Prehistoric: Download the Saint's Cultivation at the Beginning

Chapter 160 Liches fight to the death, a battle of wills!

Chapter 160 Liches fight to the death, a battle of wills!
However, people from the Witch Clan are warlike by nature, so how could they be taken in by the momentum of this Monster Clan?
On the contrary, the demon clan's growing momentum aroused the witch clan's desire to win.

I thought it was just the end of the crossbow! ! !
Contempt strategically, but don't be careless and underestimate the enemy tactically!
After all, this battle is related to the future destiny of the Wu Clan, and determines the Wu Clan's ability to dominate the wilderness and compete in the world in the future.

Dijiang summoned Jumang, Liaoshou, Zhujiuyin, Qiangliang, Shebishi, Tianwu, Yanzi, Xuanming, Zhurong, Gonggong and other ancestral witches to also burn their essence and blood to increase their combat power in a short period of time in preparation. Make that last desperate attempt.

If you win, you will compete for the prehistoric hegemony!
If you fail, there will be no witch clan in the world from now on! ! !

At this time, Xuan Ming, who had fainted before, had already woken up. Hearing Di Jiang's call, his pretty face was solemn, he was calm and concentrated, and he tried his best to maintain the twelve capitals of the gods.

The Witch Clan has a high fighting spirit, and both the ancestral witches in the formation and the rest of the Witch Clan who are fighting in bloody battles have bloodthirsty expressions on their faces.

Obviously, the war has completely aroused the ferocity of both sides, and one side must fall before this war will end! ! !
The Pangu true body evolved by the Wu clan has become more and more solid. It is surrounded by a vast aura that will last forever. It has a rough face and waterfall-like hair. It holds the Kaitian God ax and has a majestic body. Just standing in front of the Wu clan The one at the front seems to be able to shoulder all the heavy responsibilities. Although it is under the sky, its momentum reaches straight into the sky and pierces the universe.

"Father God, help our clan defeat the demon clan and eliminate the enemy!!!"

"Father God, help our clan defeat the demon clan and eliminate the enemy!!!"

"Father God, help our clan defeat the demon clan and eliminate the enemy!!!"


The people of the Wu clan have greatly increased their morale. The tall and generous figure in front of them stands tall and tall, giving people infinite peace of mind.

It's like their God Father is leading their witch clan to conquer the world! ! !
Therefore, each of their faces turned red and loudly shouted out the fighting intention of their witch clan! ! !

This fighting spirit is unprecedented in history, even when Ping Xin had not yet transformed into reincarnation, it was even inferior! ! !

The shouts are endless and resound throughout the world!

The lingering sound lingers in this world for a long time, just like the sound of heaven!

The momentum of the billions of monsters in the sky also stagnated.

The momentum of climbing up has also slowed down.

Emperor Jun of Heaven rides on a golden ancient chariot, with auspicious beasts circling around the chariot.

The real dragon hovers, the real phoenix flaps its wings, and the unicorn walks across the sky. . .

It was as if they were greeting their Heavenly Emperor and cheering and celebrating for the Heavenly Emperor!
At this time, the emperor's power was extremely powerful, overlooking all living beings in the wild! ! !

Next to him, Donghuang Taiyi and Dijun stood side by side, holding the Chaos Donghuang Bell in their palms. Its surface was obscured by a layer of mysterious mist, making it difficult to see its true appearance.

All you can see is chaos surging around the Donghuang Bell, with several runes looming.

Constantly rising and falling, accompanied by the sound of the Tao! ! !

Two demon clan powerful men stand at the forefront of the demon clan! !
Followed closely by Fuxi, who has a high status in heaven.After that, there were several surviving demon saints such as Qiongqi and Chongmingniao.

Then there are the mighty demon clan’s heavenly soldiers and generals, their armies covering the sky! ! !

Looking at its formation again, it is strikingly in the shape of Tai Chi. It looks chaotic, but in fact it contains hidden secrets! ! !

Everyone looked solemn, preparing for the next life-and-death battle.

A silent feeling of depression permeated the hearts of all living beings.

