Chapter 418 Helping Fulin Yuan

But now I have to find other ways, and now I have to go back and think about it carefully.

"Since they didn't get the chance and won't go to burn incense, I have to think of an idea."

Jiang Chen has been thinking about this matter since he came back. Since they are not willing to go, they have to let him go there unconsciously.

But if you want them to believe it, you have to know that this temple must be useful.

"In that case, I have to help a few people who are going to worship Nezha to fulfill their wishes."

Jiang Chen suddenly thought of this matter. Normally, if they want to complete it, they will definitely come over later.

If they come over, they will tell their families, and their families will tell the others.

This forms a cycle. Once something real happens, it is estimated that many people will be willing to come over.

If this is the case, there will probably be more people coming to offer incense.

"That's it for now."

Jiang Chen had already determined this matter and was directly preparing to help.

When I came to the back of the temple, I started to listen to them talking about these wishes.

In fact, some wishes are relatively easy to fulfill. What you can do can be done on the spot.

And it can quickly help them fulfill their wishes.

"I have helped several people fulfill their wishes today."

Jiang Chen said it quickly, and now he felt that several people were particularly happy.

And since he didn't come again, he probably received this envelope, and he believed it even more.

"This is really very spiritual. I learned how to make wishes today, and my wishes came true today."

"Really? Is there really such a spirit?"

After hearing this, other people also felt a little unbelievable, but they were also a little happy in their hearts.

If it can be accomplished, then it must mean that you can come here if you have spiritual energy.

"Of course it's true. You can all try it. It's very effective."

When he said this, several people behind him also came over quickly.

Now the number of people has increased a lot in just one day, which is completely different from the previous situation.

From just a few people to now, most of them are gathering together.

And many people watched the spiritual energy come over, and now they have made wishes within one day, and all of them have been completed.

"You are really awesome. Now many people are willing to believe it."

When Qiqing saw this, she felt that her master was truly invincible.

In a short period of time, many people have been convinced, and people within a hundred miles around are also very knowledgeable.

Some people knew about it, and others told him.

So after my wish came true, I quickly came over to fulfill it.

"This is something we still have to do."

Jiang Chen was very sure about this problem. After all, if he could know it, he would definitely be able to do it well.

And since I have already said it, I will definitely let all the people understand this place.

I have only completed a few people now, but I have to choose some people in the future and help them complete their tasks.

That way it will be easier for them to come over and believe it.

"This Nezha is really amazing."

Many people were talking about this when they came over, and now others are very happy to hear it. After all, being able to complete this task and fulfill your wish is what everyone hopes to do.

Now that I have done this, I feel even happier, as all these things can be done.

"Yes, me too. I have fulfilled my wish when I came here today."

Many people in the temple have already started chatting, and they are all talking about this matter.

They all feel very happy. This is something that is truly achievable, so it is very effective.

In a short period of time, it has spread to many people, and now many people think this place is particularly spiritual.

Qiqing saw that there were more and more people worshiping this place, and now she was not too worried.

If you pay, the number of people may increase. In this case, it will not take much time to collect enough incense.

"Well, now I think I still have a problem here."

Jiang Ziya suddenly appeared, also looking depressed, and didn't know what to say.

"What's your problem again?"

Looking at him like this, Jiang Chen knew that he was annoyed by something, but now he didn't know why.

After all, nothing seems to have happened recently, so it shouldn't cause such a big trouble.

"It's like this. Ji Fa is still following me. What should I do?"

When Jiang Ziya said this, he felt very helpless and didn't know how to deal with it.

I really didn't think that I could solve these things, but Ji Fa followed me all the time.

And he didn't say anything, just kept urging himself to help him leave.

Moreover, it would be very difficult to follow him out of this world, and I had no such wish at all.

So I don’t know how to deal with this matter now.

"That's it."

Jiang Chen immediately laughed after hearing this, but he didn't expect it to be because of this.

This seems to be indeed a problem, but it is also a big problem.

I haven't figured out how to say this yet, but it's really difficult.

This is a very big problem, but now we have to think of a solution.

"Hurry up and think of a way for me. How can I make him leave and stop following me?"

Jiang Ziya started to complain immediately after seeing him like this.

After all, he did all these things, and he was the one who brought people here. Now he knows what to do.

Every day, I follow what I do and do everything, so that I don’t know what to say.

So now I want to quickly find a way to prevent him from leaving this place with me.

"This...I don't seem to know what to do. You can just treat him as a follower."

Jiang Chen started teasing him right away. After all, there wasn't anything big going on right now.

And it won't disturb anything if you follow him all the time. It's just that there is one more person next to you as an invisible person.

Don't worry about the rest, there shouldn't be any big problems.

Presumably we can wait until later to discuss other matters, as it cannot be solved in a short time.

(End of this chapter)

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