Prehistoric: Download the Saint's Cultivation at the Beginning

Chapter 163 Pangu explodes and the trapped beast fights!

Chapter 163 Pangu explodes and the trapped beast fights!
"Master Zuwu!!!"

"Great, Master Zuwu is back!"

"I knew that Fuxi would be unable to do anything to the three ancestral witch masters!"

The Wu clan camp was celebrating, and even the sadness that they felt when they saw cracks in Pangu's true body not long ago was diluted a lot.

"Fuxi has been killed by several ancestral witch masters, so we don't have no chance at all!"

Most of the sounds are uplifting.

The monsters on the other side were filled with hatred when they saw this scene. They wished they could rush over and kill them immediately, causing them to bleed like rivers of blood.

"Zhou Tian Star Dou array!"

However, Di Jun didn't want to pay a huge price anymore. He just wanted to hold off the Wu clan and wait for Saint Nuwa to come and take action.

Fuxi, as Nuwa's brother, is now dead, and Nuwa, as a saint, will definitely know about it.

The Witch Clan will definitely not be let go easily then! ! !
With this thought in mind, he then controlled the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation, but he was surrounded but not killed.

This way you can delay time without paying too much of a price.

"Witch clan, Gonggong..."

As if the sound of heaven suddenly appeared, a beautiful figure appeared in the sky above the center of both camps. This person has a delicate face, charming character, and cold temperament. He has the head of a human and the body of a snake. His aura is restrained and does not reveal a trace. He is clearly a saint! ! !
"Saint Nuwa!!!"

All sentient beings in the ancient world were shocked, saint! ?Even the saints came out of the mountain.

Even Hongjun Daozu and Pingxin Saint who were in the underworld were moved.

Dao Ancestor Hongjun was expressionless, but Saint Pingxin was a little anxious. With the intervention of the saint, her witch clan was in danger this time! ! !
"Hongjun, get out of the way!!!"

"Fellow Taoist, it's better to stay here!" Hongjun said with a calm expression.

"Too deceiving!!!"

Ping Xin's beautiful eyes were full of anger, her pretty face was cold, and she struck out with thunder, and her moves contained great truth. It was obvious that she was truly angry and struck with all her strength.

Hongjun also faced it slightly and took action to deal with it.

The collision between heaven and earth is terrifying!
If the two saints hadn't set the seal in advance, the entire prehistoric world would have been shattered! ! !

Lich battlefield
The last battle between the Lich and the Lich, Daozu Hongjun intervened and forced the last battle to this day. Now that Saint Nuwa has come out, will it end the same as last time?

Could it be a continuation of the last Lich War?

"No, have you forgotten the identity of Gonggong of the Wu clan who killed Fuxi?"

"Monster Saint, by the way, Saint Nuwa is a monster!"

"The saint is extraordinary. He did not help the demon clan in the previous war between the lich and the witches. Instead, he allowed them to fight against the witch clan. We have almost forgotten that the saint Nuwa is a member of the demon clan."

"Hehe, you're only right about one of them, and the most crucial point."

"You know, Saint Nuwa is Fuxi's biological sister!!!"


A breathless voice.

The monks who heard this were all stunned and their faces were full of horror.
“Gonggong killed the saint’s brother??!!!”

"Didn't Saint Nuwa come here to persuade peace??!!!"

"I'm afraid this witch clan is doomed."

The monks of all races showed emotions of watching a good show, regretting, or gloating about others' misfortune.
Di Jun was overjoyed in his heart, but he didn't dare to show the slightest trace of anger on his face. Instead, he looked sad and angry.

"Sage Nuwa, your brother was attacked and killed by this witch tribe. It's a pity that we didn't have time to save his life!!!"

Nuwa glanced at Di Jun lightly and ignored him. Instead, she looked in the direction of the Wu clan.

Di Jun couldn't help but feel embarrassed when his warm face touched his cold ass, but he wasn't annoyed either.