Like the last calm before the storm.

With a wave of Di Jun's hand, the moment of silence was completely broken, and the entire battlefield exploded instantly!



The battlefield instantly boiled, and Pangu's real body was seen holding the sky-opening ax tightly with both hands, raising it high above his head, and slashing downward with all his strength.


Even if there is not a trace of magic power contained in it, just relying on the power of the body seems to be able to tear this world apart! ! !

The power of Pangu is unimaginable! ! !
Di Jun's face was solemn, and he used the power of the formation to resist.

But he was still defeated, and he could see that the Sky-Opening Ax was chopping and chopping, and its power was still oppressing the demon clan!Donghuang Taiyi frowned when he saw this.

"Brother, why not use my Donghuang Bell instead of Hetu Luoshu as the formation eye?"

"This bell is the treasure of chaos, and it will definitely greatly increase the power of the formation!"

Di Jun looked hesitant, sighed softly, and agreed.

The big hand stretched out, as if it had the power of space. When the palm touched the Donghuang Bell, it was no longer the size of a fist.

With a flick of his finger, the Donghuang Bell, which had shrunk several times, exploded into the Zhoutian Star Formation.

Finally, it landed firmly on the previous position of Hetu Luoshu, and in an instant, the entire Zhoutian Xingdou Formation seemed to be completely transformed.

Among them, the Lunar Star and the Sun Star also exude a colder and hotter atmosphere.

The formation is like Tai Chi, with the Taiyin and Sun auras clashing and divided into two sides to form Yin and Yang eyes.

The Donghuang Bell is located at the eye of the formation and has already turned into the Tai Chi line of the five elements, dividing Yin and Yang.

The perfect fusion of these two completely different auras makes the formations on both sides look like two yin and yang fish, entwined and embraced! ! !

The stars in the sky filled the entire formation, and the stars seemed to be following certain rules, interlacing and roaring, not interfering with each other but complementing each other! ! !

The entire formation roared out with stars as weapons and smashed into Pangu's true body.



There was a loud noise, like the clash of gold and iron, creating an extremely powerful wave of air that swept outward!

The air waves shot out in all directions centered on the place where the stars collided with the Sky-Opening Ax, as if they were going to spread to the end of the sky and the earth! ! !

The sound is harsh, as if to suppress the murderous spirit! ! !


"Run quickly, get out of here!"

"A gentleman does not stand behind a dangerous wall! The poor man takes the first step..."

At this moment, the ancient monks around the battlefield are in various shapes, but they all have the same purpose, which is to stay away from the battlefield and protect themselves wisely!

The entire center of the battlefield was in chaos and the surrounding areas were in chaos, and the faces of the monks who were watching the battle between the lich and the lich changed greatly.

Such power is so astonishing that just the aftermath of the battlefield can hurt Daluo Jinxian thousands of miles away! ! !
Those monks with lower cultivation levels who could not escape were only slightly affected by the aftermath and turned into nothingness.

After death, not even a sound was uttered! ! !
At this time, the power of Pangu's ax was finally blocked, and was even knocked back thousands of feet by the force of the star collision! ! !

It was actually repelled by the power of law in the complete Zhoutian Star Formation with the Formation Eye!

Those members of the Witch Clan who had sacrificed their blood and essence also seemed to be implicated, with blood spilling from the corners of their mouths, and even their expressions were a lot sluggish.

Not only were their bodies damaged, but their supreme Father God's shadow was also defeated!The impact on their hearts is undoubtedly huge.

Everyone's face was gray, and the Witch Clan was filled with gloom and gloom! ! !

"Can even Pangu's real body, strengthened by the ancestral witch's burning essence and blood, be able to defeat it??"

"Is the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation, which has replenished its formation eyes, so powerful?"

The stars contain a strong power of world law, and even Pangu's true body was knocked back! ! !

This is not just a battle of magical powers.

It’s a battle between the witch clan’s fighting spirit and the demon clan’s will! ! !

But it seems.
Are the demon clan better? ? ?
(End of this chapter)

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