Prehistoric: Download the Saint's Cultivation at the Beginning

Chapter 166 The war is over!The sky is falling! ! !

Chapter 166 The war is over!The sky is falling! ! !

Dong Huangtai looked crazy, with bulging veins on her face and a ferocious expression!

"Damn you all!!!"

Qiang Liang and Xuan Ming also had sad expressions on their faces, and from then on there was no more light in the world.
His heart became heavier and heavier, and the expression he looked at Donghuang Taiyi became colder and colder. His hatred was more continuous than the water of the North Sea!
"Since you care about Di Jun so much, go over there and accompany him!!!"

After the words fell, Qiang Liang evolved the law of rain all over his body. Raindrops were all over his body, and he deduced with his hands that the power of the second law actually appeared.

The raindrops are falling all around without touching the body. The raindrops are surrounded by a layer of black and yellow earth mist, which is actually the law of earth!
After Houtu reincarnated, the eleven ancestral witches forcibly used their essence and blood to cultivate only one more ancestral witch. It was Xuanming. .

However, Xuan Ming's laws of earth are different from the thick feeling of Hou earth.

Because his Law of Earth was integrated with the Law of Rain, it was no longer as thick as before, but produced another wonderful change reaction.

Although it is no longer heavy, it is longer and has endless staying power.

A strong man with a tiger head and a human body was holding two yellow snakes in his hands. The yellow snakes suddenly collapsed into an upright position. When the two snakes crossed each other and touched hard, a hissing sound of thunder and lightning sounded.


Those who listened felt their scalps numb and the hairs all over their bodies stood on end.

It is the Law of Thunder! ! !
The two great ancestral witches arrived hand in hand, one on the left and the other on the right, attacking Donghuang Taiyi and killing him!

Donghuang Taiyi transformed into the phantom of Donghuang Bell to fight, turned into a burst of light and disappeared from the place.

Xuanming's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, feeling wary.The law of rotating earth protects the whole body, and the dark yellow wet earth protects the whole body from airtight.

At a glance, one can tell that this protective power is extremely strong. With the addition of the power of the Law of Rain, the Law of Earth is obviously stronger.

Only a roar was heard.

"Dang!" The Donghuang Taiyi who had disappeared before actually appeared on top of Qiang Liang's head, and the evolved Donghuang Bell suppressed it and emitted a bell ringing.

Taking advantage of Donghuang Taiyi's injury, Qiangliang took no precautions and prepared to forcefully eat a Daoyin.

With a finger from the yellow snake in his hand, a thick bolt of lightning shot out, heading straight for Donghuang Taiyi. He actually wanted to risk his life. Saburo's fierce fighting style also shocked the monks who had not run far away. eyeball.I secretly swore in my heart that if the Wu Clan is immortal, I will definitely not make any stupid moves in the future.

Donghuang Taiyi's pupils shrank, a look of determination flashed in his eyes, and he didn't even dodge the strong blow.

The two figures shot out backwards, and they were evenly matched.

Donghuang Taiyi is so proud and unwilling. If he hadn't been seriously injured at the foot of Buzhou Mountain and the Donghuang Bell had disappeared, how could this mere ancestral witch dare to challenge me?

"The evolved Donghuang Bell is not as good as its original body after all!"

The Donghuang Bell that evolved in this way only evolved a trace of his laws and appearances, but it could not be as powerful as the offensive power of the Donghuang Bell as the treasure of chaos.

The evolved laws are ultimately just imitations, so how can they be compared with the real thing.

If the Donghuang Bell is in hand at this time, even if the body is seriously injured, the sound of the attack just now is enough to kill Qiang Liang!

Without allowing him to think deeply, a figure rushed towards him, holding a wet earth sword transformed by the Law of Rain and the Law of Earth and stabbed at him.

If this sword were to strike, even his innate divine body, the Golden Crow, would definitely not be able to withstand the erosion of the power of these two laws.

Dong Huangtai looked solemn and alert in her heart.

The sharp sword arrived in an instant. Donghuang Taiyi held his hands empty and transformed into the Donghuang Bell to resist the sharp sword. The tip of the sword pierced the phantom of the Donghuang Bell, making a sound of fine iron impacting.

The two sides were in a stalemate. Xuan Ming held a sword in one hand and used the other hand to pass through a law of rain, breaking the stalemate instantly.I saw the phantom of the Donghuang Bell exploded into golden light spots all over the sky.

Donghuang Taiyi's origin was also damaged. A trace of golden blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth. He coughed up blood and fell back. His feet left two deep marks on the ground, extending to hundreds of thousands of miles away!

Donghuang Taiyi was even more injured and knew that he would be defeated if he continued to fight.

There was a look of sadness in his eyes. How powerful the Heavenly Court was in the past. Who else in the whole world except the saints could compete with it? Even the Witch Clan had never truly overwhelmed the Heavenly Court.

Now in the entire heaven, apart from those little demons, I am the only one left who is a quasi-sage and perfect top existence.

Now he is even more injured by Xuan Ming, and his life is not long!

"Haha, why is my heaven in such a state today!"

Donghuang Taiyi roared to the sky, seeming to be asking about this fate and the way of heaven.

"The heaven and the earth are unkind, treating all things as stupid dogs, and the saints are unkind, treating living things as ants. Could this be the so-called way of heaven? Since the way of heaven wants to destroy my demon clan, then I will go against heaven today!!!"

Then he transformed into a huge three-legged golden crow, using the body of an innate god to catalyze and detonate the soul and rush towards Xuan Ming and Qiang Liang.

A burst of heaven-destroying Qi exploded, more powerful than the self-destruction of the ancestral witch.After all, the Wu Clan has no soul, so the power of self-destruction must be inferior to that of the Demon Clan.

Xuan Ming and Qiang Liang saw Donghuang Taiyi defeated before, and they were careless for a moment. They were both swept up by the destructive wave of Donghuang Taiyi detonating the soul.

For a moment, no sound was even made, and the Donghuang Taiyi disappeared into ashes.

The supreme power of the demon clan fell. Before his death, he took the last two ancestral witches of the witch clan with him.

This is the end.

The Lich War is over, and all Liches are dead! ! !
The final cry was given to this final battle at the cost of losing both sides.

However, although the Lich War is over, the consequences of the war are far from over!

Several ancient demon tribes died. Where the Buzhou Mountain broke, the four poles of the sky seemed to be broken. A huge black hole appeared at the Buzhou Mountain. The entire prehistoric land of Kyushu was split open!

The sky is falling! ! !

Meteors fell from the sky, and the cave seemed to be filled with fire of nothingness, spreading to the entire prehistoric world.

The sky can no longer cover the earth, and the earth cannot carry all things.

Sky fire spreads everywhere, floods are also rampant, and all kinds of wild beasts are rampant, taking advantage of the chaos to attack the confused people/creatures.

This sky fire seems to have the power of law, and even many powerful people are afraid of it.

Only those with high levels of cultivation and ability can protect themselves.

But even if this is the case, there is nothing he can do about it!

Those monks with weak cultivation are not much stronger than those mortals in the face of such natural disasters.

All in all, at this moment, the entire prehistoric era fell into panic, the sky fell and the earth fell, and the people were in dire straits! ! !
The final result of the Lich War was heavy losses for both parties. The hole in the sky produced a strange and powerful suction force, sucking in all the remaining demon clan members, and they went to no one knows where!
Jiang Chen has not forgotten his promise to Saint Pingxin.

Then he took advantage of the turmoil to use his magical power to reach the end of the world, and escaped into the Witch Clan camp.

He disappeared into this world with the remnants of the witch clan
(End of this chapter)

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