Douluo: I can copy bloodline

Chapter 425 Eye of Destiny

Chapter 425 Eye of Destiny
"We can't let it go on like this. We can't let go of the child, and we can't trap the wolf!"

Tang San's eyes hardened, and the Ming Yi on his body suddenly emitted a gray-white wave.

Now, he wants to use his body as a carrier to bring back the Holy Lord of the Abyss.

In fact, in the underworld, the body that is most suitable for the Holy Lord of the Abyss is his own body.

But how could he put himself in danger? Therefore, even if he chooses the relatively weak Tang Dong, he will not use himself as a bet.

But now, if he doesn't lower his body, he will be beaten to death by Dugu Bo.

Rather than die, it would be better to give up your body and invite the Abyss Prince to take over the underworld.

Perhaps because Tang San was obedient enough, the Holy Lord of the Abyss took control of this new body in only five breaths, and Tang San's dark eyes turned into a dead gray.

"Heavenly Holy Split Abyss!"

The Holy Lord of the Abyss' eyes turned cold, and he immediately threw aside the broken Pluto Sword in his hand, and summoned his "super artifact" the Heavenly Holy Splitting Abyss Halberd with his backhand.

"There should be any other way..."

If he came in his own divine body, how could he be destroyed like this by Dugu Bo with poison.

"But our soul power has been exhausted."

If he and Tang San hadn't used strength to maintain it at the same time, perhaps this body would have turned into a pool of poisonous water.

Dugu Bo fought and retreated, and at the same time kept firing poisonous attacks from his hands, but it was all to no avail.

They had no way of entering the Douluo Planet from the Abyssal Plane until Tang San, the leader, appeared.

But in fact, Douluo Star's Jin Lao, A Yin, Youyou and others have activated the Tree of Life and mobilized the power of the plane for defense.

Although Wang Qiuer herself agreed with Gu Yuena's words, she still refused to give up and set her sights on the iron box left by Dugu Bo...

"Hmph, is there any use in escaping? Your divine weapon is indeed good, but it can't compare to my Heavenly Holy Split Abyss!"

However, this did not make Dugu Bo lose his fighting spirit. Instead, he raised the corners of his mouth slightly, looking confident.

I saw the Holy Lord of the Abyss controlling the Heavenly Holy Splitting Abyss Halberd and making a slight stroke.

Dugu Bo smiled and said: "Yes, I can't compare to you, the Abyss Saint with the Heavenly Saint Split Abyss Halberd, but how long can you last with the body you are using now?"

Even Dugu Bo reacted in time and avoided the attack. But it was of no avail. The sword light attached to the Heavenly Holy Split Abyss still passed over the holy clothes and fell on his body, causing him a faint pain.

Gu Yuena shook her head gently. If she could return to her peak state, she would have gone to kill the Abyss Saint Lord alone.

Seeing Dugu Bo trapped in a hard fight, Wang Qiuer stood up with difficulty and said, "No, we have to save Senior Dugu!"

The Heavenly Holy Split Abyss Halberd possesses abyss characteristics and can ignore all defenses. Even Dugu Bo, who is wearing holy clothes, is like a blank sheet of paper in front of him.

The Holy Lord of the Abyss swung out a sword light again, making Dugu Bo's holy clothes become more and more tattered.

"As expected of the Holy Lord of the Abyss, am I still unable to defeat him by myself?"

The Holy Lord of the Abyss said angrily: "Damn it, you dare to use such despicable techniques on me, you will die!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Abyss Holy Lord felt weak in his body. When he lowered his head, he saw that it was Tang San's body, which had been eroded by Dugu Bo's twelve toxins.

Douluo star

tree of Life
"I don't know if Dugu Bo can beat the Holy Lord of the Abyss. If we can force him to enter Douluo Star with his true body, then we can kill him directly."

Under the towering Tree of Life, four figures stood quietly. The words just now came from an old man among the four.

