Chapter 198 Inventory of the harvest

Inside the secret room.

Many powerful monsters are gathered here.

"Holy girl, what orders does the empress have?"

Bao Bing spoke first.

Hu Tianmei quickly told what the empress had ordered.

"Close the Heavenly Sword Tower?"

"Didn't the sacred tree have any conflicts with the human race before praying?"

"Practice the Blood Pool Opening Technique again?"

"Go to Qingfeng Sect to find the secret technique of blood pool"?

The faces of many high-level demon clan officials were all filled with astonishment.

None of them expected that the Empress would issue such an order.


Bao Bing stood up from his chair.

Seeing Bao Bing stand up, many demon clans stopped talking.

"Hu Xinliang, Zhang Han, Chen Haidong, Xiong Chumo, saints!"

Bao Bing shouted.

"Subordinates are here!"

Hu Xinliang, Zhang Han, Chen Haidong, Xiong Chumo, and Hu Tianmei stepped forward.

"This blood pool opening technique will be practiced by the five of you!"

"You must successfully practice the blood pool opening technique within five years!"

Bao Bing waved his hand, and the jade slip flew into Hu Tianmei's hand.

"I'll wait for orders!"

Hu Xinliang, Zhang Han and others received the orders one after another.

"The High Priest!"

Bao Bing looked at the high priest.

"Subordinates are here!"

The high priest took a step forward and said.

"You go to these elders and steal the flag that opens the Heavenly Sword Tower!"

Bao Bing handed a list to the high priest.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, my subordinates will definitely steal all the flags within five days!"

The high priest spoke.

"The rest of the people, hide first!"

"Don't conflict with the human monks before praying for blessings from the sacred tree!"

Bao Bing issued the order again.

"As ordered!"

Many demon monks saluted Bao Bing.

Tianjian Sect, the main hall of the head.

Wu Yongzheng is sitting in the position of leader.

Under Wu Yong stood many elders of Tianjian Sect.

Because in Qingfeng Sect, many demon monks were killed.

Therefore, many elders of Tianjian Sect were very happy.

The happiest among them is Wu Yong, the head of Tianjian Sect.

Because he had only been the head of Tianjian Sect for a short time.

That's why he achieved such great success.

"Everyone, the demon clan has suffered heavy losses in Qingfeng Sect!"

"How about we work together to attack the monster forest and take down the monster clan in one fell swoop?"

Wu Yong looked at the many elders of Tianjian Sect.

"Master, now that the demon clan's vitality is greatly weakened, it is a great time to invade the demon beast forest!"

"The monster clan has laid heavy troops in the monster forest, we can't act rashly!"

"The Demon Clan has no masters anymore. We should unite with the Overlord Sect and the Flowing Fire Sect to take down the Demon Clan together!"

"Although the Demon Clan has suffered heavy losses, there are still many masters. If we attack the Demon Clan, we will definitely suffer heavy casualties!"


Many monks spoke out one after another.


While everyone was discussing, a monk hurried in.

"what's going on?"

Wu Yong looked at the monk.

The other elders also stopped talking.

"Reporting to the leader, one of our spiritual stone mines has been robbed!"

"The guard was also killed!"

The monk quickly reported.

"Who has such courage?"

"Dare you come to rob our Tianjian Sect's spirit stone mine?"

"Master, we should kill these robbers first!"

"Master, the spirit stone mine is the foundation of our Tianjian Sect!"


Many Tianjian Sect elders spoke out one after another.

Spiritual stones are the foundation of monks’ cultivation.

Moreover, this kind of calamity spirit stone mine is definitely provoking the Tianjian Sect.

Just kill all these robbers.Only then can he impress other monks.

Let them not dare to rob the monks of Tianjian Sect.

"Elder Wen, go to the spirit stone mine immediately and ask all the spirit stone mines to strengthen their defense!"

Wu Yong looked at an elder below.

"As ordered!"

Elder Wen received the order and left in a hurry.

"Elder Ma, you immediately take people to the robbed spirit stone mine to find out who did it!"

Wu Yong looked at Ma Wenbin.

"As ordered!"

Ma Wenbin raised his hand to Wu Yong.

"Shaomei, Jiang Lijuan, you two will lead people to patrol the Lingshi Mine. If you find any suspicious monks, kill them immediately!"

Wu Yong ordered again.

"As ordered!"

Lin Shaomei and Jiang Lijuan bowed their hands to Wu Yong.

Inside the Lingshi Mine.

Qin Feng is sorting out the treasures obtained in the Qingfeng Sect's treasure house.

"Thirty Foundation Establishment Pills!"

"450 bottles of foundation-building pills!"

"35 bottles of elixirs in the elixir formation stage!"

"Thirteen, four hundred bottles of Qi training period elixirs!"

Looking at the pill in his hand.

Qin Feng's face was full of excitement.

He also did not expect that there would be so many treasures in the Qingfeng Sect's treasure house.

The elixir alone is enough for him to make a fortune.

More importantly, there are a lot of storage bags in front of him.

These storage bags are full of magic weapons and charms.

Among them, there are [-] yellow-level instruments.

There are two hundred pieces of Xuan-level low-grade magic weapons.

There are 53 pieces of Xuan-level middle-grade magical instruments.

Fifteen low-grade Xuan-level instruments.

An earth-level low-grade magic weapon.

There are too many spells and secrets to count.


At this time, Wanwan's voice came from outside.

"Come in!"

Qin Feng waved his hand gently, and all the treasures and storage bags flew into the storage ring.

"Sir, Elder Wen has come to the Lingshi Mine!"

Zhang Wanwan reported.

"Elder Wen?"

Qin Feng stood up quickly.

Elder Wen is Wu Yong's junior brother.

After Wu Yong became the leader, he made Elder Wen the elder of the Formation Pavilion.

"Elder Wen is now in the guard hall!"

Wanwan reported.

"Let's go to the guard hall!"

Qin Feng took the lead and walked towards the guard hall.

As soon as he entered the hall, Qin Feng saw a middle-aged man wearing a brocade robe sitting there.

"Meet Elder Wen!"

Qin Feng bowed his hands to Elder Wen.

"Shou Qin, you're welcome!"

Elder Wen waved his hand and then said: "Zhenshou Qin, I came here with orders from Head Wu!"

After Elder Wen finished speaking, he handed a jade slip to Qin Feng.

"Several spiritual stone mines of Tianjian Sect were robbed?"

Looking at the contents on the jade slip, Qin Feng's face was full of doubts.

The Tianjian Sect's formation is very powerful.

Moreover, most of the guards of Tianjian Sect are strong foundation builders.

How could it be possible that several large formations were robbed in a row?
"Guardian Qin, please patrol the Lingshi Mine during this period and don't let those robbers take advantage of it!"

After Elder Wen finished his instructions, he left in a hurry.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for adding friend Panasonic to his first kill! 】

At this time, a system prompt came over.

[Friend: Panasonic’s first kill]

[Friendliness value: -20]

[Cultivation: fifth level of foundation building]

[Spells: Japanese Qi Condensation Technique, Japanese Swordsmanship, Japanese Footwork, Fire Dragon Technique, Wind Blade Technique, Sword Flying Technique, Interrogation Technique]

[Opportunity: None]

[Future Achievement: Japanese Pioneer General]

[Choose one and seize the chance to be friends! 】

[Option [-], get friend spells! 】

(End of this chapter)

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