Chapter 412 Prepare to save people

After seeing this, the Dragon King of the East China Sea also smiled with satisfaction, as he had already avenged his son.

And he still watched Nezha die in front of him, being beaten to death.

"Can i do it now?"

Li Jing asked heartbrokenly, no longer knowing how to control his emotions.

I feel very heartbroken in my heart, but I don't know what to say. After all, I did this with my own hands.

Moreover, he beat his own son to death. It was too late to regret anything he wanted to do.

"Now I can tell you that after this matter is over, you should not mess with the Dragon Clan again."

He immediately started to warn, after all, his people were not easy to mess with.

As a Dragon King of the East China Sea, I have never been treated like this before. This is the first time.

Originally, his whole family was supposed to be buried with his son, but seeing this, it was over.

After all, he beat his own son to death with his own hands.

I'm afraid no one is more sad than him, so now that's the case, I won't say anything.

"I see."

Li Jing agreed directly, and also knew what this warning meant.

If something like this happens in the future, it may not be just one person who dies, it may be the entire people of Qiantang Pass.

And there will be a greater impact. Now I will never cause such a thing again.

"How could you beat my son to death? How could you beat your own son to death?"

Nezha's mother started crying right next to her.

His whole body was filled with grief, and he couldn't stop crying.

My whole eyes are red after practicing together, and now I can't control my emotions.

He never thought that his son would die in front of him, or in this form.

"I can't live anymore. If you leave, son, I will have to leave with you."

He has been talking about it all this time, and now he is hugging Nezha without letting go at all.

This is his own son. How can he survive without his mother in front of him?

Jiang Chen felt really sad after seeing this and really didn't know what to say.

Li Jing was always waiting beside him, and he felt very uncomfortable, but he was a man.

And he is still a leader. The people who take all the money to corrupt officials must hold back even if they want to cry.

We still have to deal with all the things at Qiantang Pass, and now the whole place is flooded, so we have to start over.

Rebuilding this place is the most important thing. Many people are waiting for me.

We can't be like this just because of a little personal affair between our children.

Jiang Chen felt so uncomfortable seeing this, he couldn't control himself even standing here.

"I feel like I have to take action now. I really can't watch it anymore."

After Jiang Chen said this, he appeared directly in front of his mother.

After seeing her like this, I didn't expect that she was completely unaware of her existence, and she was also very hurt.

It is estimated that at this time, there is no room for everyone in her eyes. Even after she stood here, she had no reaction.

"I can save Nezha now."

Jiang Chen said it directly, and now everyone is very surprised after seeing this. Especially Nezha's mother stopped completely, not knowing what was going on.

"What did you say?"

I felt that my whole body was shocked, and I didn't know what this was talking about.

And he immediately raised his head, now staring directly at himself.

Jiang Chen knew what he meant, and he also knew that he must not believe it, after all, he had said it.

And for a person who has never shown anything, she definitely doesn't believe it after saying this now.

"I am confident that I can save Nezha, your son."

Jiang Chen really didn't want to see this child, any talented person die here.

Moreover, he was also a very popular person, and he liked him very much after meeting him.

So now I have to save Nezha and let him live.

"Are you telling the truth? Can you really save my son? He is already dead now?"

When I talk about this, I really feel a little bit unbelievable, because now I am dead like this.

Although it was only within a short period of time, people could not resurrect from the dead, and I still understood this.

But when this person appeared in front of me, I felt like I had a glimmer of hope.

"I'm sure you don't need to worry too much about the ones I can save."

Jiang Chen said it directly because Nezha would never be allowed to die in front of him now.

You can try it yourself, but they don't have any chance now anyway.

And they don’t know what to do. At this time, they can only sell to people waiting, so it is better to do it themselves.

"Why do you say this kind of thing? Why does Jiang Chen have to care about Nezha's affairs?"

When Qiqing saw this happening from the side, she was also very surprised and even more confused.

I don't know why he has always cared about Nezha very much. From the beginning to now, he has always been thinking about him.

But it seems that there is no relationship between them, and they have never known each other. It seems that they only have a casual relationship.

I just met him a few times and didn't say anything, but I don't know why he likes him so much.

Even now, even after spending a lot of money, Nezha's life must be saved.

These are things that no one else can understand.

"Why is this? Why is it like this?"

Qiqing also just came here, but now she feels like she really doesn't understand it in her heart.

It's a bit strange why someone who obviously has no relationship would do so many things.

Could it be that there is a certain destiny somewhere? But these don't seem to have much to do with each other.


Jiang Ziya sighed deeply and looked at this, but was helpless.

If he wants to do it, then he can only let him do it. After all, he can't control so much.

Moreover, this time was already over, and Nezha also suffered the disaster he deserved.

If he can really get through it, then this is his best turn.

(End of this chapter)

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