Chapter 177


At this time, a loud shout came over.

Then a terrifying sword light flew towards this side quickly.

In this terrifying sword light, there is also a powerful coercion.

"Is this the pressure of the foundation-building monks?"

"Does the Zhang family really know a strong foundation builder?"

"It's impossible. If the Zhang family knows a strong foundation builder, how dare the Wang family kill them all?"


Many monks all looked at the sword light in the distance with puzzled faces.

As the sword light dissipated.

A woman of great power came into the air.

"Isn't this Zhang Wanwan?"

"How could she have such terrifying pressure?"

"Has she also become a foundation-building monk?"

"It's impossible! Zhang Wanwan only practiced the third level of Qi a few years ago!"

"After three years of not seeing each other, he became a strong foundation builder?"


Not only the ordinary people, but also the Wang family and Zhang family were all confused.

After all, they all know Zhang Wanwan.

We also know that Zhang Wanwan has a middle-grade Huang-level spiritual root, and her cultivation level is only at the third level of Qi training.

But we haven’t seen each other for just a few years, and he’s already a strong foundation-builder?
Moreover, her pressure seemed to be even stronger than that of the Supreme Elder of the Wang family.

What was even more difficult for them to accept was that as soon as Zhang Wanwan appeared, the terrifying fire dragon in the hands of the Supreme Elder of the Wang family disappeared.

"Zhang Wanwan, I didn't expect you to build a foundation after not seeing me for more than three years?"

A look of solemnity appeared on the face of the Supreme Elder of the Wang family.

After all, he had just established the foundation not long ago.

It's still okay to bully the young monks who are senior Qi practitioners.

But facing the foundation-building monks, they had no choice but to escape.

"Let's do this, as long as you marry my grandson, I will spare the lives of your Zhang family!"

The Supreme Elder of the Wang family said calmly.

He has already seen Zhang Wanwan's talent.

If Zhang Wanwan is allowed to marry into the Wang family, the strength of their Wang family will be further enhanced.


Zhang Wanwan snorted coldly and struck a wind blade towards the Supreme Elder of the Wang family.

"I'm looking for death, so many old men have taken action. I can't stand you today!"

The Supreme Elder of the Wang family was furious and recited the incantation again.

A huge fire dragon appeared in front of the Supreme Elder of the Wang family again.

The Fire Dragon Book is the unique skill of the Supreme Elder of the Wang family.

He believed that this fire dragon technique could definitely defeat Zhang Wanwan easily.

"After you established the foundation, did you only learn the Fire Dragon Technique?"

Zhang Wanwan's eyes were full of ridicule.

"View treasure!"

Zhang Wanwan waved her hand, and a mirror appeared in her hand.

This mirror is a high-grade Xuan-level magic weapon that Qin Feng gave to Zhang Wanwan.


As Zhang Wanwan finished speaking, a fiery red light flew out from the mirror.

This fiery red light went directly towards the Supreme Elder of the Wang family and crushed him.

The fire dragon just summoned by the Supreme Elder of the Wang family was directly crushed to pieces by the fiery red light.

The red light remained unabated and continued to press down on the Supreme Elder of the Wang family.

"Ah ah ah ah..."

The Supreme Elder of the Wang family was directly surrounded by fiery red light.

In just a moment, the supreme elder of the Wang family turned into a pile of ashes.

The supreme elder of the Wang family, who had already established his foundation, was turned into ashes by a magic weapon.

The whole place was dead silent!

"What did I see? A single spell killed the foundation-building expert!"

"Is this person really Zhang Wanwan?"

"Isn't she a monk at the third level of Qi training?"

"The Wang family is finished now."

"Is the foundation just now so powerful?"

"Now Beihai City belongs to the Zhang family!"


The whole audience burst into exclamations.They never expected that the final winner would be the Zhang family.

What was even more difficult for them to understand was why Zhang Wanwan was so powerful.

Many of them knew that Zhang Wanwan was working as a maid.

Zhang Wanwan, the maid, is so powerful.

The master of Zhang Wanwan must have a higher level of cultivation.

At this moment, everyone in the Wang family was stunned.

Just now, the Wang family surrounded the Zhang family aggressively.

He even wanted to exterminate the Zhang family.

As soon as the supreme elder of their Wang family appeared, everyone in the Zhang family looked ashen.

Originally, they thought that the overall situation was decided, and Beihai would be the domain of their Wang family from now on.

But why didn't they expect that Zhang Wanwan would appear.

And as soon as he appeared, he instantly killed the supreme elder of their Wang family.

But before they could be happy for too long, everything suddenly changed.

"Miss Zhang, spare your life!"

"We, the Wang family, will never dare to do it again!"

"From now on, our Wang family is willing to serve your Zhang family as our master!"

The head of the Wang family knelt down with many members of the Wang family.

"Don't you dare again?"

Zhang Wanwan's face was full of anger.

If she hadn't returned in time, everyone in the Zhang family would probably be dead by now.

"From today on, there will no longer be a Wang family in Beihai City!"

The moment she finished speaking, dozens of red firelights flew out of the mirror.

"Boom, boom!"

In just an instant, the red fire killed all the monks of the Wang family!

As for those ordinary warriors, Zhang Wanwan didn't even bother to take action.

"Wanwan is actually so strong!"

Zhang Yunhai looked at Zhang Wanwan in the sky.

His heart was filled with excitement.

At the same time, he was very happy to give Zhang Wanwan to Qin Feng as a maid.

Otherwise, Wanwan would not be so strong.

In just a few years, he became a strong foundation-builder.

At the same time, he was also very curious about Qin Feng's cultivation.

Being able to cultivate a strong foundation builder so easily.

How terrifying is his cultivation?
Zhang family.

"Wanwan, why did you suddenly become a strong foundation builder?"

Zhang Yunhai's face was full of curiosity.

Many members of the Zhang family stood and looked at Zhang Wanwan with puzzled faces.

"Young master, you gave me a lot of training resources!"

Zhang Wanwan's face was full of admiration.

"Okay, okay, I really saw the right person!"

Zhang Yunhai's face was full of excitement.

Back when Qin Feng was still at the seventh level of Qi training, Zhang Yunhai knew that Qin Feng's talent was very good.

Take the initiative to make friends with Qin Feng.

After Qin Feng established the foundation, he even gave Zhang Wanwan to Qin Feng as a maid.

Many people from the Zhang family looked at Zhang Yunhai with envy.

When Zhang Yunhai gave Zhang Wanwan to Qin Feng.

They were also prepared to watch Zhang Yunhai's jokes.

But I didn’t expect that it would be them who became the joke in the end.

If they had known that Qin Feng was so outstanding, they would have given their daughter to Qin Feng as a maid.

Spirit Stone Mine.

Qin Feng was patrolling the Lingshi Mine with Wanwan and Wanhua.

"You went to Beihai City to kill the Supreme Elder of the Wang family?"

Qin Feng looked at Zhang Wanwan in shock. He did not expect Zhang Wanwan to be so powerful.

"The supreme elder of the Wang family didn't even need to be beaten!"

"I just sacrificed the magic weapon, and he died!"

Zhang Wanwan seemed very excited.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully adding friend Wen Qifeng! 】

Suddenly a system prompt sounded in Qin Feng's mind.

Qin Feng quickly looked up and saw a thin miner looking at Qin Feng.

(End of this chapter)

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