Knowing that Saint Nuwa was angry was a great benefit to their heaven.

This witch clan can no longer compete with him in heaven.

"I had no intention of interfering, but I didn't."

After a while, a cold voice spread throughout the wilderness.

The Witch Clan looked desperate. The Saint took action. Does the Witch Clan still have a chance?
Just now, they were immersed in the joy of killing Fuxi, but now it has become a reminder for them! ! !
The entire Wu Clan fell into despair. Each company had no idea of ​​resisting, as if they were about to give up and wait for the saint's judgment.

"I am a son of the witch clan, and I am not afraid of throwing my head and blood. But I cannot lose my bloody spirit of resistance!!!"

"Even if you die, you can't make things easier for your enemy. You have to bite off a piece of his flesh before you die!!!"

"My son of the witch clan is not someone you can easily offend!!!" Di Jiang shouted with sadness on his face.

This violent shout pulled the witch race out of that desperate situation.

Each one's eyes were red and their faces looked bloodthirsty, like injured beasts.

Roar loudly.

"Respect the order of Lord Ancestral Witch!!!"

"Respect the order of Lord Ancestral Witch!!!"

"Respect the order of the ancestral witch"



The momentum continued to build up, and finally a sound of killing broke the deadlock in the confrontation, and both sides fought bravely.

In front of the Wu clan, Pangu's true form holds the Sky-opening Divine Ax to open the way.

The rest of the Witch Clan also turned into their own size, and a group of real wild giants rushed towards the heaven. The sky was filled with dust and the sound of killing. . .

The monks watching the battle were already dumbfounded.

"This witch clan is really a born warrior..."

A voice said na na.

"How can this be so? These witch tribes are really bloody men, but they still have the courage to rush forward when facing a saint!!!"

"Even if we are defeated, the name of the Wu Clan should shock the whole world!"


All those watching the battle were amazed and admired by the Wu Clan’s bravery!

"It's a pity that there may be no Wu clan in the future."

A voice of regret sounded.

Suddenly all the monks were speechless
After fighting for only a moment, the Wu clan fell into decline, with countless casualties and bloodshed.

The Pangu phantom evolved from the Twelve Heavenly Gods and Evil Formation even exploded, turning into spots of light all over the sky and dissipating with the wind.

"Father God!!!"

The people of the Witch Clan shouted fiercely, heartbroken and mad with hatred! ! !
Nuwa looked on coldly, not wanting to intervene yet.

Seeing Pangu's true body dissipating violently, his mood fluctuated a bit.

"Haha, don't you have a chance... This Zhou Tianxing Dou Formation is so powerful."

Blood overflowed from the corner of Di Jiang's mouth and he smiled miserably.

"My sons of the Wu Clan, now that our Wu Clan's life and death are at stake, we have only one way to go. Follow me and blow yourself up, destroy the Zhoutian Star Formation, and leave a bloodline for our Wu Clan!!!"

There is sadness and determination in the words!
Then it expanded rapidly, turning into a stream of light and rushing towards the demon formation without fear of death.

Di Jun's pupils suddenly tightened and he took a deep breath.


Just a loud noise was heard, and the sound spread throughout the entire prehistoric era! ! !
A generation of powerful, quasi-sage-perfect, self-destruction, how amazingly powerful it is!

Even this demon clan formation is a bit difficult to resist, and there are cracks? !
The rest of the Witch Clan no longer hesitated and followed Di Jiang's footsteps, rushing towards the Demon Clan's formation and self-destructing.


"Boom! Boom! Boom!"


Self-destruction one after another, the entire group of witches are still rushing towards the demon clan with unparalleled courage. . .

The sounds of self-explosion were like extremely sublimated fireworks.

Send out the last and most glorious light in your life, shining on the world! ! !

After the ultimate sublimation, it turned into the sky and fell into dust, leading to darkness.

Gorgeous yet sad.

The end of prosperity seems to be announcing to the world that nothingness is the final destination.
(End of this chapter)

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