Prehistoric: Download the Saint's Cultivation at the Beginning

Chapter 238 Nuwa treats you like a guest!The young eagle dances in the air!

Chapter 238 Nuwa treats you like a guest!The young eagle dances in the air!
I was feeling embarrassed inside, but I still forced myself to look at Nuwa.

Nuwa's appearance seemed to be that of Jiang Chen's age. If she called an extremely beautiful woman who looked as young as herself mother, the picture wouldn't be too beautiful.

Well, it’s better to be in harmony with fellow Taoists.

He forced himself to calm down and continued to look at Nuwa.

Seeing Jiang Chen's lack of reaction, Nuwa continued: "If we were to create a human race of this scale, it would be difficult for me to do it even with my current cultivation level."

"But Fuxi is only one person, Taoist fellow Taoist should still be able to do it, right?"

"Hey, the first generation of humans I created are the most qualified people among the human race. Because they have a trace of my spirit, they are all born with the Tao, and are innate Tao embryos."

"But this strength is also compared to the human race that has been reproduced in later generations. If compared with the ancient alien species and those innate gods and demons, it is far behind."

"And the human race I created are all creatures with their own independent thoughts."

"If I forcibly create a person, it would be just self-deception. He is already another independent creature and is no longer my brother."

Jiang Chen also nodded secretly after hearing this, but he thought it was too simple.

"In this case, I have nothing to ask."

Looking at Jiang Chen in front of her, Nuwa seemed to have something else she wanted to say. She opened her mouth but didn't know where to start.

How could Jiang Chen not know what she was thinking, she must be worried about handling Fuxi's affairs alone.

"Do you have anything else to do, fellow Taoist?"

He glanced at Nuwa lightly, and after a moment, he frowned slightly and said softly.

Hearing Jiang Chen's plain words, Nuwa didn't know what to say.

But after all, it was his brother's matter, so he bit the bullet and said, "I wonder if fellow Taoist Jiang Chen can take me along?"

Jiang Chen twitched the corner of his mouth, it turned out that he was still worried about himself.

"Fellow Taoist is joking. You must know that even though I have the book of life and death in my hand, the matter of reincarnation still has to go through Jiuyou Nether Mansion, and the relationship between Taoist Taoist Pingxin and Taoist friends is the same."

After saying this, Jiang Chen didn't say any more, but Nuwa must have understood it.

Nuwa's face was also a little ugly. Although she was a member of the demon clan, she had never interfered in major affairs between lichs.

Only when her brother died did she come out and frighten the witch clan, but she didn't really take action.

However, it cannot be denied that because of his appearance, the Wu clan completely gave up hope and self-destructed one after another.


With a sigh, Binas stopped talking, but looked at Jiang Chen with hopeful eyes.

Jiang Chen couldn't help but roll his eyes in his heart.

This saint Nuwa still pretends to be pitiful?
Shaking his head, Jiang Chen said seriously: "But fellow Taoist, don't worry too much. Although reincarnation is mainly controlled by fellow Taoist Pingxin, your brother is a reincarnated human race, so there should be no problem with this."

Sure enough, after hearing Jiang Chen's words, Nuwa's beautiful eyes lit up, and she felt even more grateful to Jiang Chen.

She secretly made up her mind that if Jiang Chen asked for anything from her in the future, she would do her best to help him.

Looking at Nuwa's expression, Jiang Chen said again: "Don't worry, fellow Taoist, I will go there in person this time."

When Jiang Chen said this without looking like he was lying, Nuwa also spread her beautiful eyebrows and opened her mouth slightly.

"Then thank you Taoist friend Jiang Chen!" Cheng Sheng bowed to Jiang Chen.

"I am going to say goodbye to Master. I will naturally go there in person at that time. Fellow Taoist, please go back first."

Listening to these words that were like seeing off a guest, Nuwa also smiled bitterly, and a hint of helplessness appeared on her cold and charming face.

"In that case, I will go back to the Wa Palace, and everything will be troublesome for fellow Taoist Jiang Chen."

Nuwa cupped her hands and said, Jiang Chen also returned the salute perfunctorily.

Seeing that Jiang Chen was not very interested, if he stayed any longer it would make Jiang Chen impatient, so he didn't dare to stay any longer, his body trembled and he disappeared without a trace.

When Jiang Chen saw this, he was also ready to tell Tongtian before setting off.

However, before he could move, a group of Jie Jiao disciples from below surrounded him.

All the male disciples looked adoring. It had been ten thousand years since the last war.Ever since Senior Brother came from the West, these disciples had only seen him once, and they had not left seclusion for ten thousand years.

The female disciples looked nervously and looked at Jiang Chen.

"Eldest Brother, is that really Saint Nuwa just now? She was so polite to you, Eldest Brother. Can we be like Eldest Brother in the future?"

"Elder brother, why did Saint Nuwa come to you? Why did she come to you?"

"Yes, yes, she won't be against you, senior brother."

All the disciples gathered around and chattered incessantly. Those male disciples all admired Jiang Chen.

They think that their senior brother is so majestic that even the saint talks to his senior brother so politely.

And those female fairies were worried that other women would abduct their senior brothers, and their little faces were full of anxiety and worry.

Although I know in my heart that my senior brother may not necessarily think highly of me due to his strength and vision, there is still a chance.

"Ahem! I still have something I want to discuss with Master. Junior brothers and sisters, we will discuss it another day."

Jiang Chen was also helpless, and then he just used an escape technique and ran away quickly.

"Big brother hum!"

All the disciples looked unfinished and wanted to have more in-depth exchanges with their senior brother.

Bixiao let out a proud snort and stamped his feet.His little face was full of unhappiness.

Biyou Palace.


Jiang Chen saluted and said respectfully.

"Well, have you really decided? Are you going to help Nuwa this time? You have to know that if Fuxi's memory is not completely erased, it will not be a good thing for you human race!"

Tongtian also warned.

Jiang Chen nodded to show his understanding.

"Master, don't worry, disciples have their own sense of proportion!"

Regarding Nuwa, Jiang Chen felt relatively at ease. After all, he had cut off part of Fuxi's soul under his own eyes. Jiang Chen knew very well whether she was cheating or not.

What's more, even if there is really something wrong with Fuxi, as long as he kills him, there will be no trouble.

"Then I won't say anything more, my master. Now even my master can't see through your strength. I, my master, should be relieved."

Hearing Tongtian's words, Jiang Chen also felt a warm current surge through his heart. Maybe he was now so strong that he wasn't afraid of anything, but Tongtian was still worried about him.

"Master himself, please don't forget what my disciple said about the Long-Eared Dingguang Immortal. This boy is born to be rebellious and cannot be reused. Master Ying, please be careful."

"I know, I know, why are you such a nagging person! Go and do your own thing!"

Tongtian chased Jiang Chen with a look of disgust on his face, as if he was a little annoyed by Jiang Chen.

Seeing his master like this, Jiang Chen smiled helplessly.

His master has a stubborn temper, but he also believes that his master listened to his words.

He bowed solemnly.

It immediately turned into a stream of light and rushed towards the sky, and finally turned into a black dot and disappeared.

When Tongtian saw Jiang Chen leaving, he put away the impatience on his face and a happy smile appeared on his face.

"This brat finally no longer needs my teacher's protection."

Apart from the joy in my heart, there is also this sense of loss.

Then he shook his head mockingly.

The young eagle soars through the nine heavens. The eagle like me should be happy. . .

Immediately, a thoughtful look appeared in his eyes.

Long-eared Dingguangxian?
(End of this chapter)

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