Prehistoric: Download the Saint's Cultivation at the Beginning

Chapter 199: The grace of intercepting the teacher!Help me with Xuanmen!

Chapter 199: The grace of intercepting the teacher!Help me with Xuanmen!
Different from the mixed responses from Buddhism, although the Jiejiao disciples brought only 48 people, they were united and the momentum was overwhelming!

Although they were outnumbered by the Buddhas across the sky, their momentum completely overwhelmed this Western Buddhism.

Looking at Jie Jiao's unified momentum, and comparing it with the sparse responses from his own Western teacher, even Zhunti's face was a bit unbearable.

Previously, he was still trapped in the shock of those secrets, but now he was shocked by the momentum of these disciples and was speechless.

"The aura of this disciple is too powerful!!"

"Indeed, although there are only 48 people excluding Tongtian Saint and Jiang Chen, they are not weak at all compared to the tens of thousands of Buddhas in the sky."

A monk who seemed to be a black panther and became a powerful monk exclaimed.

"Brother Zhiwei, you are mistaken. Not only is this not weak, it is simply much stronger than the Western religion!!"

The powerful man named Zhiwei was also choked and speechless. After all, everyone was the top figure in the ancient world, so how could they not see the gap between the two sides.

Although it is obvious that the Western sect has many people and is powerful, while this sect is weak, everyone can see it.

These disciples of the sect are all high-spirited and fierce. They are all the best among the best. Although there are not many in number, they seem to have formed a rope, united and united. The momentum is so strong that it can't be beat. Soaring into the sky, even the clouds and mist on Mount Xumi were dispersed.

On the other hand, Western Buddhism has some power even though Zhunti was so angry and defeated, but look at the Buddhist protectors who were beaten before and did not dare to step forward, as well as those kind of Buddhas with low momentum.

They all had droopy eyebrows, and their eyes had no fighting spirit, as if their energy and spirit had been drained away, without any momentum at all.

But even many powerful people like Zhiwei are unwilling and dare not accept this fact.

"Is this Jiejiao really so defiant?"

This idea came to the minds of all the powerful people watching the battle.

The monstrous momentum is still spreading, with the potential to sweep through the wilderness.

The spirits and little demons under Mount Sumeru were all lying on the ground and sobbing lowly.

Nine Netherworld.

A beautiful figure stood quietly on a sea of ​​​​blood, with all the momentum around him restrained, not a trace spilled out, and he looked like an ordinary person.But the Shura above the sea of ​​blood seemed to be avoiding something extremely terrifying. No Shura dared to stay within a hundred feet of where the woman was standing.

The woman looked into the void, her beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, and she stared at the Saint Zhunti with disgust. Apparently she believed what Jiang Chen said and believed that Zhunti used insidious tricks to cause the lich war to break out.

Although she knew that even without Zhunti's intervention, the Lich War would eventually break out, she still held a grudge against Zhunti. If she had the chance, she would definitely teach him a lesson.

Then his eyes flashed slightly again, and he sighed in his heart, this fellow Taoist Jiang Chen is really something extraordinary. He was his inspiration when he transformed into reincarnation. Even now that he is a saint, he still has deep feelings for Jiang Chen in his heart. With a hint of respect.

Unexpectedly, this fellow Taoist Jiang Chen not only has a high level of ideological awareness and amazing talent in cultivation, but also has such outstanding leadership skills. In just a few words, he can draw out the fighting spirit and momentum of many disciples of this sect. Not to be ignored.

Kunlun Mountain, Yuxu Palace.

Yuanshi Tianzun's eyes were slightly narrowed, and his gray hair and beard combined with his young face gave him a somewhat strange and mysterious feeling.

I saw him looking into the void. He was shocked by the momentum of this disciple. He looked at Jiang Chen, and there was a strange light flashing in his eyes, with a strange smile on his face.

However, Jiang Chen only placed these contributions in his heart, and was not interested in the other Jie Jiao disciples. Although the astonishing momentum indeed made him whimper in shock, but for these scaled and horned people, Shi Shengruan Hua Zhitu really didn't like it, so he took the initiative to ignore it.

