Prehistoric: Download the Saint's Cultivation at the Beginning

Chapter 229 Nine guns destroy the world!Jieyin also died?

Chapter 229 Nine guns destroy the world!Jieyin also died?
“How come this Zhunti saint’s body was exploded again??”


"Brother Taoist, this is a bit too much. What does 'again' mean?"

"Well, that's not too much, after all, it's a fact!"

"Hey, a generation of saints turned out to be so miserable in the hands of saint Jiang Chen."

"However, those eight shots from before were really too strong. Such a ground-breaking scene is truly horrifying!"

"Actually, this is the true combat power of Saint Jiang Chen. The first six shots were to kill Saint Zhunti. Before the next few shots were shown, there was no chance at all."

"Hey, in other words, the reason why Saint Jiang Chen killed Saint Zhunti with six spears before was because he didn't use all his strength. You know, Saint Jiang Chen calls this the nine spears that open the sky. As the name suggests, this magical power naturally has the power of nine spears. many."

"Indeed, from this point of view, it is thanks to the two saints joining forces. Otherwise, if there was only one saint, the eighth gun would probably be able to defeat the enemy without having to come out."

"Yes, this is true for the Holy Saint, and the Saint Zhunti is even more unbearable. He used six shots before, but now only three shots are enough to make him unable to resist."

All the monks and powerful monks were talking about it. Because of the strong sound wave earlier, these monks who were not particularly strong hid in places far away from Mount Sumeru. Perhaps they were far away. Some people were talking. The content is also much more exciting.

There is not much awe and fear towards the Second Saint of Western Religion in his words.

While this group of people were discussing, Jiang Chen looked at the exploding palm and the Zhunti that was shattered by the residual power of the eighth shot, but his eyes did not waver at all.

It seemed that what he had killed earlier was not a saint, but an ant that could be easily crushed.

Zhunti was furious in his heart. Jiang Chen was so terrifying that he once again shocked Zhunti into blood mist.

Although he was extremely angry, Zhunti was hiding in the void at this time and did not dare to make any noise or move, for fear that Jiang Chen would attack again.

The previous Great Merciful Palm was his most powerful magical power in attacking, but even such a powerful magical power did not pose a threat to Jiang Chen. Instead, it was completely destroyed by Jiang Chen's eight shots. You know, the first three shots were still blocked by Junior Brother Zhunti.

If the three shots in front were also aimed at him, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to withstand even the eight shots. How dare that Jie Yin come out.

Jiang Chen's eyes were cold and he kept scanning the other empty places on Mount Sumeru.

There was no trace of Jie Yin, followed by a sneer, and he closed his eyes directly.

Then the terrifying power of life poured out, sweeping through every inch of the void, and then countless groups of green lights and shadows appeared in Jiang Chen's perception, which were the countless creatures on Mount Sumeru.

There are several extremely rich vitality powers in it, which are obviously the vitality powers contained in several saints.

These huge groups of vitality are extremely rich, and compared with the vitality of other creatures, they are as bright as the bright moon.

The gap between that weak light like a firefly and the extremely majestic power of this saint is too huge.

Feeling such a powerful force of vitality, Jiang Chen was also a little shaken in his heart. These are real saints, different from his half-step saints. Although his combat power is stronger than them, he is just If we simply compete for vitality, we are not as good as them.

For example, if he were hit by the Nine Heavenly Spears like his, with his current vitality, he would probably die directly under the Nine Heavenly Spears.

I was shocked in my heart, but didn't show much on my face.

Jiang Chen could actually feel the rhythm of life in those countless groups of weak life force.

Jiang Chen felt the vitality and at the same time opened his eyes and looked at the people corresponding to it.

But there is a place where the vitality is extremely vague. It is not that the vitality is not strong because of weak cultivation, but that the vitality seems to be covered by something.

Looking at the strange power of life, I felt something in my heart.

Then he sneered, and this introduction was hidden tightly, and it was actually hidden under his own eyes.

Then he held the spear tightly in his hand.He shouted loudly.

"Jie Yin, I already know your hiding place. For this last shot, please give me some advice from the leader of Jie Yin."

While saying these words, there was no pause in the movements of his hands.

The God-killing Demonic Spear in his hand drew a strange arc, and then all the energy from heaven and earth was gathered together, and all that energy poured into the God-killing Demonic Spear.

Then I saw the energy of the God-killing Spear becoming more and more concentrated, and then the originally invisible spiritual power was compressed into a thick liquid.The slowly flowing blood-red thick energy liquid on the gun body looked extremely strange.

As for the guide hidden in the void, some cold sweat broke out on his forehead at this time. Jiang Chen had said before that he already knew his hiding place.

But the invitation was more serious, for fear that Jiang Chen wanted to deceive him so that he could be killed.

But seeing Jiang Chen start to gather the ninth spear so confidently, Zhunti was also a little unsure whether Jiang Chen knew where he was hiding.

His expression was solemn, and cold sweat was constantly dripping from his forehead.

Seeing the energy condensed by Jiang Chen's shot becoming more and more intense, the heaven-destroying energy stabbed Jie Yin's skin through the void, making Jie Yin's heart tighten even more.


Only a murderous roar was heard, and then Jiang Chen's energy was condensed to the extreme and the last shot was swung out. Jiang Chen's feet were suddenly stepped into the void, and then his figure exploded towards the person where he was hiding. A place of emptiness.

He held the God-killing Demon Spear high in his hand, and then struck down toward an uninhabited void with this unprecedented power.

The powerful monks were all a little strange, muttering secretly in their hearts.

"What is Saint Jiang Chen doing? Why is he attacking an empty place? Is he angry because he wants to prove his fighting power?"

"Hush! Silence! Brother Dao, please don't talk nonsense. We can't figure out the thoughts of Saint Jiang Chen!"


The monk who was warned also glanced at Jiang Chen guiltily, and then stopped making any sound.Apparently he was also a little afraid of Jiang Chen's power.

But the expression of Jieyin hidden in the void changed drastically.

He. How did he know where I was hiding?

He was inexplicably horrified, but he was still forced to stagger out of the void.

Seeing the guide that fell out of the void, all the monks had strange expressions on their faces. Even the saints had some changes in their expressions. Apparently, they did not know where the guide was hiding.

Jiang Chen's eyes were cold, and the last shot carried the energy of destruction towards Jie Yin's head.

Jie Yin hurriedly resisted, crossing his arms in front of him.


There was a slight sound of shattering, and at the point where the magic spear that connected the arm and Jiang Chen came into contact, blood-red spiritual power spread wildly.

It was impossible to see a trace of the scene within thousands of feet around him.


Suddenly, Jiang Chen felt the resistance under the gun disappear and let out a light sigh.

Then he suddenly retreated!

Such a world-destroying offensive made the faces of all the horrified beings change drastically. If this attack fell on them, even their souls would not be able to escape.

That kind of spiritual power raged for a long time, and when the blood-red spiritual power light dispersed, it was discovered that only a cloud of blood mist was left in place.

The figure who greeted him was gone.

"Looking at such a strange scene, all the monks' pupils shrank to the size of a needle.

"The Holy Saint has fallen?"


"These nine spears can be called world-destroying!!!"

Everything has settled, and there is only one silhouette standing in the field, leaving only the horror of the monks! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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