Prehistoric: Download the Saint's Cultivation at the Beginning

Chapter 184: With all the people united, the generals will go to war!

Chapter 184: With everyone united as one, we will go to war!

"Get up!"

Tongtian is also helpless. Going to the Western Sect is not a piece of cake. It is impossible to bring so many disciples there. After all, many of the disciples are not very high in cultivation, and although the Western Sect is inferior to other sects such as Xuanmen, The number of people is pitifully small, but after all, they are one sect and two saints, and the Buddhas under them are not weak.

In addition, after all, that was their home base, and even Tongtian himself did not dare to look down too lightly. If Jiejiao suffered heavy losses, Tongtian couldn't bear it at this time. He glanced at Jiang Chen, and Jiang Chen happened to look over.

Looking at each other, they understand each other's thoughts.

"Master doesn't agree, so I can't afford it. Please ask Master to let me follow you too!!!"

Many disciples shouted so loudly, and the momentum was so loud that it was shocking. All the Jiejiao disciples shouted out to fight, wanting to fight side by side with their senior brother and master.

"Well, I won't stop you anymore, but I can't let all the disciples go with your master and your senior brother."


These Jiejiao disciples wanted to say something else, but they felt a strong force lifting them up from the ground, as if they were irresistible by the power of God.

"Well, if that's the case, then my master will come and call a few people to pass with us."

"Yes!" All the disciples responded loudly.It does have some momentum.

They looked at Tongtian and Jiang Chen with eager eyes, hoping that their master and senior brother could call their names and accompany them to teach in the West. Their thoughts were very simple, and they didn't even think too much.

They only know that their master and senior brother are the closest people to them. If anyone dares to bully their master or senior brother, then they will not let the other person off easily.

It was this innocent heart that made Jiang Chen more determined than ever to protect Jie Jiao.

"Duobao comes forward and listens to the order! This time you, my teacher and Jiang Chen will go to the Western Sect to learn some lessons!"

"Yes, Master!" Duobao responded excitedly.

"Yunxiao comes forward to obey the order. This time you and your second senior brother will follow us!"

"Thank you, Master!" Yun Xiao also responded sweetly.

"Zhao Gongming stepped forward to obey the order, and the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit stepped forward."

Voices came out one after another, and everyone in Jiejiao was already excited. They could finally follow their master and senior brother to fight in the wilderness.It is still a Western religion with two saints.

At this time, the Jiejiao disciples were all excited, without a trace of worry or fear. In their hearts, their master was the most domineering and powerful saint. Even the two saints from the Western religion could not be considered their masters. respected opponent.

And their senior brother is the person with the most amazing talent and the most powerful combat power since Hongmeng first emerged.

In their eyes, even the current Dao Ancestor Hongjun, if he were in the same realm as their senior brother, would not be able to defeat their senior brother.

In their hearts, Senior Brother Jiang Chen is invincible. No matter who the opponent is, they cannot stop their Senior Brother.

And this is not blind trust, but the confidence brought to them by their senior brother's countless brilliant achievements, which are gained battle by battle! ! !
Not long after, Tongtian Cult Master was about to complete the task. He selected some disciples with higher cultivation levels among the Jie Cult, such as Taoist Duobao, Jinling Holy Mother, Yun Xiao, Zhao Gongming and others, not counting Jiang Chen and Tongtian Cult Master. 48 people.

Including Jiang Chen and Tongtian Cult Leader, there are exactly 50 people.

The so-called fifty avenues and the forty-nine Tianyan, but one of them has escaped, and their teaching of interception is to intercept the escaped glimmer of life and complete the fifty avenues! ! !
The other disciples of the Jiejiao sect who had not been called by their names by the leader of the Tongtian sect were all sighing, wishing they could take the place of those fellow disciples who were called up.

Everyone looked downcast, as if they had missed out on some great good thing. They only regretted that their cultivation was not enough and they could not follow Master Tongtian and Senior Brother Jiang Chen to do such earth-shattering things.

Of course, that's what they do with their disciples.

Normal people would think that it is extremely dangerous to "visit" the Western Sect. Why would anyone rush to go there? However, in the eyes of the disciples of the Jie Sect, it is an extremely privilege to be able to fight side by side with their master and senior brother. .

How can they be afraid of the Western religion? With their master and senior brother here, what fear can they have of intercepting the religion? !
"Other disciples of Jie Jiao, please guard our Jie Jiao's dojo when we go out. This Jin'ao Island will be handed over to you!" "I hope that when I come back as my master, I can see a more prosperous Jie Jiao." !!!"

Tongtian saw that these disciples were all downcast, so he gave them a task to inspire the rest of the Jiejiao disciples.

"Yes, I will definitely not disappoint my master!!!"

Thousands of disciples responded loudly.The sound rushed to the sky.

Seeing this, Tongtian nodded with satisfaction.Then he gave instructions to the disciples who were ordered to follow them to the Western Sect. They looked at each other and stepped into the void together.

Taoist Duobao and the other 48 disciples followed closely.Then it disappeared over Jin'ao Island.

The Jie Jiao disciples below also felt empty in their hearts, and then they all knelt down on one knee.

"Best farewell to Master!!! Farewell to Senior Brother!!!"

"Congratulations, senior brother and sister! I wish senior brother Jiang Chen a triumphant return!!!"


Voices from the bottom of their hearts roared out from the mouths of these Jiejiao disciples. Their voices were shocking and their power was astonishing! ! !

Outside the East China Sea, a group of dozens of people appeared out of thin air over an unknown island. It was Jiang Chen and others who had just left Jin'ao Island.

"Master, senior brother, shouldn't we just label it as Western religion?"

Bixiao asked playfully.

"Master and senior brother must have their own considerations."

Taoist Duobao interrupted and explained to Bixiao on behalf of Jiang Chen and Master.


Obviously dissatisfied with the answer given by the second senior brother, Bixiao was mumbling and didn't know what he was talking about.

Tongtian also smiled when he saw this, and turned to look at Taoist Duobao and Bixiao.

"Of course I'm not going to join the Western religion directly. After all, it's not a small sect. But with two saints sitting in charge, I won't just join them so hastily. You senior brothers still have some things to prepare."

Bixiao's eyes lit up when he heard Tongtian's words. Even Taoist Duobao, Zhao Gongming and others were attracted by this topic.

"Master, Senior Brother has prepared something. Isn't it very powerful?"

"Yes, yes, does Senior Brother have any great weapon, the kind that can defeat a saint with one blow?"

Voices of excitement and expectancy looked at the leader of Tongtian, leaving him speechless.

"You little bastards, how can a saint be so easy to deal with? Besides, if you have anything to ask, you might as well ask your senior brother directly."

Tongtian laughed and cursed.

A group of people gathered around Jiang Chen and asked.

"There is nothing that can defeat a saint with one blow. What are you thinking about writing in your mind?"

Jiang Chen was also a little speechless. The island he came to was exactly the island he had found thousands of years ago where he had achieved the perfection of the Quasi-Saint. When he came here, he wanted to see if there were still things from those days left in this world.

Moreover, the thunder tribulation Fantianyin suffered was still not enough to reach the final step of perfection. He came here just to complete that last step!
(End of this chapter)

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