Prehistoric: Download the Saint's Cultivation at the Beginning

Chapter 204 Black Pattern Seizing the Golden Lotus!Jin Chan divides Buddhism!

Chapter 204 Black Pattern Seizing the Golden Lotus!Jin Chan divides Buddhism!

Jiang Chen shouted low and rushed towards Zhunti with overwhelming fighting intent.

"Zhunti, come and die!!!"

Zhunti looked ugly. He flicked his sleeves and the previously hidden Qinglian Sword fell into his hand and waved it forward seemingly casually.

Another wave of saint's energy enveloped Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen's expression was sarcastic, and his body's Dao lines were distorted. The power of rules emitted easily shook Zhunti's Qi into nothingness.

"Zhunti, are you at your wits end? This saint's aura cannot suppress me!!"

Zhunti's expression was cold and he didn't say anything. He blocked Jiang Chen's path with a single movement and raised his sword to slash at him.

Jiang Chen's pupils shrank, and he obviously didn't expect Zhunti to rush forward directly. He was in the midst of an impact and had no time to withdraw his strength.

Therefore, when he held the God-killing Spear in his hand and moved it a little further into the void below him, he forcibly twisted his body to avoid Zhunti's unexpected sword.

After avoiding this sword, Jiang Chen did not stop, turned around and used the Law of Thunder. Small black lightning arcs spread all over his body and the God-killing Spear, and then burst out.

The god-killing spear in his hand was raised high above his head, and Zhun appeared above the position just now. He pointed it at Zhun from a high position and struck hard, just like the devil coming to the world!

Seeing Jiang Chen's astonishing momentum, Zhunti felt a desire to retreat in his heart. He struck down with such force. Although the domineering energy shrouded his whole body, it was not difficult for Zhunti to resolve it.

This offensive is obviously the best choice to temporarily avoid its edge.

But Zhunti did not allow himself to retreat. As a saint, even he had his own arrogance.

"The Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree appears!"

Zhunti drank softly, and a big tree appeared out of thin air in front of him. The trunk was covered with green light, and the branches and leaves were even more lush and lush. The entire tree was shining with the light of wisdom.

This Seven Treasures Tree, also known as the Bodhi Tree, has the reputation of the Tree of Wisdom.

This tree seemed to have spirituality. After being summoned, it shook its branches, and then the color of the barrel became darker, like a copper wall and an iron wall lying in front of Jiang Chen and Zhunti.

At this time, Jiang Chen's God-killing Demon Spear also responded. .


A dull voice reached his ears.

I saw that the God-killing Spear was emitting monstrous demonic power, and the tiny black lightning arcs on it flashed rapidly, but only a white mark was left on the Seven Treasures Tree.

Jiang Chen looked at the Seven Treasures Tree with a solemn expression. It was worthy of being a quasi-consecrated object of enlightenment. It was really something extraordinary.

Jiang Chen was obviously very dissatisfied with the power of his God-killing Spear.

But what he didn't know was that Zhunti was also horrified in his heart. This was not an illusory thing that he transformed at will, but the original object of his enlightenment, the Seven Treasures Tree.

Jiang Chen's shot actually left a mark on it. This boy is truly a gift from heaven.

Looking at the traces on the Seven Treasures Tree, Zhunti could only feel the incomparable words and an uncontrollable chill in his heart.

This kid can't stay!

The murderous intention in his heart became more and more intense as he fought with Jiang Chen.

He was also frightened by Jiang Chen's terrifying talent. At such an age, with such fighting prowess, it was truly unprecedented and unparalleled!

In the most magnificent golden palace in Mount Xumi, a sinister-looking Taoist appeared silently in the golden palace.

That Taoist was none other than the six-winged blood-winged black mosquito enlightened by Jiang Chen tens of thousands of years ago!
Long before Jiang Chen came to Buddhism, two divine thoughts were transmitted, one of which was transmitted to this blood-winged black mosquito.

Hundreds of thousands of years ago, this blood-winged black mosquito was still a cocoon, still in a relatively hazy state. If it were to be born in that state, it would at least have to be cultivated there for tens of thousands of years before it has a chance to break out of the cocoon. .

