Immortality: Start by seizing opportunities from friends

Chapter 182 Seizing Huang Wenyu’s body

Chapter 182 Seizing Huang Wenyu’s body

Somewhere a secret room.

Liu Guangjun walked into the secret room with a look of joy on his face.

His face was full of joy.

After so many years of layout.

Finally it’s time to harvest.

As long as he successfully seizes Huang Wenyu.

He can get back everything he lost.

"Zhang Sheng!"

Liu Guangjun snorted heavily.

At this moment, what Liu Guangjun hated most was not anyone else, but Zhang Sheng.

Because Zhang Sheng took his wife Bai Lian away.

At the same time, Liu Guangjun also decided that after he succeeded in seizing the body and returned to Jindan, he would go to Bawang Sect to seek revenge on Zhang Sheng.

Liu Guangjun slowly came to the altar.

He took out three incense sticks from his storage bag, and then worshiped at the statue of Huang Wenyu.

"Today happens to be the 49th, so you can safely seize Huang Wenyu's body!!"

Liu Guangjun touched the statue as he spoke.

Liu Guangjun did not find anything unusual about the statue, nor did he find that the statue had been replaced.


After Liu Guangjun finished speaking, he picked up the bottle on the table.

Soon a strong scent of stalactite came from inside.

"Yes, yes, Huang Wenyu will definitely drink it directly!"

Liu Guangjun was very satisfied with this stalactite.

Because this stalactite contains his secret medicine.

As long as you drink this stalactite, you will be unconscious.

This also greatly increases Liu Guangjun's chances of seizing the house.

After seeing the stalactite, Liu Guangjun came to the jade table again.


As soon as the jade table was removed, a strong smell of blood came from below.

"There is the blood of three cities down here!"

"It's enough to seize the body this time!"

Liu Guangjun looked at the blood below with satisfaction in his heart.

He has prepared all the materials.

He believed that this time the seizure would be successful.

"go with!"

Liu Guangjun waved his hand gently, and a lot of materials appeared in the secret room.

As the materials appeared, a strong smell appeared in the secret room.


Liu Guangjun's face was full of excitement when he saw the heart, severed hands, severed legs, and purple demon wolf that appeared in the secret room.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

At this time, a knock on the door came.


Liu Guangjun looked outside the secret room.


Huang Wenyu's voice came from outside.

"Come in!"

Liu Guangjun's heart was full of excitement.

"Meet Master!"

As soon as Huang Wenyu came in, he bowed respectfully to Liu Guangjun.

Just after he finished the salute, Huang Wenyu's brows wrinkled slightly.

Because he found that throughout the secret room, there were either severed hands, severed legs, or some bloody hearts.

"what happened?"

"Why are there all these things in the secret room?"

Although Huang Wenyu was very confused, he did not ask.

"Wen Yu, sit down first, my teacher has something to discuss with you!"

Liu Guangjun pointed to the chair not far away and said.

"As ordered!"

Huang Wenyu's face was full of excitement.

When he came to the secret room, his senior brothers had already analyzed it for him.

They all came to the conclusion that Huang Wenyu would be appointed as the Young Master this time.

Huang Wenyu endured his excitement and sat on the chair.

"Wen Yu, there are some stalactites here, drink them first!"

After Liu Guangjun finished speaking, he handed the stalactite to Huang Wenyu.

Huang Wenyu didn't suspect anything and drank the stalactite in one gulp.

After all, Huang Wenyu had drank stalactite many times before.


Liu Guangjun looked at Huang Wenyu, who was still full of life and spirit, with doubts in his heart.

You must know that inside this stalactite is his secret medicine.

As long as you drink stalactite, you will have no ability to resist.

But now that Huang Wenyu has drunk the stalactite, there is no sign of any difficulty in moving at all?

"Did I take too little medicine?"

Liu Guangjun became even more confused. "Master, what important matter do you have to discuss with me?"

Huang Wenyu looked at Liu Guangjun expectantly.

"Okay, okay, I'll tell you now, my teacher!"

Liu Guangjun moved his hand and fired several spells directly.

As Liu Guangjun's spell fell, vines flew out directly from under the chair.

In just an instant, Huang Wenyu was tightly tied to the chair by these vines.


"What are you doing?"

Huang Wenyu's face was full of confusion.

He had no idea why the good-natured Liu Guangjun tied him to the chair.

Shouldn't we discuss with him about making him the young master?


"You'll find out later!"

Liu Guangjun's face was full of pride.

Although there was something wrong with the stalactite, Liu Guangjun didn't care at all.

Even if his life span is less than 35 years.

But he is also a strong golden elixir.

It is simply a piece of cake to control the foundation-building monks.

After Liu Guangjun finished speaking, he walked towards the altar.

"Master, you...don't you want to make me the young master?"

"Why are you still tying me up!"

Huang Wenyu drank loudly.

However, Liu Guangjun ignored Huang Wenyu at all and placed three more sticks of incense in front of the statue.


Liu Guangjun shouted loudly, and the statue on the altar flew directly into the sky.

Rays of red light emanated from the statue.

"Master, what are you doing?"

Huang Wenyu's expression suddenly changed.

At this moment, he also noticed something was wrong.

After all, Liu Guangjun looked very strange at the moment.

And the statue above also looks very much like Huang Wenyu.

"Ha ha!"

"My good disciple, you better not resist me!"

"Be obedient and let me take over your body!"

Liu Guangjun looked at Huang Wenyu's body greedily.

"Seize the house?"

Huang Wenyu's eyes suddenly opened very wide.

He never thought that Liu Guangjun would take him away?

It's funny that he always thought Liu Guangjun was a good master.

In the future, if he succeeds in cultivation, he will repay Liu Guangjun well.

He even talked about the next life and continued to be Liu Guangjun's apprentice.

But he didn't expect Liu Guangjun to want to take him away?
Liu Guangjun sat cross-legged on the ground and continued to recite unknown spells.

The hearts, broken hands, and broken arms on the ground also flew towards the statue in the sky.

"let me go!"

Huang Wenyu struggled violently.

It's just that the vines on his body are the spells of the golden elixir monks. No matter how hard Huang Wenyu struggles, he can't break free.

At this moment, Huang Wenyu's face was full of frustration.

This morning, he came here full of joy.

Prepare to accept Liu Guangjun's reward and the position of young master.

But what is waiting for him now is to seize his body.


At this moment, a loud noise suddenly came over.

Huang Wenyu quickly looked up and saw the statue exploding in mid-air.

Countless severed hands, legs and hearts were scattered on the ground.

"How is this going?"

"Why did the statue break?"

Liu Guangjun's eyes were full of confusion.

He had no idea how a perfectly good statue could break.

To know the secret method of seizing a body, he has practiced it many times.

Moreover, this statue was made using a secret method and it is impossible to break.

"Is there something wrong with your heart?"

Liu Guangjun's eyes were directly focused on his heart.

"Damn it, it's actually a dog's heart!"

After examining it for a while, Liu Guangjun discovered that these hearts seemed to be those of dogs.

"Damn monster race!"

Liu Guangjun still didn't understand at this moment that this was the demon clan's manipulation.

It's ridiculous that he always believed in the demon clan.

Even the heart sent by the demon clan was not checked.

If he had known that the demon clan was so unreliable, he would have collected the hearts himself.

(End of this chapter)

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