Chapter 451 Nezha is missing

Jiang Ziya saw several people coming over and quickly smiled, not wanting to make them too worried.

However, Jiang Chen noticed it quickly, and he also clearly showed signs of fatigue.

"How have you been lately? If you have anything, just tell me and we can help as much as we can?"

Jiang Chen asked anxiously. After all, he came here not just for fun.

If something really happened to him, he would definitely help.

So now after hearing this question, I quickly asked all the questions because I was afraid that something would happen to him.

Seeing him not answering anything, I felt a little painful.

"Well, actually, the situation is very unstable recently, so I'm a little busy."

Jiang Ziya also sighed. In fact, after saying it, he felt that it was not a big deal.

But it's big.

After all, this matter also involves many issues, which have not yet been resolved.

So I still feel quite uneasy inside.

Jiang Chen probably understood his inner feelings.

But this matter is also a very important issue for myself.

"If that's the case, then you must pay attention to safety and don't think too much."

Jiang Chen asked seriously, and he was indeed quite worried.

He looked a little uneasy, but he also understood that he would never give up on this matter.

Moreover, major national affairs include the country, the country, and the country.

It is a very important matter for everyone, and every common person has a responsibility.

For someone like Jiang Ziya, it is a very big task, and he has to accept it.

Jiang Chen knew what to do, but he still felt a little uneasy in his heart.

But there really isn't much that can be done.

"I understand, you don't have to worry too much, I can do what I should do."

Jiang Ziya said firmly, his eyes revealing a kind of perseverance.

Now that I have decided to do this, I will never regret it.

Jiang Chen was slightly stunned. This was actually a very great act, but he had no such responsibility.

He may not feel the responsibility on him, but it is true that this incident has a great impact on him.

He waved his hands and walked out pretending not to care.

Although I was worried, I couldn't show it on my face, and it would increase the burden on him.

After walking out, he looked at the weather outside and took a deep breath.

I walked out after feeling that my review became a little smoother.

I sat here until the evening.

"Master, let's go for a walk? There's nothing to do."

After Qiqing came over, Jiang Chen immediately woke up from his consciousness.

I didn't expect that I would be in a daze. I didn't know what I was thinking after being dazed for such a long time.

"Forget it, let's not leave it like this, let's go out for a walk."

Jiang Chen suddenly stood up and rubbed his eyes to force himself to wake up.

Qiqing had never seen her master like this before. He seemed a little distracted and didn't know what he was worried about.

But it might be better to go for a walk, so I took him out.

"Then let's go."

Jiang Chen had already stood up and walked in front. Qiqing quickly followed after seeing it, chattering behind her.

Maybe if I talk more at this time, my master may be in a better mood.

Anyway, I am a person who likes to worry about others, so when I see him like this, I just want to make him happy.

"This night market is quite bustling."

After walking here, I saw all kinds of red lanterns shining on the streets.

Various vendors were shouting and shouting loudly here, and they all felt a market atmosphere.

It is true that this kind of fireworks is something I don't often see, and it is also something I particularly long for.

"It's almost time, let's go back?"

Jiang Chen saw that Qi Qing was almost done shopping and had prepared this, so he went back now.

Qiqing nodded quickly. Although she often went out to wander around, her physical strength didn't seem to be that good.

As I turned around, I felt that I didn't have much strength left, so I was waiting for Master to say these words.


Jiang Chen could clearly see it and now he smiled.

The two of them walked back.

Now that I'm back, I finally feel that my mood is a little better, which is indeed different from what it was in the afternoon.

It seems that I am thinking a little too much, but in fact, this kind of thing does not need to be thought about so much.

Just follow your heart, and Jiang Ziya will naturally have his own considerations.

"Have you seen Nezha?"

After Jiang Chen came back, he remembered that he didn't seem to have seen Nezha when he came back this afternoon.

Now that I have returned, I still haven't seen him, and my heart suddenly tightens.

"I do not know either."

Wu Ji was also a little stunned next to him. He didn't know about this at all. He only thought of it now.

It seems that I really haven’t seen them all this afternoon, and I don’t know where they have gone.

Suddenly, several people felt a very tense atmosphere and began to become anxious.

"I'll go out and look for it right away."

After Wu Ji finished speaking, he immediately ran out.

I was also in a very anxious mood, and there were beads of sweat on my face when I went out.

I was so scared that I broke out in a cold sweat. I didn't know where Nezha had gone. It would be the end if he couldn't find me.

After thinking about this, I felt more and more anxious.

Jiang Chen walked out. If there is no one in the house now, then he must have gone out.

Now that he thinks about it, his usual place is probably to go out for a walk, and he probably won't go very far.

While walking, I didn’t know why, but I suddenly came to the river.

Maybe the first time I saw Nezha, he was playing at the beach, and I thought he would be in this place.

Sure enough, as I was walking, I saw a small body curled up by the river.

"Are you in a daze?"

After Jiang Chen got closer, he could see that he was sitting motionless by the river, obviously in a daze.

It seems that he has indeed encountered something, and he is probably thinking about some issues in his heart.

But I don't know what he is thinking. He may have carried too much at such a young age.

I am not sure about many things.

(End of this chapter)

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