At that time, Jiang Chen already knew in his heart that Ping Xin was about to reincarnate, so he had been waiting for Ping Xin in the sea of ​​blood.

During this period, I was exploring this sea of ​​blood. I have to say that this sea of ​​blood is indeed a blessed place for Jiang Chen. Even the God-killing Spear was obtained from that sea of ​​blood.

And randomly inspired two ferocious beasts in it, the six-winged blood-winged black pattern and the six-winged golden cicada.

A blood-winged black mosquito is said to suck the essence and blood from all over the world, and is a very ferocious beast.No matter what it is, it can be swallowed.Use this to practice and improve your own cultivation.

There is also a golden cicada, which is the most ferocious beast in the ancient world. It is even worse than the blood-winged black mosquito, and its body is stronger than gold. However, maybe it was inspired by Jiang Chen after speaking out, and in his heart He admired Jiang Chen so much that he forgot about his own ferocious beast characteristics, and his mind was extremely upright and peaceful.

These two beings are Hongmeng ferocious beasts. Ever since they came out, Jiang Chen's spiritual thoughts have been deeply buried in the hearts of the blood-winged black mosquitoes and golden cicadas.

At first, these two ferocious beasts thought about following Jiang Chen, but Jiang Chen didn't need it at the time, so he just left some obsessions in their hearts and left.

However, their origins destined them to be extraordinary.

Since Jiang Chen left, the blood-winged black mosquito and the golden cicada have been moving together, wandering around in this wilderness.

However, due to personality differences, they parted ways soon.

One has been following Jiang Chen's footsteps and fame and practicing in the wilderness, while the other is crazy about sucking living creatures to improve his cultivation.

It's like taking two paths.

Among them, Jin Chanzi was abducted by Zhunti, who was spying on the secrets of heaven, and was forcibly converted to him. If it weren't for Jiang Chen, he would have left a spiritual thought when he spoke out to help him maintain his original intention. , he had already been saved by that Zhunti.

But this blood-winged black mosquito has already gained a notorious reputation in this ancient world.Claims to be a mosquito Taoist.

On the eve of the war, Taoist Mosquito received the spiritual message from Jiang Chen. After knowing what Jiang Chen told him to do, he had a plan in mind.

The Mosquito Taoist no longer sucked some low-end monsters and spirits to improve his cultivation as before, nor did he hunt those Shura tribes in the sea of ​​blood. Instead, he came specifically to the foot of Mount Sumeru to look for those lone Buddhist disciples to suck.

After drinking it, he still shouted that this disciple of the Western Sect was too weak, and even after drinking it, there was no improvement in spiritual power at all.

This behavior undoubtedly made the Western sect very angry and sent the Dharma Protector Vajra to collect the mosquito Taoist.

The Mosquito Taoist had been waiting for them for a long time, so he deliberately sold out a flaw and allowed them to be captured and taken into the Western Sect. He was deliberately beaten back to his original form and locked up in a small bag by a White Lotus boy.

But how could a mere boy see through Taoist Mosquito? He easily broke through the seal on the small bag. However, he had gone out to search several times, but all failed and couldn't find anything.

Every time I go out to explore, I will restore the seal of the small bag to intact when I return, but it does not attract anyone's attention.

Mainly because Jiang Chen started to associate with the Western Sect at that time, and the Western Sect's headquarters seemed to be somewhat empty inside. In addition, this mosquito Taoist was extremely talented and good at hiding, so he was able to hide it for so long.

And now, looking at the top of the most magnificent Golden Palace in the Western religion, the sinister-looking Mosquito Taoist also had an ugly smile on his face.

"Hey, I finally found it!"

On top of the golden palace, a huge [-]th-grade golden lotus of merit emitted the power of supreme merit. The golden light gurgled and illuminated the entire hall.

The golden lotus hangs in the sky in the center of the hall, spinning slowly, carrying a sacred aura. It is obviously the supreme thing used by Western religions to suppress the luck of the sect.

