Chapter 449 Notification of information
Jiang Chen knew that if he went this time, he would definitely tell Jiang Ziya and the others.

I took out the pen directly, but wrote some rough itinerary on the envelope.

"Are these going to be sent?"

When Qiqing came here, she saw Jiang Chen holding a letter and roughly knew what it meant.

After all, I had to inform them in advance before going, and I didn’t know what the situation was like over Jiang Ziya.

Sighed deeply.

"Why are you sighing? It's nothing. Just send this letter."

Jiang Chen felt a little funny when he saw him like this, but it wasn't a big deal anyway.

I just casually talked about my itinerary.

"I understand." Qiqing nodded heavily.

I sent this letter directly.

Several people were chatting all the time while rushing on the road.

After all, it's nothing big. A few people can chat with each other when they are together, and they all talk pretty well.

If you come here alone, you must feel particularly lonely. Others have already thought of this.

"You said Jiang Ziya and the others don't know what will happen. It's been a few days. Is this letter coming back soon?"

Wu Ji was also a little anxious, after all, he already missed Jiang Ziya very much.

I haven't seen each other for a long time, and I don't know how they are doing there. Now I look a little anxious.

This has never happened before. I have never shown this kind of emotion since they left before.

The main thing is to cover up his emotions and never show them in front of them.

"It should be here soon. I guess this letter will be here soon too."

Jiang Chen said lightly.

It's probably nothing major, after all, it's almost time.

"I'm coming."

Just when several people were saying this, this letter was also passed around.

It seems that everyone has already written Xinyue, and the time is about the same, and the time calculated by myself is also similar.

If this is the case, then everyone knows what they should do.

"Open the letter quickly and see what's written on it?"

Several people were also very curious and gathered around here.

They are all waiting to see what is being said on their faces, and they all have expressions of great anticipation.

Jiang Chen didn't expect that they would be very curious about these things, so if that was the case, he would show them to them quickly.

"What did you write?"

Unexpectedly, Nezha was also very curious about these things.

They all followed them to ask, so they seemed to be particularly anxious about this matter.

Jiang Chen suddenly lowered his eyes, causing others to look frightened when they saw this.

I don’t know why this is happening. Did the letter say something bad?
"What's wrong, master, has something happened?"

Qiqing also asked quickly. Seeing that his face looked a little strange, she was also a little panicked.

"It's nothing. I won't tease you anymore. Jiang Ziya arranged an inn for us this time."

"And when we get to the city gate, he will send someone to pick us up."

Jiang Chen suppressed the heavy expression on his face and smiled directly.

Just now, I just wanted to tease them, I didn't expect them to be so anxious, but now I'm back to normal.

"I was scared to death. I thought something big had happened. In this case, it would be pretty good."

After Qiqing heard this, she quickly patted her chest to relax herself a little. I just saw my master's expression, so it was indeed a bit scary.

Because I don’t know what kind of thing happened, but I am still very anxious.

"Then we are almost there, so hurry up to the city gate. I can't wait now."

Wuji was very happy when he said this and hurried away.

He quickened his pace, and several people slowly followed behind him, all of them smiling a little.

After all, I didn't expect this to happen like this.

After Jiang Chen saw them like this, he thought about it, and he felt relieved that this kind of thing was actually going well.

And after arriving here this time, Jiang Ziya can pick up a few people here.

Then there must be no problem.

"Sure enough, someone is waiting for us there."

A few people were walking, and suddenly they saw someone holding a sign in front of them.

It turns out that they are still using this primitive method, but after seeing the sign, they just waved.

He hurriedly ran over.

Jiang Chen also followed and walked over, seeing a few of them waiting there.

"Thank you for your hard work along the way. We have arranged an inn for you."

After saying that, he led the way directly from the front. Several people followed curiously, watching as they walked.

After coming here, I did feel something different.

The street is still the same as before, with everyone walking in a hurry and doing what they should do.

After several people packed up their things in the inn, they were almost all free.

There is nothing much to do, and now that I am standing here, I feel a little at a loss.

Although I was very anxious to come here, I didn’t know what to do after I got here.

"How about we go out for a walk? I'm quite curious about this place?"

Qiqing said to Jiang Chen.

After Jiang Chen heard this, he lowered his head and thought.

He nodded quickly.

There's nothing big going on now, so it's nice for a few people to go out and take a look inside.

I haven’t been back for a long time and I don’t know if anything has changed here, so I went out to have a look.

The two soon transformed and went for a stroll.

The pace was very brisk along the way. After all, there was nothing big going on here.

It's definitely no longer as fast as before, especially when I'm on the road, I don't feel that time is fast.

But now that I'm here, I can finally relax.

As he walked, Jiang Chen noticed that something was wrong with Qiqing's face.

It's obviously different from the cheerful mood when it first came out, and it seems a bit silent now.

Qiqing's face is indeed a bit gloomy now.

After coming out here, I found that it seemed to be no different from the previous place.

I don’t know what to say, I feel quite uncomfortable inside.

There was no change, and it made me feel like there was nothing interesting about it, and there was nothing worth seeing.

It showed directly on his face, and he didn't expect that Jiang Chen would look at his expression carefully at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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