Chapter 437 Missing you
Jiang Ziya also quickly sent his heart back, after all, he had been gone for such a long time.

"How's it going? What did it say?"

Wu Ji was also very excited after seeing the letter. After all, he hadn't seen them for a long time.

I don’t know what kind of things I did. Anyway, I felt quite uncomfortable during this period of time.

Always thinking about what they did or didn't do.

It makes me feel quite uncomfortable.

"It says on it that everything is going very smoothly for them and everything is fine. We don't have to worry."

Jiang Chen said it happily with a smile on his face.

After all, after seeing the contents of the letter, they all felt that it was pretty good and nothing could stop it.

And this kind of thing is also a very big thing for me.

I originally hoped to find something that could be solved, but now that I have seen it, I feel pretty good about it.

Knowing that they are living well, I feel quite happy when I think about it, it has been such a long time.

Since they have been back for so long, they don't know what else to do.

"If it looks like this, that's good."

Wu Ji nodded, but there was still some regret on his face.

I don’t know what to say, but I still feel quite uncomfortable. After all, I haven’t even visited them.

I don’t know what their real situation is like. Although they say it goes smoothly, they have never experienced it themselves.

So they don’t know the real situation.

Jiang Chen had already seen the loneliness on his face.

"What's your reason? Why are you unhappy? Is there anything else you want to say?"

Jiang Chen also quickly asked, after all, there was something wrong with him.

Wu Ji felt it was strange when he saw it, and his expression was quite bad. Although he was very happy at first, his expression soon changed.

Maybe he feels that this kind of thing has nothing to do with him, so he also feels a little lonely.

"Yeah, although I think it's good, I miss them very much and want to go there and see them."

Wu Ji said it quickly. Lian Sheng also felt quite uncomfortable, but he also had expectations.

After all, I really wanted to see them. They had been gone for a long time.

I don’t know how things are going. They haven’t seen each other for such a long time, and I have never been away from them for such a long time.

So now I feel very uncomfortable, and I don’t know how to express it. I just feel bad.

The expectation in my heart also feels very bad.

Although I said it was like this, I still felt quite uncomfortable and didn’t know what to say.

"Actually, you don't have to worry too much about this. There will definitely be opportunities in the future."

Jiang Chen quickly spoke out and looked at him like this, feeling a little uncomfortable himself.

It seems that if you think about it from his perspective, this is indeed a very uncomfortable thing.

But there is really nothing I can do about this kind of thing. They don't allow it, and I can't make decisions on my own.

Even if he wanted to go back, he might have to do so only after encountering other things.

I don't know what to say about this.

And I can only comfort myself, because this is indeed a matter, and I can't make a decision casually.


After Wu Ji heard this, he felt that this was definitely impossible.

After all, they had never heard of this matter, and Jiang Ziya didn't say anything about letting him go back. So now even if I think about it, I still have no solution.

You have to obey their arrangements, otherwise they will cause trouble.

So now I just need to take a look and know that they are fine.

Jiang Chen looked at him and although he agreed to the matter on the surface, he was still very uncomfortable.

Just because you don't want to cause trouble to others is already the biggest pain in your heart.

He probably didn't want others to notice this, so he never paid much attention to it.

"Let me go out with you. We haven't been out for such a long time anyway, so we don't have to watch anything."

Qiqing quickly spoke up beside her, because she did feel a little uncomfortable looking at him like this.

Maybe it would be better to go out for a walk, but I have been staying here for a while and haven't gone out.

Being able to go out might make you feel a little better.

That's pretty good, so I'm always looking at it now.

"it is good."

Wuji also agreed.

Maybe if I go out for a walk, I might feel better.

And being able to say such things makes everyone else feel quite happy.

The two people also walked out.

After Jiang Chen saw them like this, he could only nod.

Nothing happens at any time, but I think it still makes sense.

It’s nice to be able to go out for a walk, it can help them relax.

"Since there's nothing else, go and see Nezha yourself."

Jiang Chen also figured it out. There happened to be nothing going on right now. They all went out, so he took this opportunity to go out.

Go take a good look at Nezha to see if anything has happened. He should be recovering well these days.

You may not have any major problems, but you still want to take a look in your heart.

"Why are you here?"

Nezha was also very surprised after seeing it, but a smile appeared on his face.

After all, this is the person who saved his life, so he should be grateful.

"Thank you so much. Without you, I don't know if I would be able to come back now."

When he said this, he could not help but express his gratitude, his face was full of gratitude.

After all, a life was saved like this, and the life that came back was my own.

He gave me a second life, so now I don’t even know how to thank him.

"It doesn't matter. These are things I feel very destined for, so I will help you."

Jiang Chen also said it.

If it's someone you don't want to save, then you won't save it at all.

But Nezha is the person he wants to save, and he will not regret it at all even if he pays a little.

So now that I have saved him, I have no intention of regretting it.

He didn't make him appreciate himself, it was just that he did this thing willingly.

(End of this chapter)

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