Chapter 410: Killing relatives for justice

But now I see that the displaced people around me have been flooded, and some of them have lost their lives.

"If you are undecided, I will help you and let the whole of Chentangguan be buried with you."

Another flood started, and now Chief Chen has already started to act more than half of the time, and some people have lost their lives.

Floating on the sea, now that this has appeared, some people and people have begun to feel dissatisfied.

Even the entire Chentangguan that had been displaced was almost ruined and most of its things were gone.


Li Jing really couldn't bear it anymore, and the people around him were shouting for help in his ears.

Now that I think about this, I don't know what to do, if I can exchange the life of my son for the lives of everyone.

Then it is still worthwhile for us. It is indeed our son who made a mistake and there is nothing we can do about it.

"Hurry up and stop the water. I will give you an explanation now."

Li Jing really had no choice but to agree to the matter.

This is his son, but those common people are also his own people, and they are also his closest relatives.

If this continues, the entire concept of growth will be lost, and it would be too selfish to save a son's life.

Even if all Chentangguan was flooded, he would never let his son go.

"How could you do this father, how could you do this?"

Nezha was completely surprised. He never thought that his father would do this.

Especially when encountering something like this, and his father confirmed that he wanted to kill him.

They have to pay for other people's sons, which I have never encountered.

Everyone was very surprised, and they didn't want to believe that their biological father would do this.

Besides, he didn't do it on purpose, his son came to provoke him.

"I really have no choice. With so many Hundred Stars here, you should also know what's appropriate."

Li Jing said to Nezha.

Now he has really committed irreversible consequences, and the Dragon King of the East China Sea is already here.

It's such a big thing, so the consequences are really unbearable, because you can't bear it either.

There are so many people here, and there is no way for me to do anything I want to do.

"Just blame me, there is really nothing I can do about this matter."

Li Jing sighed and then said it.

Because there is really nothing to do now, and no solution has been found.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea will never let him go, and the thief will not really do it if something like this happens.

After Nezha heard this, he really felt that he had heard the biggest joke.

Now that this happened, I don't know what to say. After all, it was already expected.

He didn't say anything anymore and just waited for the result.

"Don't do this, we'll be fine."

Some people had already started shouting.

Even if they are in a very dangerous situation and have nowhere to go, they are willing to say this.

After all, Nezha is Li Jing's child and the children of the entire villagers, so they don't want to encounter this kind of thing.

But now the more I hear these villagers begging for mercy, the more and more sad I feel.

If you really have to trade your son's life for all of their lives, then it's worth it.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea will never let anyone go, so this matter must be settled now. "Don't say any more, I've made up my mind."

After saying this, the entire people talked for a while, but at this time, Nezha's mother next to him burst into tears.

I never thought I could say such a thing, this is really my son.

Even if he can be ruthless, he can't stop being ruthless. Poor parents in the world are like this.

"I do not want to!"

Shouting loudly, but it was of no use at this time.

Li Jing decided not to let anyone disturb him on this matter, and now he can only do this.

Even if anything happens, the people who will take good care of him are also here.

"Get out of my way quickly."

He shouted loudly and now dragged the person aside.

Because now that this happened, I really have no solution.

I can only come here, and I really have to treat it calmly, after all, so many people are here.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea has been watching from the side.

"You hurry up and take action, otherwise I will take action!"

After saying that, he immediately started preparing to come over, and he looked particularly vicious.

Li Jing immediately made preparations after seeing it. From the beginning until now, he has not dared to delay.

So many people are here waiting for so many lives.

Jiang Chen suddenly stopped while walking.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

Qiqing also felt particularly strange. He seemed to have encountered something suddenly and stopped immediately.

And he still looked a little worried. He didn't know what he had encountered, so he was very anxious.

"Nezha should be in danger over there, but now it seems I can't go back."

I feel a little uncomfortable when I talk about this, because even rushing back now is of no use.

After all, this has happened, his father has done this, and so many people from Chentangguan are here.

They all need to survive, and with so many lives, they are definitely not willing to give up.

"How do you think this happened? Why did that happen?"

When I talked about this matter, I felt a little incoherent and didn't know what to say.

It is true that we encountered this problem and it made everyone feel sad.

I never thought that this problem would arise, and now I feel very uncomfortable and don’t know what to say.

"Everything in the world is like this, but there will definitely be a turn for the better. This is his fate."

Qiqing was there to comfort her, because she had also encountered such a situation.

At that time, I didn’t think about anything, didn’t care about anything, and just acted directly.

Some things happened as a result, but now it's okay and finally back on track.

Nezha must have his destiny, so there is no need to be too anxious now.

If something happens, he will definitely be able to come back again.

(End of this chapter)

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