Chapter 407 Rescue Qiqing

Jiang Chen arrived here quickly and saw him preparing to undergo torture.

"It's time to take action yourself."

After slowly going to school, I can now save people without any effort.

After flying up, he just casually separated the objects next to him without spending any energy and saved him.

Ji Fa was very surprised when he saw this happening from the side.

I didn't expect that the person I had been following would be so powerful in martial arts. He didn't waste any effort at all.

People were rescued immediately, and now they are all released.

I was so surprised that I couldn't close my mouth. This was really amazing.

"What's the reason for you now? Why do you do this kind of thing?"

Jiang Chen started to get over it after he put it down. He got up because he had never thought of it.

After all, those who can accept this kind of torture must have done something certain, and now we don’t know what this woman did.

"There is indeed something going on."

There was a trace of disappointment hidden in the woman's eyes.

But there is also a bit of resentment, because this matter is related to myself.

If it weren't for this, I wouldn't have to endure these hardships. Now it's all because of my husband.

"That's it, because my husband-in-law betrayed me, so I have nothing to do."

"I was so angry that I killed all the girls in the brothel after I came here."

After saying this, the loss in the woman's eyes was hard to conceal.

It was indeed a bit uncomfortable because I encountered this kind of thing, but I never regretted it.

The person who once said sweet words to me and said that he would not betray me betrayed me.

That feeling was really unbearable, so I said I couldn't bear it anymore, so I killed all these women.

I just endured such torture, but I have no regrets. Now that I have encountered it, I will definitely do it.

Jiang Chen also nodded after hearing it. It turned out to be because of this, so now he can understand it a little bit.

Sure enough, love in this world is the easiest thing to distract people. If it weren't for these reasons, he wouldn't be treated like this.

If this is the case, there is a basis for coming here.

"I came here to save you, so what do you think now?"

Jiang Chen said it directly without saying anything and just touched his face.

It was said casually, and it was treated as if it was said accidentally.

But the woman understood that after all, she had been saved once, so she must repay him.

"You saved my life, so no matter what you do, I will be willing to do it and listen to your orders."

The woman spontaneously combusts, and she understands the meaning of this. After all, nothing is done in vain.

Since he came here to save himself, it means that he must be useful.

But now there is nothing to do, the revenge has been avenged, so now I have nothing to worry about.

"If that's the case, then you will follow me and be my apprentice."

When Jiang Chen said it, the woman was also very shocked.

I never thought that he would directly let me be his apprentice. I knew it when I saw him like this before.

His martial arts is extremely powerful, dozens of times better than his own, and he is also extremely capable.

He should look like a worldly expert, and he has great endurance in doing things.

"Then I'm very happy." After saying it, I was very happy. It would be great if I could get rid of it.

Especially now that they are now homeless and have no one to worry about.

So I am very happy to be able to follow him and become his disciple.

"Then let me give you a name first. After all, you don't know what to call me yet."

But the previous name will definitely no longer work. After all, we have to start over.

If this is the case, I have to think of a name to call him and become my disciple.

"You were punished for your seven emotions and six desires. How about I call you Qi Qing?"

Jiang Chen touched his beard and said a name.

I also thought of this method temporarily, but I didn't think of anything else.

And I gave him this name because I wanted him to remember what happened today.

Don't make the same mistake again.

"I understand, from now on my name will be Qiqing."

The woman agreed instantly, without any doubt, and she was very happy.

After thinking about it, I felt that this name suited me very well and allowed me to remember the previous lessons.

I will never do such a thing again. From now on, I will be called Qiqing, and what happened before has nothing to do with me.

I won’t think about what happened before anymore, now I have to do what I should do.

"This is a good name. I can remember the past and start over."

After Ji Fa heard this next to him, he couldn't help but start looking through it. This was really a good name.

And to be able to receive such a good apprentice, this matter is simply effortless.


Jiang Chen didn't say anything else, after all, these were some things he had to do later.

Now that I have encountered all of this, I must forget the past and start over.

"You are so awesome. What you did today is really something I have never seen before."

Ji Fa suddenly looked particularly excited. After all, his martial arts performance today was too high.

It seemed that he had rescued the person without doing anything. He was unable to judge the level of his strength.

I had never seen him do such a thing before, but now I finally saw it, and it was only for a moment.

"I want to ask a question?"

Ji Fa suddenly said it again, because this was what he had just thought of, after all, he was so powerful.


Jiang Chen turned his head and looked at Ji Fa.

"It's just a simple question. I want to ask who is more powerful, you or this Jiang Ziya?"

After saying it, his face fell straight up. Now I am really curious about this question.

After all, the two of them are really powerful, and they have always been together.

But I haven't seen the two of them compete, and I don't know who is better in martial arts, so I asked.

Jiang Chen laughed out loud after hearing this question. He didn't expect that he would ask such a question.

Originally, there was no need to compare this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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