Prehistoric: Download the Saint's Cultivation at the Beginning

Chapter 206 Zhunti is furious!Life hangs by a thread!

Chapter 206 Zhunti is furious!Life hangs on a thread!

Seeing that all the Buddhist Buddhas were defeated, the Xuanmen disciples all looked extremely excited. They wished they could suppress these Buddhas immediately, so that the ancient monks could see them. After all, the authentic Xuanmen sect is not a Western religion. Comparable.

But what if a sect that rebelled against Taoism had two saints? If their Xuanmen were not separated, they would have three saints sitting in charge, steadily overpowering the Western sect!
Therefore, except for the two saints, Taoist disciples look at these Western Buddhas with a condescending look, just like orthodox looking at pirated versions.

Psychologically, they had an advantage over the Western disciples, so the Xuanmen disciples who already had the upper hand became more and more courageous as they fought. This situation actually made the Western disciples who were still struggling to support themselves miserable.

"Then so many people went to Theravada Buddhism before. Shouldn't we go there too?"

A late-stage quasi-sage protector's expression changed a little, and he asked his fellow disciples beside him with some suspicion.


No one answered his question directly.

These remaining Western Buddhists have all been practicing in the West for many years, and their sense of belonging to the Western religion has reached its peak.

Therefore, it is somewhat impossible for them to be easily convinced by the Golden Chanzi of Hinayana Buddhism.

Although they admired Jin Chanzi's boundless Dharma in their hearts, none of them were ready to switch to other schools.

He smiled bitterly, since he was not ready to devote himself to Theravada Buddhism, then he had to fight with all his strength!

They looked at each other and could see the determination in each other's eyes. They gritted their teeth and resisted the attacks of the Xuanmen disciples with considerable momentum.

Such desperate efforts attracted the attention of Duobao and the others.

How come these Western Buddhists suddenly feel like they have been injected with chicken blood?
However, this idea did not stay in my mind for long, and was thrown away in a moment.

So what if you are determined?Don’t they have the three Taoist religions? !

The three Xuanmen religions came with a mission, and they couldn't lose the face of their master.

Besides, they are the stronger side now. No matter how hard they resist, it is still in vain. In the face of absolute strength, determination has no big effect.

After all, this is a prehistoric place where everything is based on strength and there is no room for luck or miracles! ! !

The fighting spirit in the hearts of the people of the three sects rose high, and they crushed the Western sect with an even more devastating attitude.

It is bound to suppress all the Western Buddhas, so that they will not lose their reputation as the authentic Taoist sect.

Zhunti looked at Jiang Chen in bewilderment, and was extremely horrified in his heart. This Jiang Chen used the perfect body of a quasi-sage to hit his own saint's body. In addition, he didn't hold back at all in the attack just now, and even used his twelve points of strength. In terms of strength, they are evenly matched.

Even, he suffered a little secret loss. Jiang Chen's thunder power invaded his body a little bit. Although it couldn't bring any harm to him, it still made his arms a little numb, obviously. The effect of that divine thunder.

Looking towards the place where the three Taoist religions were fighting with his disciples of the Western religion, Zhunti was instantly frightened and furious. His Western disciples were about to be suppressed. From the looks of it, sooner or later they would be defeated and surrendered. matter.

The anger in his heart was overwhelming. It could be said that since he attained enlightenment, he had never been as angry as he is now.

He looked at Jiang Chen with a ferocious expression.

"Jiang Chen, it's true that I underestimated you. I shouldn't have let you live back then. It was the most correct choice to simply kill you with a backhand!"

Seeing Zhunti cynically making an afterthought that was as long as 10 years ago, Jiang Chen felt extremely disdainful.With a sarcastic face, he said: "Haha, why do you have to talk so freely? Back then, you, a bald donkey, thought about saving me, how could you have thought that today would happen? In the final analysis, it's just that you don't have that ability!"

"Haha, don't you have the ability?"

Immediately, the anger on Zhunti's face slowly subsided, but his eyes were still staring at Jiang Chen like a poisonous snake. The resentful look in his eyes made even Jiang Chen feel a little chilled in his heart.

Being stared at by Zhunti's cold and malicious eyes, Jiang Chen was extremely vigilant. Whenever he underestimated a saint, it was a bit irrational, even stupid!

He is no longer the mortal who first entered the primitive world. He is also very clear about the cruelty of this primitive world. Naturally, he will not underestimate an angry saint.

The muscles all over his body were tense, ready to take action at any time to deal with Zhunti's sudden move.


Just when Jiang Chen was alert, his eyes suddenly flashed and he discovered that the figure of Zhunti in front of him had disappeared?
Jiang Chen's pupils suddenly shrank to the size of a pinray, the hair all over his body stood on end, and alarm bells rang loudly in his heart.

"Wuji apricot yellow flag! Protect my body!"

I saw a flash of yellow light, the Wuji apricot yellow flag was hanging above Jiang Chen's head, the black and yellow aura dropped, protecting Jiang Chen inside, and a top-quality innate spiritual treasure protecting the body, Jiang Chen was still a little worried.

Holding the God-killing Spear tightly with both hands, he was in a defensive position.

Suddenly, Jiang Chen felt a cold feeling behind his back, a sound of breaking wind whistled in his ears, and the White Lotus Sword slashed down at him with a cold light.

Jiang Chen suddenly twisted his waist and stabbed back with the God-killing Spear.

The sharp energy made a sonic boom sound, but it was in vain. Instead, he was slashed back by the White Lotus Sword. Before Jiang Chen could stand up, another sword light came from the Tianling Gai, and he suddenly Xiangjiang Chen was stabbed down violently.


The sword tip and the Wuji Xinghuang Flag Matcha made sharp sounds, and even the Wuji Xinghuang Flag seemed to have their black and yellow energy dispersed.

Jiang Chen's pupils shrank, this Zhunti was actually stronger than before.

Just when Jiang Chen was sighing that the saint was worthy of being a saint, a green divine light emitted and imprisoned him in place, unable to move. Then he raised the white lotus sword and the green lotus sword and fired them one after another. Chen Chen's escape route was blocked, and he actually wanted to kill him with one strike!

Tongtian's face changed drastically when he was confronting Jieyin. He immediately wanted to go and rescue Jiang Chen. Unexpectedly, Jieyin, who had shown weakness before, went crazy and blocked Tongtian. For a while, even with Tongtian's magic power, he couldn't escape. .

Tongtian's pupils shrank and he roared: "If something happens to Jiang Chen, Jie Jie and the Western Sect will fight to the death!!!"

Zhunti stared at Jiang Chen coldly. At this time, he only had one thought in his mind, and that was to kill Jiang Chen. Only when Jiang Chen died could he calm down the resentment in his heart.

Looking at Jiang Chen who couldn't move, Zhunti felt infinite joy in his heart.

"So what if you're a genius? Today I'm going to make a genius like you lose his soul and never be able to turn back again!!!"

The murderous intention in his heart is so high.

The sword light also arrived in an instant.
(End of this chapter)

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