If Zhunti hadn't used this twelve-grade golden lotus to forcibly bring luck to a group of Buddhist disciples for a short period of time, Taoist mosquitoes would probably never be able to find this golden lotus in their lifetime.

The mosquito Taoist licked his lips and stared greedily at the spinning golden lotus.

Then he opened his big mouth and swallowed the golden lotus directly.

I saw that the mosquito Taoist's big mouth was like a black pupil, but I couldn't see what he had in the end. I could only see a pitch black, which seemed to have the feeling of mustard seeds in Xumi.

The huge rotating golden lotus slowly moved closer to Taoist Mosquito, and gradually shrank. When it finally reached Taoist Mosquito's mouth, it was only the size of a longan, and was swallowed by Taoist Mosquito.

Feeling contentedly with the huge power of merit in his belly, a flash of greed flashed in his eyes, but it dissipated immediately. This is what the senior wants, so it is better not to think too much about it.

Then it turned into a plume of black smoke and disappeared.

The entire hall seemed to have lost its color. Without the Golden Lotus of Merit, the hall was much darker.

Now all the Buddhas in this Western religion are fighting on the battlefield. The empty hall looks extremely deserted. Only the breath of the Hongmeng ferocious beast left on the mosquito Taoist's body proves that someone has been to this hall.

On the battlefield, the battle between the three Taoist sects and the Western Buddhist sects, which were originally evenly matched, suddenly took a turn for the worse. The Buddhists who had been so brave before suddenly became weak one by one.

The momentum around him also suddenly dropped sharply, and the power of merit that was lingering around his body disappeared, and he returned to the previous state of strength when there was no power of merit added to his body.

Suddenly, all the Buddhas in Western religions were frightened and in chaos.

Zhunti, who was fighting with Jiang Chen, and the leader who was fighting with the Tongtian Cult Leader were also in shock.

Suddenly, he was shaken back to his senses by a majestic Buddha's voice.

"Western religion is like Tao but not Tao, like Buddha but not Buddha. It is neither fish nor fowl, and it is difficult to achieve success. It is not a unified system. Today, I, Jin Chanzi, founded Hinayana Buddhism and established Daleiyin Temple here. Will there be followers of Western religion who will follow me? go?!"

The Buddha's voice is as loud as a bell!It seems to be an oath to heaven, and it seems to be speaking to the Buddhas of the Western religion.

All the Buddhas looked at the golden cicada standing proudly in the sky with horrified expressions. They suddenly left their bodies due to the power of merit, and they began to have a little doubt in their hearts about the Western religion they had always believed in.

Although it's just a trace, as soon as the fuse comes out, this tiny thought pours out like a torrential river.

Looking at Jin Chanzi who was protected by golden light at this time, just looking at it from a distance, he felt that Buddhism was overwhelming. For a moment, he felt that it would be orthodox to abandon Western religion and convert to Hinayana Buddhism.

"Meet the leader!"

The Buddha was like a demon, and he knelt down before Jin Chanzi. His voice was extremely pious, as if he was impressed by Jin Chanzi's monstrous Buddhist teachings.

"Meet the leader!"

Someone took the lead in kneeling down, and those who had previously been hesitant about questioning Western religions all knelt down one after another as if they had been given determination.

He shouted "Meet the leader" in his mouth, and in his heart he completely abandoned Western religion. He became extremely pious and joined the Hinayana Buddhism.

This scene eventually led nearly twenty-three out of ten to worship Theravada Buddhism, and among them there was a quasi-sage-level protector.

For a moment, the heavenly clouds condensed and dispersed, separated and merged, turning into blossoming golden lotuses of the great avenue, and then turned into a six-winged golden cicada, and the figure of Jiang Chen appeared in between. This is the memory of Jin Chanzi The most unforgettable figure in the depths.

There were thousands of visions, and then boundless merits rained down from the sky, which actually diverted a small part of the Western teaching's luck.

"Theravada Buddhism, established!!!"

The sound of the avenue is endless, seeming to be celebrating the establishment of Theravada Buddhism.

Zhunti looked at this scene with dull eyes, and then shouted loudly.


(End of this chapter)

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