Prehistoric: Download the Saint's Cultivation at the Beginning

Chapter 210 The creation of heaven and earth!Jiang Chen created the world?

Chapter 210 The creation of heaven and earth!Jiang Chen created the world?

I saw the place where Jiang Chen was standing just now, and where was there half a human figure?

Only the broken void and endless chaos were left.

Zhunti's face looked ugly. He did not expect that Jiang Chen would have such courage and actually wanted to prove the Tao with force. However, using force to prove the Tao was extremely dangerous, and if he was not careful, he would be doomed.

You must know that even the Great God Pangu failed to prove the Great Dao. Is this Jiang Chen even stronger than the Great God Pangu?
No one would believe this, at least he would be the first to not believe it.

Zhen Yuanzi outside Mount Sumeru also looked at the broken void with a horrified expression. Chaos was surging, but he could still see the 36 Dinghai Divine Pearls hidden in the chaos.

But at this time, the Sky Measurement Ruler was nowhere to be seen. The 36 Dinghai Divine Pearls were floating in the chaos, each one emitting light and filling the broken void.

The light emitted seemed to have healing power, and the broken space was still spreading outwards, but now it has been suppressed.

"Look, what is that?"

Suddenly, a voice came out from that monk's power, and the words were full of disbelief and horror.

He saw that the 36 Dinghai Divine Pearls were slowly evolving the world, and Jiang Chen's figure was present in every world.

"Then that's Jiang Chen?"

"With that white robe, that young man's appearance, and that kind of shocking power, who else in the whole world besides Jiang Chen is there?"

"What is he doing now?"

"Brother Dao is joking. I guess you can only ask the Great God Pangu about your question. After all, no one can answer this question except the Great God Pangu..."

"Does this Jiang Chen really want to prove the Tao with his strength?"

"Well, it looks like this."

"Look at the expressions of those saints. The faces of Saint Zhunti and Saint Jieyin are not to mention how ugly they are, hehe."

"Hush, be silent. Although this Western religion looks extremely miserable now, if we make the saint angry, it will be just a matter of convenience to deal with us. Taoist brother, remember that trouble comes from the mouth!"

The monk was still alive beside him. The monk who was friends with him was so frightened that he quickly grabbed him and warned him solemnly.


The monk also restrained himself a little, and then he didn't dare to say anything.Look at the broken void quietly.

Everyone around was staring at that spot closely, not daring to blink for fear of missing something.

You have to know that such a big scene may never have the chance to see it again in countless thousands of years.

Tongtian also looked at the Dinghai Divine Pearl that flickered in and out of the chaos with a strange expression. Regarding Jiang Chen inside, Tongtian was both happy and worried for his disciple. At the same time, he was also worried about the disciple who was about to surpass him. , the mood is also a bit complicated.

It's like a son who has been raised by him since he was a child and has been loved and cared for by him. Suddenly one day he discovers that he is actually taller and stronger than you.

Although his mind was a little hard to calm down, Tongtian was still quite pleased that his disciples could actually be on par with the great god Pangu.

As one of the Three Pure Ones, for the great god Pangu, even Tongtian, who has a domineering character, has great respect for him.

Within the Dinghai Divine Pearl, Jiang Chen stood alone in a world where chaos was beginning to emerge, and the world was hazy.

When he looked around, he could see that the sight was no more than a hundred meters away. It was as if he had returned to the mortal period and saw the scene with the naked eye.

Immediately, Jiang Chen frowned, as if he was a little unhappy about this situation.

"Is this the scene when the Great God Pangu first opened the world?" Jiang Chen said to himself, looking at this world with some curiosity, focusing all his spiritual power on his eyes, and at the same time, God The power of consciousness also bursts out.

Finally, he penetrated the thick chaos and saw this world clearly.

This world is much smaller than the prehistoric world. Jiang Chen Jianzhuang also breathed a sigh of relief. With his current strength, he vaguely felt that if he were to open up a world as big as the prehistoric world, the final The result is bound to end in failure.

And this side of the world may still be successful!

Likewise, this is one of the reasons why he chose to use his strength to prove the Tao in the Dinghai Divine Pearl!

Jiang Chen's eyes gradually sharpened as he looked towards the chaos.

Then he turned the palm of his right hand and saw a dark spear held tightly in Jiang Chen's hand. It was clearly the God-killing Demonic Spear.

"I want to see how this world can stop me!"

With a cold snort, he stepped back with his right leg, holding the God-killing Spear tightly with both hands. The barrel of the gun gradually turned red, as if it was brewing some powerful energy move.

On top of the God-killing Spear that gradually became fiery red, it seemed as if the endless chaos had been diluted a lot. The fiery red in the entire chaotic space was extremely dazzling.

"Nine shots in the sky! The first shot!!"

Jiang Chen shouted in his heart.

Immediately, he raised his hands diagonally upwards, and saw that the chaos in front of him began to become thinner, no longer as strong as before.

While Jiang Chen was shouting in his heart, the same thing happened to the other 35 Dinghai Divine Pearls as the first Dinghai Divine Pearl.

The 36 Dinghai Divine Pearls evolved into 36 chaotic worlds, and in each world, there was a young man in white robes.

Immediately, in the horrified eyes of all sentient beings, they saw this strange and magnificent scene.

36 peerless figures, holding a spear that turned fiery red, launched their own vigorous blow at the chaos.

Such a scene of the beginning of chaos, that devil-like white-robed figure.

This is everything in the minds of all sentient beings.

At this moment, everyone forgot their purpose of coming.

There was only a figure in his eyes, and only one thought in his mind.

"Jiang Chen, he is creating the world, he is creating the world?!"

Tongtian also looked at this scene with a shocked expression, his Adam's apple rolled, he pulled up the corners of his mouth with some difficulty, and smiled ugly.

And those Zhunti and Jieyin both looked horrified. If Jiang Chen succeeds, wouldn't he be directly a saint of the Great Dao? How will their Western religion deal with themselves then?
"Damn it! How is it possible?! It can't be successful. Even the Great God Pangu failed to prove the Tao. How come this little human kid actually wants to open up the world and prove the Tao?!"

Both of them looked ferocious and muttered to themselves in a daze.

There is nothing they can do about this situation now.

Previously, Zhunti also tried to enter the Dinghai Divine Pearl to disrupt Jiang Chen's sermon, but unexpectedly, the Dinghai Divine Pearl seemed to have taken root in the broken space and could not be shaken at all.

And this Dinghai Divine Pearl also belongs to its owner. Without the owner's permission, it is impossible to enter it.

After he became a saint, he felt powerless for the first time.

(End of this chapter)

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