"Junior brother, this disciple of yours is truly amazing!"

He smiled and disappeared into Yuxu Palace. Before disappearing, he sent a spiritual message to his disciples.

Xuandu Cave, Bajing Palace.

It is also rare that Lao Tzu is not in seclusion, but is paying attention to things in Western religions.

Looking at the group of people in the sect with strange eyes, Gujing Wubo's indifferent eyes also flashed with a hint of admiration.

Although he doesn't take many disciples, and he can be regarded as doing nothing, he does have a high regard for these disciples of his junior brother Tongtian.

"Jie Jiao, intercept the strand of the way of heaven that escapes."

Mouth silently.

It seems that my junior brother's way is not necessarily wrong, but my brother Yuanshi will be a little unhappy.


After calling softly, the void in front of him was distorted, and a young figure in a purple robe stepped out. This young man had a handsome face, a calm expression, and his indifferent attitude was very much like me.The young man made a big salute and asked.

"What is Master looking for from me?"

"Go to the West and teach me Taoism."

I ordered.

"Yes! Disciple, go ahead now."

"Everything should follow nature, and don't force yourself into something you can't do."

I warned him again, then closed my eyes and stopped looking at Xuandu.

Xuandu excused himself and disappeared in a flash.

Just when the entire Primordial Monk was shocked by the character and momentum of these disciples, the moods of all the important figures above were ups and downs, and undercurrents were surging throughout the Primordial World.

"Senior brother!"

I saw a figure appearing out of thin air at the front of the Western Buddhist camp. It was the Taoist Taoist who had been trapped in the Zhuxian Sword Formation by Tongtian before.

"What's the situation now?"

Jie Yin only knew that someone had hit him in the Western Cult, but he didn't know what exactly happened.

Zhunti explained the cause of the matter with an ugly face.

Then when he saw Jie Yin's face, he became more and more miserable, and finally it just turned into a soft sigh.


"Senior brother, what should I do now?"

"What else can we do? This is already the case."

Jie Yin also smiled bitterly.

Looking at the Jiejiao camp, there are only a few dozen people, but the overwhelming momentum is indeed far beyond what they can compare with Western Buddhism.

Rao is their enemy, Zhunti and Jieyin are also filled with admiration for the grace of this sect.

"Is this the Jiejiao Sect? It is truly a disciple of Tongtian, with a domineering and fearless aura of all things in the world. If these disciples can all be converted to our Western Sect, why should our Western Sect not prosper! "

Zhunti and Jieyin had this thought in their hearts. The battle was about to begin, and they felt envious of Tongtian.

The appearance was born from the heart, and while I was envious in my heart, there was also a look of envy on my face, but it was quickly covered up.


The murderous shouts from Ling Tian brought the two men back from their wandering thoughts.

Jie Yin and Zhunti also had fierce expressions on their faces, and they also stepped forward to kill Jiang Chen and the others. Since their faces were completely broken, there was no need to worry about anything anymore.

Just when the two of them led the Buddhas in the Western Sect to prepare to forcefully suppress Jiang Chen and others.

In front of the two of them, a figure appeared out of thin air. This person's murderous intent was unabashedly released, and his cold eyes stared at Zhunti and Jie Yin.

It surprised Zhunti and Jie Yin.

At this time, Tongtian had a monstrous murderous intention in his heart, and he had already killed Zhunti countless times in his heart.

This guy actually dared to forcibly convert Jiang Chen, he really deserved death! ! !
However, Tongtian still held back his murderous intention, and his voice was a little hoarse.

"I will leave you to my good disciple to deal with it on his own. However, it is better not to interfere. Just treat it as watching with me!!!"

Tongtian stared at Zhunti and said, his voice trembling while suppressing his murderous intent.

Both Zhunti and Yin felt cold in their hearts, and they were extremely afraid of Tongtian in this state.

But this is good, it just suits their wishes, otherwise Tongtian's forceful attack would probably be able to drag them both away.

Immediately, Zhunti turned into a stream of light and rushed towards Jiang Chen with an ugly expression.
(End of this chapter)

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