Chapter 403: Dissuade Nezha

Ji Fa still doesn't understand what they mean by destiny.

Because they don't know what it is, they keep talking about it.

But after all, there is a long way to go, so why bother with this?

"What do you mean by the fate you are talking about? I just want to take people back."

When I talked about this, I really felt more helpless and at a loss.

It’s also painful to scratch my head.

I never thought that they would encounter so many things.

And I keep talking about this problem, and now I don’t know how to deal with it.

Originally, this matter was not a big deal to me.

But they have been struggling with this problem, and they have been telling themselves that the time has not come yet.

In other words, it has its own destiny.

"In fact, this thing is equivalent to your destiny, which is in the hands of God."

Jiang Chen could probably tell it like this, but he didn't really understand it either.

It's something that can't be explained clearly in just one or two sentences. Sometimes in life, it has to happen.

These things are difficult to say, and I don't dare to make random conclusions.

"But you must not be anxious. It will be soon if you wait a little longer."

Jiang Chen was also comforted because he didn't have much judgment on this matter.

But most people also know that Jiang Ziya must have his own arrangements, otherwise he would not wait here forever.

And he is a very wise person to begin with. If he can do something now, he must have a reason for it.

If you go back with him about this matter, it means that the matter here has not been dealt with yet, so there is no need to worry.

Ji Fa felt a little helpless after hearing this, but there was nothing he could do.

"OK then."

In the end, I agreed to the matter because I really had no choice.

They all kept talking about this matter here, making themselves feel helpless.

But since everything has been said, just wait here for a while. You still need to be patient.

Jiang Chen didn't say anything after seeing him like this.

After all, these things need to be experienced by oneself. Once you have experienced them, you will understand.

He has just joined the society, has not experienced many things, and his qualifications are still relatively young.

It is quite normal to encounter these.

If that's the case, he needs to think about it for himself.

I have to prepare myself and go out to take a look first. I don’t know what’s going on over there with Nezha.

After walking out, I was ready to go to the beach to relax.

I have been walking for such a long time, and now I don’t know what happened in the meantime.

You still have to arrange your mood well.

It's the same now, I just hope it can be resolved properly.

If there are no major problems, you can leave here as soon as possible.

"Why is Nezha here?"

After I came out, I never thought that I would meet Nezha, whom I saw last time.

The children look a little depressed when they look at someone here, and they keep their heads down when they walk.

How could a little child do so many things in his heart and still look sad? I don’t know what happened last time. Did you handle it well?

"What's wrong with you? Is there something wrong?"

Jiang Chen was willing to go up there. He was gentle and didn't want a child to be like this.

I knew he was very talented before, so now I just came here to take care of him.

And if a child can do that, he is already gifted with divine power.

"It's okay, just leave me alone."

Unexpectedly, Nezha was unwilling to speak out after hearing this.

This is a very small matter to me, and I don't want others to know.

Moreover, there are reasons why I can stay here for a long time.

If something happens, then I will take responsibility and have nothing to do with others.

After Jiang Chen saw his stubborn look, he felt a little helpless.

He just wanted to help with good intentions, but it seemed that he didn't need his help.

Well, since that's the case, it's just that I'm overthinking it, so I'd better look for other things.

"Then since you don't want to say it, I won't force you."

After Jiang Chen looked at his appearance, he didn't ask any more questions, because he also knew that asking would be useless.

Originally, people like him were probably the kind of tight-lipped people who probably wouldn't say anything.

The same is true now. If we can meet each other well, it will probably be fine.

"I just want to tell you something, that is, you should stop provoking people from the Dragon Clan."

Jiang Chen, you want to give him this advice, after all, not everyone can offend the Dragon King of the East China Sea.

Especially if such a child continues to appear, he will be really threatened.

"So what? I'm not afraid of him at all. It's useless for you to say this."

Unexpectedly, Nezha, who was originally calm, suddenly lost his temper at this time.

The whole person looked very angry. Thinking of the Dragon King of the East China Sea, he felt extremely angry.

I didn't do anything originally, but what I didn't expect was that he would come to trouble me.

After Jiang Chen saw Nezha's anxious look, he knew that there must be a conflict between them.

And if he continues in this situation, he will definitely get into big trouble, which is definitely not possible.

"It's one thing if you're not afraid of them, but you really shouldn't have anything to do with them."

Jiang Chen still said it, and looking at his angry little face, he felt a little cute.

But now he must remind him of this matter, because it will indeed be a big danger.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea is not an ordinary person. If something happens to his son, he will never let Nezha go.

So now I must remind him not to get into trouble again.

After I saw how talented this kid was, I couldn't help but talk to him a lot.

But after hearing these words, Nezha seemed to be even more unconvinced.

After all, I am not afraid of anything, so why should I be afraid of someone like him?

And I haven't done anything. If he has the ability, he will come to me, and I am not afraid.

After Jiang Chen saw him like this, he didn't know how to continue talking.

Originally, he might have caused trouble like this, but now if he really got involved with the Dragon King of the East China Sea, it would be over.

He is not someone who is easy to bully, and he cannot bear any grievance.

(End of this chapter)

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