Prehistoric: Download the Saint's Cultivation at the Beginning

Chapter 172 Nuwa repairs the sky, but there are still four poles missing!

Chapter 172 Nuwa repairs the sky, but there are still four poles missing!
The colorful boulders are flowing with brilliance and appear to be flexible, but in fact they have been refined to be indestructible and incomparably stronger.

Nuwa glanced at the five-color boulder with her beautiful eyes, frowned slightly, and opened her mouth slightly.

"Not enough, too much difference."

So non-stop, Jade Hand once again summoned more five-color sacred soil than the first time, threw it into the Qiankun Cauldron for refining and forging, and started refining it again.

After four full years, 500 yuan of five-color boulders were refined. When piled up, they were higher than the sky.

"These should be enough."

Nuwa whispered to herself, rolled up her sleeves and robe, and used her magic power to collect all the piles of five-color boulders.

He glanced thoughtfully at the excess residue and ashes when refining the five-color sacred stone, and then put them all away.

After doing this, the figure trembled and disappeared from the top of Tiantai Mountain.

There is only a faint fragrance left to prove that someone has been here before.
Saint Nuwa took part in creation, and with a thought, she returned to Mount Buzhou.

The figure looked towards the sky and the earth.

At this time, the hole in the sky was even bigger than four years ago. Skyfire was spitting out, and endless energy that destroyed the heaven and earth was gathered there.

The earth's floods are still rising, and the entire prehistoric continent seems to be sinking.

Looking around, I can't find a place to stay. There are floods everywhere. The land that once was has become Wang Yang. In just four years, it has changed forever!

Nuwa's face moved slightly, and she grabbed the refining ash residues previously collected on Tiantai Mountain with her jade hands and swung them down. She saw that the ash residues rose with the wind, and when they fell to the ground, they turned into earth. The vegetation covered it, blocking the cross-flowing floods, and filling up the already flooded continent below like moving mountains to fill the sea.

After filling the earth, he flew towards the sky, holding a five-color boulder in his jade hand, trying to block it and fill the hole in the sky! ! !

I saw a flash of five-color light, and the five-color sacred stone merged into the hole, and the hole seemed to have become smaller? ? ! ! !
Can it really be repaired? ? ! !

Nuwa was also pleasantly surprised, her brows relaxed, and she no longer had any worries in her heart.The jade hand held it again, and another five-color boulder flashed out, and was integrated into the hole by Nuwa. The hole in the sky seemed to have shrunk a little.

Immediately, Nuwa increased her speed and continued to send the five-color sacred stones in one after another. She saw that the hole in the sky was shrinking rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

On the other side, Jiang Chen stood on Kong Xuan's back with his hands behind his back, and in front of him, there was a huge turtle confronting him.

Jiang Chen searched for this turtle for four years, but could not find it anywhere in the northwest sea. In the end, Jiang Chen kept filling the northwest sea with the power of the law of earth, and finally forced this turtle to come out.

"I have been looking for you for four years, but you made it easy for me to find you!!!"

Jiang Chen shouted, obviously losing his patience.

"What do you want from me, fellow Taoist, to see me?"

Turtle was obviously attracted by Jiang Chen's aura, and he didn't dare to offend in his words.

After all, the mount alone was a top power in the quasi-sage perfection realm, and its aura was not weaker than his own, let alone the young man in white robe who used such a powerful person as his mount.

Although on the surface it seemed that his strength was not as good as his own at the time of Quasi-Saint Perfection, he was extremely wary in his heart and did not dare to look down upon him.

"I'm here to find you. I need your help in a matter of great merit. Once the success is achieved, there will be endless benefits." "But is it related to the matter of the shattering of the world?"

"Yes, Saint Nuwa has refined the five-colored sacred stone to mend the sky at this time, but the impact of Buzhou Mountain's collapse is really too great. The two poles are reversed, the nine states are split, the sky tilts to the northwest, and the earth sinks to the southeast. Even if Saint Nuwa can mend the sky, Without the support of Buzhou Mountain, the sky will eventually collapse, so this is why I came to find you."

"Sage Nuwa can't solve the problem, so what if I help?"

The turtle looked puzzled.

When Jiang Chen saw that his tone was loosened, his expression softened slightly and he said, "As long as fellow Taoist can transform into his true form, he can replace Buzhou Mountain to support the day!"

His finger pointed upward as he spoke.

After the words fell, Ao Gui's expression changed drastically.

"You are asking me to do such stupid things that you are doing to yourself. Are you trying to trick me into losing my sight??!!!"

There was anger in his voice. In his opinion, Jiang Chen was teasing him.

"Now that the saint Nuwa is mending the sky, he will definitely know that without Buzhou Mountain, the sky will still collapse. If the saint comes here at that time, will he forcibly cut off your limbs to stop the collapse of the sky? And I know it!!”

Seeing the old turtle's resistance, Jiang Chen's words gradually became colder.

Turtle was horrified when he heard this, "Then I can only cut off my freedom and become a tool from now on??!"

The words were full of bitterness.

"Saint! In the end, we must be controlled by the saint!!"

I sigh helplessly in my heart.

"Do you have any wise ideas, fellow Taoist, that can save me from this misfortune?"

There was a prayer in his voice, hoping that Jiang Chen could find a way to help him avoid such a bad luck.

"You don't have to worry too much. Now that I'm here, I won't let this happen. What's more, it is a supreme merit to live in the sky instead of the top of Buzhou Mountain. When the merits are reduced, it will not be able to make further breakthroughs." Holy!"

Jiang Chen lured him with benefits, hoping to persuade the turtle to willingly follow him to hold up the sky. The merits gained in this way would definitely be countless more than forcibly causing killings to hold up the sky.

"Besides, you only need to support the sky for one Yuanhui. When the heaven and earth are completely stabilized after one Yuanhui, I will definitely give you your freedom. By then, the sea will be wide enough for fish to leap, and the sky will be high enough for birds to fly!"

"When you come out, I will help you transform. From now on, you can travel around the world in human form, and you will no longer be constrained by this huge body."

After saying that, he looked at the turtle with murderous intent gradually gathering in his eyes. If he didn't agree to this, he would forcibly kill him today.

Otherwise, if he waits until Nuwa comes to kill the turtle, chop off its limbs and use them to mend the sky, then even the huge merits will have nothing to do with him, which Jiang Chen cannot bear.

Now that his strength has reached the late stage of quasi-sage, it is too difficult to break through in retreat and the time required is too long. At this time, he can only have a chance by relying on many external opportunities.

Otherwise, with Jiang Chen's current strength, how could he go to the West to avenge his shame, how could he fight side by side with Master Tongtian, and face the upcoming calamity of becoming a god?

Therefore, in order to keep his teachings from fading in the future, in order to always protect his master, and for the sake of his junior brothers and sisters who fought for him in the past, Jiang Chen must continue to improve his cultivation!
Even if the road ahead is bumpy, we must keep moving forward! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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