Prehistoric: Download the Saint's Cultivation at the Beginning

Chapter 191 Let all the Buddhas disappear in smoke

Chapter 191 Let all the Buddhas disappear in smoke

"I am here, the Buddha wants to worship me!!!"

This sentence seemed to be spoken naturally. Although the voice was not loud, it was as shocking as thunder.

It can be seen from the dull expressions of those Buddhas.

Even the leader of Tongtian Cult in the dark was frightened by his disciple's domineering attitude and looked strange.

"This stubborn disciple is actually more domineering than his master."

He muttered something dumbfounded.

"How do you do, senior brother? So domineering..."

Bixiao's beautiful eyes were also filled with brilliance, her mouth was slightly open, and she was also speechless.

As for Yunxiao, Qiongxiao, Jin Ling Shengsheng and other girls, their eyes were full of brilliance, and their eyes could make water drop when they looked at the senior brother.

The faces of Zhao Gongming and others next to him were flushed and extremely excited. This was their senior brother, and this was their first disciple who intercepted the teaching. This is what those who intercept the teaching should do! ! !
Even Taoist Duobao, who has always been steady, has excitement in his eyes. It has to be said that Jiang Chen, who is so domineering and arrogant, seems to be radiating a boundless light, full of charm, and makes people unconsciously convinced!

Of course, this is true for the Jie Jiao people, but for the opposing Western Buddhas, it is a completely different situation! !
All the Buddhas were shocked to death by Jiang Chen's words, but they recovered their minds and came out of the shocked and sluggish state just now.

His face was full of anger.

"Asshole! You crazy guy actually blasphemed my Buddha??!!!"

Even the Western Dharma Protector had a face as deep as the bottom of a pot, and his face turned completely dark.

"Do you dare to say it again?!!"

The majestic voice exploded, but it had no impact on Jiang Chen at all. He was just a quasi-sage late-stage Western religious protector who could suppress him with just a flip of his hand. He even ridiculously tried to suppress me with his momentum. It’s really ridiculous! ! !

"Haha, why don't you dare? I say that even if you are a Buddha, you will kneel down when you see me!"

It seemed like a joke, it seemed like a sarcasm, Jiang Chen said it again, but he wanted to see what this Buddhist protector could do.

"Ah, you crazy guy is looking for death!!!"

As if Jiang Chen couldn't stand it anymore, the protector roared angrily and charged forward.

Jiang Chen chuckled lightly.

"Can't you help but take action?"

This protector exuded the aura of a late-stage quasi-sage. The Buddha below saw the aura of his protector being so terrifying, so he shouted in support!

"Lord Protector, suppress this madman!"

When the Dharma Protector heard the cheers and cheers from the Buddha crowd, he felt stronger confidence in his heart. Well, he suppressed this ignorant fanatic with one move.

With this thought in his mind, he confidently threw out the pagoda in his hand and headed towards Jiang Chen to suppress it.

Who is Jiang Chen? He is a person who has received Pangu's inheritance, and Pangu calls each other Taoist friends. He is a person of the ninth rank of Huakai with peerless qualifications. He will prove the supreme way of power in the future!
To prove the path of power, you must have this invincible belief in your heart. The only thing you can do is suppress others. Why would anyone dare to suppress yourself?

There is a fierce light in the eyes. If you want to suppress me, you have to see if your broken tower is strong enough.

Headed by three thousand great forces! ! !
Jiang Chen's heart skipped a beat.

The law of power spread across both fists, and then he took action brazenly and punched forward without any fancy.


A sound of gold and iron clanging sounded.

I saw that wherever the body collided with the pagoda, the air was compressed into an extremely small arc. The air wave was centered on the collision point, and rippled outward like a liquid!

"Click, click."

There was a constant sound of shattering metal.

In the dull gazes of everyone, they could see that where the pagoda collided with Jiang Chen's fist, spider web-like cracks began to appear and spread towards the entire tower body.


Under the continuous spread of the cracks, the pagoda finally couldn't bear it and burst open.

The Western Dharma protectors are also a bit sluggish.

"Is this madman so powerful?"

I am a junior innate spiritual treasure, and it was actually beaten to pieces by a pair of physical fists.

Terrified in my heart.

The pagoda exploded with one punch, and Jiang Chen stopped staying.

Use your magical power - so far away!

In one step, he stepped in front of the Western protector, and then waved his hands.

I saw 36 Dinghai Divine Pearls flying out of his sleeves and robes. Each of the Divine Pearls was emitting light and seemed to be a mysterious independent world.

"Dinghai Divine Pearl, Zhen!" Jiang Chen shouted softly in his heart.

Immediately, the 36 Dinghai Divine Pearls roared towards the protector.


