Chapter 184 Blood Fire Stone

Somewhere in a secret room.

Many high-level officials from the demon clan gathered here.

"Why was there a noise in the master's hall just now for no reason?"

Bao Bing looked at Zhang Han below.

"Your Majesty, the leader of Tianjian Sect failed to seize the body just now and was killed in battle!"

Zhang Han quickly reported it.

"Failed to seize the house?"

Bao Bing's face was full of confusion.

He didn't understand how Liu Guangjun failed to seize the body.

And he died in battle?

You must know that they have prepared a lot of materials for Liu Guangjun.

He is also prepared to let Liu Guangjun help the demon clan after he successfully seizes the body.

Bao Bing was silent for a long time before looking at the high priest: "High Priest, now that Tianjian Sect is without an owner, can we take advantage of the chaos in Tianjian Sect to rescue the empress?"

The high priest touched his beard before saying: "Your Majesty, although Liu Guangjun has been killed in battle, the Supreme Elder of Tianjian Sect is still in the sky, and Wu Yong, Ma Wenbin and others are also very strong!"

"It will be very difficult for us to break through the Heavenly Sword Tower in the hands of these masters!"


Bao Bing nodded slightly, and then said: "Have any major events happened in the Xishan Immortal Cultivation World recently?"

"King Qi, in the next year is the day when our demon clan's blood pool will be opened!"

Hu Xinliang took a step forward and said.

"Monster blood pool?"

Bao Bing's face was full of excitement.

This demon clan blood pool, the demon clan sacred tree, and the demon clan altar are together known as the three major sacred objects of the demon clan.

The demon blood pool opens every thousand years.

As long as a demon clan disciple enters the blood pool, his bloodline will be greatly improved.

It is even possible to awaken a rare bloodline.

The spiritual roots of some geniuses will also be improved.

"How is the defense of the demon clan's blood pool?"

Bao Bing suddenly asked.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, the leader of Qingfeng Sect is from our Monster Clan!"

"Moreover, it is impossible for the human monks to know that the demon blood pool, one of the three sacred objects of our demon clan, will be placed within the human clan's sect!"

The high priest's face was full of pride.


Bao Bing nodded slightly, and then said: "Let some talented monks secretly come to the Qingfeng Sect in front, and be sure not to let the human monks discover any abnormalities!"

"Don't worry, Your Majesty!"

The high priest's face was full of smiles.

Heavenly Sword Sect.

In Fang City.

Qin Feng had just arrived at Fangshi when he saw Xiong Chumo and Hu Tianmei leading a large group of demon monks into Fangshi.

"Well, why are there so many demon monks?"

Qin Feng looked at these demon monks with a puzzled look.

[Ding, your friend Xiong Chumo’s opportunity has been updated successfully! 】

At this time, a system prompt came over.

[Friend: Xiong Chumo]

[Opportunity: Three days later, a low-grade earth-level treasure was discovered in a valley! 】

"Earth-level low-grade magic weapon?"

Qin Feng's face was full of excitement.

He didn't expect that Xiong Chumo would actually give him such a good opportunity.

"Seize the opportunity!"

Qin Feng didn't hesitate at all.

As Qin Feng finished speaking, a picture appeared in Qin Feng's mind.

In the picture, Xiong Chumo quickly arrived at a valley while wielding a flying sword.

"The Blood Fire Stone should be in this valley!"

Xiong Chumo said [-], and then he was stuck and descended towards the valley.

A few minutes later, Xiong Chumo discovered a blood-red stone in a cave in the valley.

"It is indeed a blood and fire stone!"

"With this stone, I will definitely be able to awaken my special bloodline within the demon clan's blood pool next year!"

Xiong Chumo's face was full of excitement.

The picture also disappeared completely at this time.

"Monster blood pool?"

"One year later?"

Qin Feng looked confused when he came.

Qin Feng has also heard of this demon clan blood pool.

The Demon Clan's Blood Pool is one of the three sacred objects of the Demon Clan.The demon blood pool will be opened every 1000 years.

As long as the genius of the demon clan enters the blood pool, it is possible to awaken his bloodline, enhance his spiritual roots, increase his mana and spiritual consciousness.

Moreover, many monks from the human race have been investigating for a long time, but they have not found the demon blood pool.

I don’t know where the demon blood pool is.

"Go to the valley first and get the Blood Fire Stone!"

Qin Feng's figure moved and quickly ran towards the distance.

He decided to get the blood and fire stone first.

Then carefully investigate the demon blood pool.

After investigating the location of the demon blood pool, use great magic power to erase the demon blood pool.

Tianjian Sect Dongfang.

somewhere in the valley.

A sword light landed in the valley.

As the sword light dissipated, Qin Feng's figure appeared in the valley.

"The blood and fire stone should be in this valley!"

Qin Feng said while looking around.

Soon Qin Feng discovered a blood-red stone in the east of the valley.

[Blood Fire Stone: Earth-level low-grade magic weapon. Holding the blood red stone and entering the demon blood pool will awaken special blood and increase a lot of mana!And ignore the bloodline of the demon clan! 】


Qin Feng's face was full of excitement.

Within the blood pool of the demon clan, only people from the demon clan can awaken their bloodline.

But with the blood fire stone, even people from the human race can improve their bloodline and mana.

"I don't know where the demon blood pool is!"

Qin Feng glanced at the blood fire stone in his hand, and then took out an ordinary red crystal stone.

This red crystal is the product of the spirit stone mine.

Apart from looking good, it has no function at all.

"I believe Xiong Chumo will definitely like this stone!"

After Qin Feng put down the stone, he hurriedly left here.

three days later.

A figure landed in the valley.

This figure is Xiong Chumo who is rushing over.

"The treasures of the demon clan seniors should be in this valley!"

Xiong Chumo's face was full of excitement.

She didn't expect that she would have such a great opportunity.

After just walking around the market, I found a treasure map left by the senior demon clan.

Moreover, within the treasure map, there is also an earth-level low-grade treasure belonging to a powerful demon clan person.

"I don't know what that treasure is?"

"It can actually increase the level of awakened bloodline!"

Xiong Chumo said this while looking at the map in his hand.

"It should be in the east!"

After Xiong Chumo finished speaking, he quickly ran towards the east.

A few minutes later, Xiong Chumo discovered a red crystal.


"Could it be that Senior's treasure is this red crystal stone?"

Xiong Chumo's face was full of doubts.

She didn't feel any mana fluctuations from this stone at all.

"Does it have to be put into a blood pool to take effect?"

Xiong Chumo struggled for a while and then decided to take the stone with him.

After all, this stone is the treasure of the senior demon clan.

Apart from her, there was no one there just now.

After carefully putting away the red crystal, Xiong Chumo quickly ran towards the distance.

Heavenly Sword Sect.

Zongmen Hall.

Wu Yong, Ma Wenbin, and many elders of Tianjian Sect are standing here.

"I don't know why the Supreme Elder summoned me all of a sudden?"

"Probably for the position of leader!"

"It's true, Master Liu, why should a good person practice the secret technique of seizing a body?"

"Not only have you killed yourself now, but you have also caused our Tianjian Sect to lose its reputation!"

“I don’t know who will take over the position of leader this time!”

"It's probably either Elder Wu Yong or Ma Wenbin!"


Many elders were discussing in low voices.

(End of this chapter)

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