu Tianmei


Qin Feng sighed slightly.

If Qin Feng was given a few hours, he could definitely kill all the monsters in the Qiankun Tower.

But when he just arrived on the second floor, the Qiankun Tower suddenly emitted a golden light.

Teleported him out.

Fortunately, Qin Feng had already changed into a set of ordinary clothes when he was teleported out.

He also took off the mask on his face.

Then Qin Feng glanced around.

The monks who came out also opened their eyes one by one.

"Haha, I have awakened the auxiliary Dharma!"

"I've awakened to attack the Dharma!"

"What's the matter? I heard that someone has awakened to the heaven-level Dharma!"

"Impossible, how could someone awaken the heaven-level Dharma!"

"The Qiankun Tower rang nine times, how could this be fake!"

"I don't know who has awakened such a powerful dharma!"


Many monks were discussing fiercely.

The monks who awakened to the Dharma were very happy.

The monks who have not awakened the Dharma look very bad.

To the north of Qiankun Tower, Hu Tianmei stood here with a gloomy look.

Originally, she was planning to awaken a powerful Dharma form in the Qiankun Tower.

But in the end, he was assassinated.

Her cultivation dropped to the level of Foundation Establishment Perfection.

Although her cultivation has now recovered.

But she also missed the opportunity to awaken to the Dharma.

If you want to awaken again, you have to wait 50 years.


Hu Tianmei bit her silver teeth together fiercely.

She also began to scan the crowd, trying to find the masked monk.

"Well, isn't it?"

Hu Tianmei soon discovered something was wrong.

At this moment, she discovered that there were far fewer monks from the demon clan.

Before entering the Qiankun Tower, there were dozens of monks in their demon tribe.

But now except for Hu Tianmei, Xiong Chumo and a few other demon monks.

No one else is seen.

Even the genius of the Tiger Clan, Hu Li, did not appear here.

"Chu Mo, what happened in Qiankun Tower?"

"Why are there so many fewer people in our demon clan?"

"And the tiger power has also disappeared?"

Hu Tianmei looked at Xiong Chumo who was aside.

Because Hu Tianmei could not awaken the Dharma, she went directly to the first level.

So I have no idea what happened.

"Holy Girl, someone in the Qiankun Tower has awakened the heavenly dharma!"

"Hu Li and many demon monks were all killed by him!"

Xiong Chumo said softly.


"Heavenly Weapon Law Appearance?"

Hu Tianmei's eyes were filled with astonishment.

You must know that the empress only awakened the earth-level alien beasts back then.

But I didn't expect that today a human monk would awaken the heavenly weapon method.

And he also killed many talented monks from their demon clan.

Hu Tianmei soon remembered the masked figure.

There was only the mysterious man who entered the sixth floor.

Only then is it possible to awaken to the heavenly Dharma.

"Go, let's go back first!"

Hu Tianmei glanced around, then quickly ran towards the distance.

Xiong Chumo and others also followed Hu Tianmei.


Qin Feng glanced at the running Hu Tianmei and others, but did not pursue them.

Because this is the Poison King Sect.

There are many strong human beings here.

He didn't want to expose his awakening of the heaven-level Dharma.

At this time, Taoist Baidu, the leader of the Poison King Sect, stood up.

"Congratulations to all of you for successfully awakening the Dharma!"

"I wonder which fellow Taoist has awakened the dharma aspect of the heavenly magic weapon?"

"If fellow Taoist disciples are willing to join the Poison King Sect, they can directly become the deputy head of the Poison King Sect!" Taoist Baidu, the leader of the Poison King Sect, said while looking at the many monks.

It’s just that the leader of the Poison King Sect spoke for a long time, but no one answered.

"Hahaha, the Poison King Sect is an evil sect, how could that genius join!"

"Heaven-level magic weapon and dharma form are the top dharma form!"

"Even if we give up the position of leader, no one will join us!"

"Let's go back quickly!"

"Yes, there are still many things going on in the sect!"


The numerous monks did not give any face to the leader of the Poison King Sect, and ran towards the outside of the Poison King Sect one by one.

When the leader of the Poison King Sect, Taoist Baidu, saw these monks leaving, his face became very ugly.

But at this moment, Taoist Bai Du has no way to deal with these monks.

Because there are many Jindan monks among them, even if Taoist Baidu is powerful, it is impossible to defeat these people.

Heavenly Sword Sect.

Sutra Pavilion, somewhere in a secret room.

Bao Bing, the high priest, Hu Tianmei, Zhang Han and many other monster masters all gathered here.


"Were Hu Li and others killed?"

"The human race has awakened to the heaven-level Dharma?"

Bao Bing's eyes were full of astonishment.

He never thought that there would be such a genius in the human race.

Not only did he kill the genius Hu Li of their demon clan.

He also awakened the heaven-level weapon method.

You must know that back then, even their empress had only awakened to the earth-level Dharma.

Now there is one person among the human race who has awakened to the heaven-level Dharma.

What if we don't take advantage of this genius to grow up and kill him?
How can they, the demon clan, dominate the Xishan Immortal Cultivation World?

How can they, the demon clan, seek blood food?
"Do you know the identity of this person?"

The high priest looked at Hu Tianmei.

"Not sure?"

Hu Tianmei shook her head slightly, and then said: "This person is wearing a brocade robe and a mask, so you can't see his face clearly!"

"Could this person be the descendant of Changsheng Taoist?"

Bao Bing directly set his sights on the successor of Changsheng Taoist.

After all, only the descendants of Taoist Changsheng have such a talent.

"Your Majesty, we must find this person first!"

"Then kill this man!"

"In this way, we demon clan can unify the Xishan Immortal Cultivation World!"

The high priest stood up and said.

"What the high priest said makes sense!"

Bao Bing nodded slightly.

The descendant of Taoist Changsheng awakened the magic weapon of the Heavenly Sword.

They must kill the descendants of Taoist Changsheng before they grow up.

In this way, the descendants of Taoist Changsheng will not pose a threat to them.

"Chen Haidong, Zhang Han, you two go to the Poison King Sect immediately to investigate!"

"We must find the person who awakens the heavenly dharma!"

Bao Bing looked at Chen Haidong and Zhang Han below.

"As ordered!"

Chen Haidong and Zhang Han took a step forward and said.

"High Priest, use divination immediately after you return, and be sure to find the whereabouts of the descendants of Taoist Immortal!"

Bao Bing looked at the high priest.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty!"

The high priest nodded slightly.

"Hu Xinliang, please immediately sort out the information on Tianjian Sect's geniuses!"

Bao Bing looked at Hu Xinliang.

"As ordered!"

Hu Xinliang took a step forward and said.

Inside the Zongmen Hall.

Liu Guangjun is sitting at the top.

"Meet Master!"

Cheng Chen and Huang Wenyu respectfully faced Liu Guangjun's luggage.

"You are Welcome!"

Liu Guangjun waved his hand gently before asking: "How are you doing with your practice of the Dead Wood Eternal Spring Kung Fu?"

"Master Qi, this disciple has reached the middle stage of the fourth level of cultivation!"

"Master Qi, this disciple is already at the fourth level!"

Huang Wenyu and Cheng Chen reported quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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