Chapter 231 Bao Wu self-destructs
"Thank you, Empress, for your love!"

Qin Feng cupped his hands towards the empress, then waved his hand gently, and a spirit bead appeared in Qin Feng's hand.

This spirit bead is the wind spirit bead.


"Why do you still have spirit beads!"

The empress screamed in horror.

How could the empress not understand the Lingzhu?

Over the years, she has been sealed by the spirit bead.

"go with!"

Qin Feng ignored the empress at all, and with a gentle wave of his hand, the wind spirit beads flew directly into the wall.


The moment the spirit bead flew into the wall, a huge tornado appeared on the ninth floor of Tianjian Tower.

The speed of this tornado was very fast, and it enveloped the empress in just an instant.

"Boy, I will drink up all your blood and skin you!"

The empress screamed loudly inside the tornado.


At the moment when the tornado suppressed the empress, a white light appeared at Qin Feng's feet.


Qin Feng waved his hand, and a teleportation talisman appeared in Qin Feng's hand.


The next moment, Qin Feng's figure disappeared into the ninth floor of Tianjian Tower.

Tianjian Tower

sixth floor.

"Strange, why has it been so long and there's still no movement?"

"Calculating the time, should the empress break through the seal?"

Hu Tianmei looked up with confusion.

Now, a quarter of an hour has passed since the empress obtained the Qingyun Sword.

According to the empress's cultivation, she had already broken out of the Heavenly Sword Tower.

But now after so long, there is no movement from Tianjian Tower.

The message from the Empress did not arrive either.


At this time, a white light appeared below Hu Tianmei.


"The teleportation array of Tianjian Tower?"

"what on earth is it?"

Hu Tianmei looked at the teleportation array at her feet in confusion.

If the empress breaks through the seal, it will be impossible for this kind of teleportation array to appear.

In such a teleportation array, just like the previous few times in Tianjian Tower, someone entered the ninth floor.

"Could it be that the monk who entered the Heavenly Sword Tower not long ago has already entered the ninth floor?"

Just when Hu Tianmei thought of this, the white light enveloped Hu Tianmei.

By the time Hu Tianmei came to her senses, she had already appeared in the square.

At this moment, in the square of Tianjian Tower, the demon clan suffered heavy casualties.

Even Bao Wu and the high priest were seriously injured.

"Tianmei, have you rescued the empress?"

Bao Bing fell from the sky.

Bao Bing's condition was not very good at the moment. Not only was half of his beard missing, there were even several holes in his clothes.

"I don't know, I was teleported out again!"

Hu Tianmei shook her head slightly.

"not good!"

"I guess the person who just entered Tianjian Tower is the descendant of Taoist Changsheng!"

"He sealed the empress again!"

The high priest guessed it immediately.

"Damnable Immortal Taoist Successor!"

Bao Bing's face became very ugly.

Their demon tribe has many strategies.

As long as these strategies are successful, their demon clan can easily dominate the entire Xishan Immortal Cultivation World.

But in the end, they were all destroyed by the descendants of Taoist Changsheng.

Not only did they cower in the monster forest, but they also lost their troops and generals.

"Your Majesty, this is not the time to talk about this!"

"We'd better run for our lives quickly!"

"If we don't escape, we will all perish here!"

The high priest shouted loudly.

After hearing the words of the high priest, Bao Bing looked around and saw only a few demon monks still fighting at this moment.

The demon monks he brought were either dead or seriously injured and fell to the ground unable to get up.

"Brother, wait a minute. I will use the Dharma to self-destruct and create a gap in the southeast!"

"You, the high priest, and the saint break out from the southeast!"

Bao Wu said with a decision look on his face.


"Bao Wu, 伱."

Bao Bing's expression suddenly changed.

The Dharma self-destructed, although it was extremely powerful.

But once the Dharma image self-destructs, the monk's life will definitely be in danger.

"Brother, the demon clan can live without me, Bao Wu!"

"But not without you!"

Bao Wu shouted loudly. "Your Majesty, listen to Bao Wu!"

"After a few years, we will regain our strength!"

"Counterattack the human race again and avenge Bao Wu!"

The high priest quickly grabbed Bao Bing.


Bao Wu shouted, and a huge Dharma statue rose from the ground.

This dharma image is a leopard several hundred feet long.

As soon as the leopard appeared, a terrifying pressure came from it.

Many humans with low cultivation levels were suppressed to the ground one by one as soon as they came into contact with this terrifying pressure, unable to move at all.

When Ma Wenbin saw it, he was also ready to summon his Dharma form.

"The Dharma self-destructs!"

Bao Wu shouted again.


The huge leopard exploded directly in the air.

In an instant, the void began to collapse.

Countless mountain peaks were shattered into pieces at this moment.

Even the Tianjian Sect's mountain-protecting formation had a gap.

"Brother, leave quickly!"

Bao Wu shouted loudly.

"Bao Wu."

Bao Bing's face became very ugly.

Bao Bing and Bao Wu are brothers. They grew up together and practiced martial arts together.

The relationship between the two is very deep.

Unexpectedly, Bao Wu actually blew himself up in order to save him today.

"Your Majesty, leave quickly!"

“We cannot let General Bao Wu’s sacrifice be in vain!”

The high priest shouted loudly.


Bao Bing's figure moved and he quickly ran towards the gap.

The high priest and Hu Tianmei quickly followed Bao Bing.


Seeing Bao Bing rushing out of the mountain guarding formation, Bao Wu laughed loudly.

Although he was about to die, as long as Bao Bing could rush out.

Their demon tribe still has a chance to unify the Xishan Immortal Cultivation World.

"not good!"

"Bao Bing escaped!"


Wu Yong's expression suddenly changed.

He never thought that Bao Wu would actually explode his Dharma image.

"Follow me!"

"We must never let go of a demon monk!"

Wu Yong shouted loudly.

After saying that, Wu Yong led his men and rushed in the direction where Bao Bing escaped.

"Haha, I want to chase!"

"Get through me first!"

Bao Wu shouted loudly, and all the spiritual energy in his body rushed toward his body.

His body is also getting bigger and bigger.

Not long after, it turned into a huge balloon.

"not good!"

"Bao Wu is going to blow himself up!"

"Everyone retreat quickly!"


Upon seeing this, many powerful men from the Tianjian Sect retreated towards the rear.

Although the power of self-destruction is not as powerful as the self-destruction of the golden elixir.

But Bao Bing is a strong Jindan after all.

This kind of power of a strong man's self-destruction can definitely kill a golden elixir monk.


Wu Yong's face became very ugly.

Originally, they still had a chance to pursue Bao Bing and others.

But now he was blocked by Bao Wu.

It was difficult for them to catch up with Bao Bing who had already escaped.

"Big brother..."

"I can't see the day when the demon clan will be unified!"

Bao Wu glanced affectionately in the direction of the Monster Forest.


There was a loud noise, and Baobao's body suddenly exploded.

The terrifying energy shook the entire Tianjian Sect.

Countless monks with low cultivation levels were thrown away by this terrifying energy.

Several monks died tragically under this terrifying energy.

"Elder Ma Wenbin, stay and deal with the aftermath!"

"The others are following me to hunt down the demon clan!"

Wu Yong shouted and chased Bao Bing in the direction where he escaped.

(End of this chapter)

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