I saw that the protector was wrapped in the 36 Dinghai Divine Pearls. The outside was full of fog, so that people could not see the scene inside clearly, but when they heard the miserable cry of the protector, they could know that he was suffering from it inside. What.

Jiang Chen's thoughts moved slightly, and the sound from his mouth entered the Dinghai Divine Pearl.

"How? Do you still want to suppress me?"

"Impossible. How could you, a Taoist fanatic, be so powerful?"

"Ha ha."

All he got in response was a disdainful sneer.

"I teach Buddhism in the West, which is profound and orthodox. How can I lose to the inheritance of this Taoist school? I don't believe it, I don't believe it!!!"

Puzzled, unwilling.

This kind of emotion filled the brain of this Western religious protector, and he could never have imagined it.

How could Western religions, which they regard as orthodox and profound Buddhist teachings, lose to the heretical techniques?

Their Taoism should be very weak, otherwise why would their Buddha, their supreme leader, abandon Taoism? ! !

He can't figure it out! ! !
Jiang Chen sighed in his heart and shook his head silently.What kind of thoughts have been instilled by Buddhism? You are really a frog in the well, and you actually think that Buddhism is the mainstream in the ancient world. It is really pitiful and pathetic!

"Why don't you believe it? All the Buddhas in the sky are the Tao!"

Jiang Chen drank coldly.

"Are all the Buddhas in the sky originally the Tao?, This Buddha, are they originally the Tao???"

As if his faith had been shattered for many years, the protector laughed miserably! ! !
"Haha, hahaha. It turns out that this Buddha is the Tao!"

Those Buddhas who were suppressed under the Fantian Seal were shocked and silent!
Yes, Buddha is the Tao. You must know their two supreme leaders - Zhunti and Jieyin.

They were originally disciples of Patriarch Hongjun. I never thought that they would abandon Tao and establish Buddha. However, in the final analysis, Buddha is the evolution and extension of Tao, and Tao is the root of Buddha. How can the connection between these be severed?

All the gods and Buddhas were shocked and speechless.

Somewhere in Mount Sumeru, two figures sat cross-legged on the ground quietly.

Among them was an old Taoist with a ruddy complexion and gray hair and beard. He looked like an immortal Taoist and looked like a master. There was also a young monk with a face like a crown of jade and a handsome figure.

The old Taoist was mumbling words and talking non-stop, but the young monk was closing his eyes and meditating.

Shockingly, it’s Zhunti’s incarnation, Patriarch Bodhi, and the six-winged golden cicada? ? ! !
Obviously, the Bodhi ancestor wanted to save this golden cicada, but who would have expected that this golden cicada's heart was as hard as iron and it was difficult to save him.

Therefore, this Bodhi Patriarch is trying to forcibly save Jin Chanzi.

Jin Chanzi closed her eyes and meditated, turning a deaf ear to the words of Patriarch Bodhi beside her.

This actually made Patriarch Bodhi feel curious. Nearly a hundred thousand years ago, he and his senior brother worked together to calculate a fortune and deduced a hint of the secret.

Tianji shows that Jin Chanzi is a person who can make Western religion prosperous in the future. Why did he change his mind at this time? Even if he has a lotus tongue, he will not be able to save him.

How did he know that this golden cicada was enlightened by Jiang Chen when he was born, and there was a trace of spiritual thought left in his heart!
Therefore, this golden cicada was able to persevere and was not saved by the Bodhi Patriarch.

However, Patriarch Bodhi never gave up and was always trying to save this golden cicada, who was an extremely important figure in Western religion.

Bodhi continued to insist, and Jin Chanzi remained unmoved.

Jin Chanzi's heart was as calm as water, and she meditated silently. Suddenly, her mind moved, and she seemed to sense something.

Bodhicitta is unwilling.

"Isn't it what you want to join our Western Sect? The two saints in our sect can give you the best training conditions! Can't our two saints teach you?"

Jin Chanzi finally raised her eyelids and glanced at Bodhi indifferently.

Calmly: "You can't teach me what I want to learn!"

It was as if he was describing an extremely common thing.

Bodhi also felt a little stuffy in his chest, gritted his teeth and said, "Then what do you want?"

There was finally a trace of emotion in Jin Chanzi's eyes, and she gave Bodhi a strange look: "I want this sky to be able to hide my eyes no longer; I want this earth to be able to bury my heart no longer; I want all living beings to understand my intentions. I want all these Buddhas to disappear into thin air!!!"



Suddenly there was a loud thunder on the ground. Even Bodhi's face changed drastically when he heard these rebellious words.


The thunder continued, as if marveling at Jin Chanzi's astonishing courage! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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