Prehistoric: Download the Saint's Cultivation at the Beginning

Chapter 223 The people are shocked!Inciting wrath!

Chapter 223 The people are shocked!Inciting wrath!
All living beings were stunned, watching Jiang Chen come out bathed in the holy blood!Under the endless rain of blood, his white robe remains unchanged, like a banished immortal, and the god-killing demon gun in his hand is like a black abyss, adding a bit of weirdness, and he looks like a demon king who has descended into the world!

Holy blood is flying all over the sky, and the young man in white robe stands in the sky!

This scene shocked so many people!It was like a scene of world destruction, appearing in front of everyone's eyes.

Countless years later, these monks may forget many things, but this scene will probably become eternal from the moment it enters their minds! !
After the wash of the years, it is also durable and a thought will last forever! ! !
All the ancient monks looked at this scene with horror and dreaminess on their faces. This dramatic scene was really hard for them to accept. Their mouths opened slightly and their brains stopped functioning at this moment.

Outside Mount Sumeru, there was silence for a long time.

"That's a saint. How is this possible?"

Finally, an unbelievable voice sounded, breaking the originally silent atmosphere, and spoke in a speechless tone.

This sound seemed to arouse the souls of these monks who had been shocked and lost, and all of them came back to their senses.

"Pin Pindao thought that although Saint Jiangchen was extremely powerful, the most he could do was beat up Saint Zhuntisheng, but Pindao didn't expect this kind of outcome!"

A wryly smiling voice also shook his head and sighed.

This monk is a powerful monk in the late quasi-sage period. His lifelong goal is to cultivate the cultivation of a saint and achieve the status of a saint. But now, the invincible existence in his heart has collapsed.

"It turns out that saints can also be killed."

Countless monks feel like this.

The saint in their hearts is invincible, because it is the pinnacle of the monks known in the ancient world, the pinnacle of the ancient world. In the eyes of the ancient monks, as long as they become a saint, the sky and the earth are vast, and they can roam.

To become a saint is to be immortal for all eternity.

But now, this fact is somewhat difficult for these people to accept.

Saints will also be suppressed and killed. Even if you become a saint, it is difficult to save your life, because you may be suppressed and killed by a saint who is stronger than you.

His mind wandered, and when he looked at Jiang Chen, his eyes were filled with awe and fear.It was this demon god's own shadow that was able to kill the saint.

The seemingly harmless young man in white robe turns out to be so terrifying once he unleashes his full combat power.

It really chilled people's hearts. All the monks looked at the young man in the field with horrifying eyes.

Those awed looks did not affect the white-robed young man in that scene at all. Jiang Chen's expression did not change. He did not feel the pleasure of killing a powerful enemy. Instead, he looked a little confused. This feeling could not be put into words.

But there is still a feeling in his heart that great things are unfinished.

Unable to come up with a result, Jiang Chen stopped thinking and looked up at the sky, his eyes indifferently looking at the rain of blood floating in the sky, and finally he gave a light scolding.



Just listen to the sound of the last thunder from the sky, and then it returns to silence, and the rain of blood in the sky seems to have finished. This world is where Jiang Chen broke the 36 Dinghai Divine Beads and evolved into 36 heavens. This place is also the place where Jiang Chen has proven to be a half-step saint.

Although it is not Jiang Chen's space in the strict sense, it is also contaminated by Jiang Chen's aura.

It can be said that in the world on Mount Sumeru, the way of heaven may not go with Hongjun, but it cannot but go with Jiang Chen, because this side of the world was restored by Jiang Chen when he realized the way, and it can be regarded as having his laws. breath.

And Jiang Chen only did this for one person, that is Hongjun, don't you represent the way of heaven? You may be like Tianwei in other places, but in this three-acre land, even the way of heaven obeys and obeys. My heavenly way.Hongjun, who was in the chaos, also took a deep look at Jiang Chen. This junior was quite courageous!

Looking at the sight of Jiang Chen wiping away the power of heaven with his words, the ancient monks seemed to have exploded.

"This is too shocking. Although other saints also have such abilities, you must know that this is a vision of heaven caused by the death of Saint Zhunti! How can this be dismissed like this?"

"I have never seen such a domineering person before. It's really shocking."

"The main reason is that Dao Ancestor Hongjun is still there. You must know that Dao Ancestor Hongjun is the spokesperson of heaven. This Saint Jiang Chen can actually do this in front of Dao Ancestor Hongjun. This is the most terrifying thing!"

"Such words and words really show the majesty of a saint to the extreme. This saint Jiang Chen has just become a saint, but he already has the momentum to keep pace with the old saints!"

"What fellow Taoist said is different!"

I saw a black-faced Taoist shaking his head and saying again.

The person being explained was Yuqi, who hesitated for a moment, and then wanted to refute. When he saw that it was the black dragon who had previously helped them explain the battle of saints, he smiled coquettishly.

But in my heart, I didn't think there was anything wrong with what I said.

"What do you think is wrong with this statement?"

"This statement is wrong in keeping pace with each other!" The black-faced Taoist said with a stern look.

"Can't Saint Jiang Chen be compared with other saints? Being able to kill Saint Zhunti is the most favorable proof!"

"Is what Pindao said about keeping pace with each other, but that Saint Jiang Chen is one step ahead? You know, there are only eight saints in the entire world, and now with Saint Jiang Chen, there are nine. So let me ask , In those countless years, has there ever been a situation like the death of a saint?"

"As for Saint Jiang Chen, who was the first to suppress the Saint, is he just keeping pace with other Saints?"

The black-faced Taoist was spitting like he was participating in some kind of debate, and he spoke highly of Jiang Chen!
Even Jiang Chen couldn't help laughing when he heard this, this black face was quite interesting.

And when all the sentient beings in the ancient world were amazed, the saints also had different expressions.

Leader Tongtian's face was full of pride, but he was not frightened by the news of Zhunti's death. There was nothing else in his heart except the joy of finding a treasure.

Ping Xin, on the other hand, had a strange look in his eyes, staring at that thin and tall figure. Previously, fellow Taoist Jiang Chen had used the Nine Spears of Kaitian to kill Zhunti. His aura was probably the same as that of Father God back then. No two.

Nuwa's face was even more strange. She never knew what kind of thoughts and attitudes she should have towards this descendant of the human race that she might have created herself.

I also had some changes in my indifferent expression, and there was also a bit of shock on my face that had always been unconventional.

Not to mention Yuan Shi, there was boundless envy on his face.

But the one who was blocked by Tongtian could not suppress the murderous intention in his heart. He was so angry that he summoned a pool of lotus flowers and rushed forward to avenge his junior brother.

Just when the war broke out again, the world that had just been quiet became restless again.

in a blink.

I saw thunder surging every day, strong winds raging, and the earth trembling!

(End of this chapter)

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