Ah Yin, who was wearing a long blue dress, smiled and said: "Don't worry, Mr. Jin, that guy Dugu Bo also brought the Phoenix Saint Cloth left by Ye Wu. It's not difficult to deal with the Holy Lord of the Abyss."

While talking, she looked up at a strong man beside her and sighed without any trace.

"Brother Hao..."

That muscular man was naturally Tang Hao, the remnant soul rescued by Ye Wu.

He sighed softly and said: "Ah Yin, you don't have to persuade me. That Pluto Tang San is no longer our child. Now, we are still alive and living on Douluo Planet, which is enough for me." ”

Twenty thousand years ago, Ye Wu used the power of creation to revive him, and Tang Hao had long since lost all those grudges he had at the beginning.

Being able to live in the Tree of Life with Ah Yin, surrounded by neighbors he could talk to, this kind of seclusion was exactly what he wanted.


In the underworld, the Holy Lord of the Abyss held the Heavenly Holy Split Abyss, and with one man as the barrier, he rushed towards Dugu Bo with an aura that could not be overcome by ten thousand people.

The destructive attribute controlled by the Heavenly Saint Split Abyss is one of the most powerful attributes in the world, while the poison used by Dugu Bo is almost the weakest attribute. With such a gap, he was still plotted against, and the Abyss Saint Lord How can you not be angry?

Dugu Bo had no doubt that if he resisted the attack of Tiansheng Rianyuan head-on, what awaited him would be a clean break.

But at this moment, a nine-color ray of light shone from behind Dugu Bo, and came to him in just an instant, resting against the Heavenly Holy Split Abyss Halberd.

"Huh? This aura..." Dugu Bo turned around in surprise, only to see Wang Qiu'er wearing a golden-red holy robe, her body covered with unyielding phoenix flames.

"It seems that you have successfully obtained the approval of the Phoenix Holy Clothes. This thing is an artifact left behind by that guy Ye Wu!"

Different from the twelve golden holy clothes, this Phoenix Holy Cloth was forged by Ye Wu with the help of divine magma and his own power of creation. Although it looks like an ordinary artifact, it possesses the power of Phoenix Nirvana. Such power.

At this time, Wang Qiuer had clearly exhausted his soul power, but with the power of the Phoenix Saint Cloth, he still stood up at this critical moment.

The Saint Lord of the Abyss suddenly looked very ugly. He knew that his Heavenly Saint Split Abyss seemed unable to suppress the Nine-Colored Dragon Spear.

Then his only advantage is his god-level cultivation. But this also requires his true body to come to Douluo Star.

The Holy Lord of the Abyss secretly thought: "It's just a Douluo star, there should be no problem. I have killed the god Zhuan before..."

But Dugu Bo didn't give him time to think. Instead, he took out a pitch-black spear and rushed forward to fight the Holy Lord of the Abyss.

At the same moment, Wang Qiuer, who was wearing the Phoenix Holy Clothes, stood still with his eyes closed tightly, and a rose-gold light appeared between his eyebrows.

Gu Yuena on the side looked at Wang Qiu'er in surprise, stretched out her hand to hold her wrist, and used the fusion of their souls to help her increase her power.

But this is only a drop in the bucket, after all, the soul power of the two people is almost exhausted.

Now, what Wang Qiuer wants to use is not the ability given to her by the Golden Dragon King, but her own power as the three-eyed golden beast of the emperor - the Eye of Destiny.

As a purple-gold eye appeared between Wang Qiuer's eyebrows, the Holy Lord of the Abyss felt a strong sense of crisis.

"How is it possible? This guy is just a mortal..."

Although the Holy Lord of the Abyss did not want to believe this induction, the spiritual power and destiny power gradually gathering between Wang Qiuer's brows still made him extremely afraid.

At this time, in Wang Qiuer's sea of ​​destiny, a handsome black-haired man appeared at some point. He stood next to Mr. Long and looked at Wang Qiuer with a look of relief.

"I really didn't expect you to be able to do this. Originally, I wanted to take action directly and deal with the Abyss Saint Lord... You think so, Dragon God."

(End of this chapter)

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