Prehistoric: Download the Saint's Cultivation at the Beginning

Chapter 226 Battle with 2 Saints!Eternal and unparalleled!

Chapter 226 The battle between the two saints!Eternal and unparalleled!
Tongtian was shocked when he heard these words.

It's hard to believe that his disciple is so courageous.

Although he had doubts in his heart about whether Jiang Chen could really defeat the two saints, Tongtian still did not question it out loud.

He glanced at Jiang Chen worriedly, and then let him lead him out.

However, he was determined in his heart. As long as Jiang Chen was in any danger, even if Jiang Chen blamed him, he would forcefully go up and rescue him.

He glanced at Jie Yin and Zhunti with eyes like razor blades, and the warning in them was extremely obvious.

Jieyin felt happy when he saw that Tongtian no longer blocked him. He completely ignored the warning in Tongtian's eyes and thought that if there was a chance, he would definitely kill Jiang Chen.

Although Tongtian and others value their disciples, if they kill them, they will definitely trigger crazy revenge from Tongtian, but so what.

Although the Tongtian leader claims to be invincible with the Four Saints with his Immortal Killing Sword Formation, his actual cultivation level is only slightly higher than him.

Although this can make Di Jieyin feel fearful, it is far from enough to say that he is afraid. He thinks so in his heart but does not show it on his face.

He is a very sophisticated person and does not easily show his emotions and anger clearly on his face.

He glanced at Jiang Chen with a sinister look, and then his figure flashed and flew to Zhunti's side.

Let's talk about Zhunti, in fact, he was already beaten by Jiang Chen and was unable to fight back. Although he didn't want to admit it, Zhunti already had a trace of fear in his heart towards Jiang Chen.

So when he faced Jiang Chen alone, he didn't have the slightest confidence in his heart. He had said loudly to Jiang Chen that Jiang Chen's offensive had no impact on him, and it was just to destroy Jiang Chen. It’s just a dusty heart.

In fact, he was extremely worried that Jiang Chen would suddenly go berserk and rush to attack him.

However, in the end, his guess was indeed correct. Jiang Chen's warning was not affected by him at all, and he actually wanted to directly tell him why he wanted to train him.

It is said to be a training, but how could Zhunti believe the lies told by Jiang Chen? With the level of Jiang Chen's hatred towards him, once there is a chance, he will definitely think of using the most explosive method to suppress himself as he did before. Kill on the spot.

Although he is a saint and will not die so easily, it is not without cost. His current level of strength has directly fallen to the second level of Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal.

Moreover, the feeling of having the physical body beaten into nothingness was not comfortable. Just as Jiang Chen teased him before, even if there was no impact at all, the pain felt by the physical body did not decrease at all.

Therefore, Zhunti didn't want to feel the feeling of being torn apart again.

Just when Jiang Chen was preparing to attack and move forward again, he could only turn to his senior brother to pick up the Taoist, but Zhunti didn't hold much hope that he could come up and deal with Jiang Chen with him. of.

After all, the leader of Tongtian Cult is not made of mud. He is watching eagerly from the side. How can his senior brother cross the mountain of Tongtian to help him fight against Jiang Chen.

Although I don't have much hope that the guide will come forward to help me, people always hope for a miracle to happen when they are in a difficult situation.

Even if he is a saint, he cannot avoid it.

Facts have proved that miracles can really happen. When Jiang Chen's arrogant words resounded, Zhunti was also secretly happy.

"Jiang Chen is so trusting. He is no match for him alone, but his senior brother is stronger than him.

Coupled with the tacit understanding formed between the two over countless years, the effect of fighting will definitely not be that one plus one equals two. "

He was secretly happy in his heart, it seemed that Jiang Chen's arrogance was not completely useless.

"However, this time we will definitely make you regret for your arrogance!!!"

I was thinking fiercely in my heart, but I really didn't dare to show anything on my face.If he showed a hint of joy, then Jiang Chen would regret what he should do.Regardless of the ecstasy in his heart, Zhunti, whose face really couldn't show the slightest emotion, also had a yellow face that was suppressed and turned red, which was quite funny.

Just when he was wandering in the sky, Jieyin also came to Zhunti's side.

At this time, Jie Yin, who had come to Zhunti's side, looked a little surprised and forgot to glance at his junior brother. Apparently, he did not know how rich his junior brother's inner activities were.

However, he turned his head randomly and realized that Zhunti's shattered body was re-condensed, which had side effects.

He looked at Jiang Chen in front of him with a solemn expression.He had different ideas from his junior brother Zhunti. Even if he teamed up with his junior brother, he was not sure of defeating Jiang Chen.

Because even though his cultivation level has reached the late stage of the third level of Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal, he still can't see through Jiang Chen's specific strength.

There are only two possibilities for this. One is that Jiang Chen has proved the great path, which is different from their path and strength system, so he cannot see the depth of Jiang Chen.

Secondly, Jiang Chen's strength far surpassed him.

If this is the case, then even if he and his junior brother join forces, they will probably end up extremely miserable.And the most alarming thing was that Jiang Chen directly killed Zhunti, but he just couldn't do this.

No matter how strong his real strength is, at least he is not as good as him.

Although there are many speculations in his mind, Zhunti is his junior brother after all, one of the leaders of the Western Sect, and the face and strength of the Western Sect. He cannot just sit back and watch Jiang Chen do whatever he wants here.

Therefore, even though Jiang Chen is extremely powerful, he still has to fight like this! ! !
Jiang Chen stood in the void, wearing a white robe, and small black lightning arcs flashed and jumped. The black and white scene seemed quite strange.

Looking at Zhunti, whose expression was changing, and Jie Yin, who had a solemn look on his face, Jiang Chen chuckled.

"You two, don't you dare to take the lead in attacking me even if you are a saint? What are you waiting for?"

The smile seemed quite warm and easy-going, but the contempt in the words was indeed very obvious, and there was no smile at all in the pair of black and white pupils under the smile.

Yes, it's just cold? !

Hearing these words, Zhunti and the two of them stopped procrastinating.

"Since fellow Taoist Jiang Chen invites you so kindly, I, the Western Sect, cannot retreat. The only option is a fight!!!"

Zhunti and Yin were all filled with the saint's law, and they laughed and charged towards Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen also put away the smile on his face, and felt great pride in his heart.

"Haha! Then let me teach you a lesson!"

Then he charged forward with just his physical strength.

Seeing such a magnificent scene made the monks outside Mount Sumeru boil with excitement, as if the blood in their own chests that had been dormant for many years was boiling.

"Using the body of a semi-saint to defeat two saints!!! Saint Jiang Chen's move is unprecedented and will never be done again. No matter what the outcome of this battle is, Saint Jiang Chen's name will remain with us forever. World!!!"

Some people lamented the decoration outside Mount Sumeru, and praised a person so much, but in front of these arrogant and powerful people, no one refuted it.

Because in their hearts at this time.

Jiang Chen is the No. 1 in all eternity!Eternal and unparalleled! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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