Chapter 405 Worry about Nezha

Jiang Chen is now preparing to see what he can do at this moment. After all, this matter is quite important.

"He needs me to rescue him now. Did he do something?"

It's also a question when thinking about this. If you still want to find out, you have to ask where he is being held.

The most important thing is why he was imprisoned. This is the most important thing. You still have principles when doing things.

"In fact, he is being tortured now, and it is very severe."

Jiang Ziya touched his beard and said it.

Huahua's beard looks particularly smooth here, because he is also helpless now.

If it weren't for this incident, he might not have been locked up, and he was extremely capable.

"Why did he accept torture? Did he commit any crime?"

Jiang Chen was quite confused and didn't know what they had done to make Jiang Ziya say this.

Now I can't even imagine what kind of scene this is.

"Mainly because of the seven emotions and six desires, something happened before and I was punished."

I just said it gradually, because there is no need to explain too much about these things.

Originally, there was no need to do a lot of this kind of thing, but it was mainly because he committed a crime and was punished.

So after accepting the torture, we need to prepare to move to another place. Now we just want him to rescue him.

"Then if that's the case, I'll just go over there."

Jiang Chen said it instantly and agreed.

After all, they had already agreed, and I just wanted to see who was being tortured for committing such an emotional thing.

If you go and see for yourself, you will know what kind of thing it is, and you are ready to go.

After wasting some time, I am now ready to leave because there is not much going on.

"Let Ji Fa go there with you. It's not good for you to go alone."

Jiang Ziya also suddenly brought this up, because after all, if more than one person goes there, there will be an extra helper.

Even if you can't do too many things, you might still be able to tip off the news, which would be a help.

So for the matter I am talking about now, it would be good if someone could help me.

Jiang Chen also nodded after hearing this. After all, it would be okay if he went.

But the main thing is that I don't know if he is willing to go there. After all, he is accompanying him, and he also wants Jiang Ziya's side.

If that's the case, I don't know if he has such thoughts in his heart.

Ji Fa felt extremely helpless after hearing this, with a particularly reluctant look on his face.

Then I came to find Jiang Ziya, but I didn't realize that I encountered so many things along the way.

Now they have to leave Jiang Ziya. They must not be willing to leave Jiang Ziya in their hearts. If he goes somewhere else, they won't be able to find him.

"I want to stay by your side. I don't want to go there."

Ji Fa said embarrassedly that he didn't want to help, but he really didn't want to leave here.

Now when it comes to these homework, I feel really helpless, because I haven't brought Jiang Ziya back yet, so I went somewhere else.

There must be reluctance on his face, and he was staring at Jiang Ziya.

After seeing him like this, I knew that he was definitely not good enough now and could still go through some experience. So the purpose of doing this is to let him get some exercise, so I let him go.

"This is definitely not possible, and I can't leave with you now. Your work here is in vain."

Jiang Ziya suddenly spoke out. After all, he had no plans to leave here yet, and it was not yet time.

It just happened that during this period of time, he could follow Jiang Chen to find this person and wait for him later.

"And this is an experience for you. If you can do it well, it will be relatively easy for me to go back with you."

Jiang Ziya could tell because this was really an experience for him.

The whole person is actually pretty good, but because he hasn't experienced much, he still seems particularly immature.

If he can do this well, it can be considered an opportunity, and he can also train himself.

So this is also my inner thought, so I hope they can handle it well in the past.

Although he was still reluctant on the surface, Ji Fa could only nod.

You have to agree to this. If you don't have these things, you really don't know what else to do.

Because Jiang Ziya is not willing to go back by himself at this moment, then there is no use staying here.

"Then I'll go with you, and I'll help you find someone together."

Ji Fa could also tell that since he was gone now, he had to do this well.

Besides, this is a training experience for myself, so I must enrich myself.

"Okay, let's pack our things now and get ready to go."

Jiang Chen also knew that he didn't want to waste too much time, as other things might happen later.

The nights are long and there are many dreams, so it is better for me to set off as early as possible.

Ji Fa was determined and packed up his things casually, because there wasn't much to take.

It’s not just luggage. You may encounter a lot of things on the road, so it’s better to just bring something simple.

"I want to leave this place now, but I have one more thing."

Jiang Chen suddenly thought about it and frowned.

There are indeed some things that I haven't done yet, so I feel a little uneasy right now.

"I'm still a little worried about Nezha. After all, I don't know what he will do as a child here."

Jiang Chen has been thinking about this matter in his heart for the past two days. In fact, there is nothing wrong with him going there.

But if you stay here, you can still see what's going on here, and you might be able to help.

But now after thinking about this, I have to worry in my heart. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with me.

Extremely psychologically conflicted.

"It should be fine. After all, they all stay here."

Ji Fa also roughly said it. Although he didn't understand it in his heart, he also knew that Jiang Ziya would be here.

Since you are in this place, there should be nothing major, and you don't need to worry too much.

After all, Nezha's martial arts is quite strong. He knew that he would be fine since he was not afraid of the Dragon King of the East China Sea.

(End of this chapter)

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