Chapter 453 Sensitive Matters
I don’t know why, but after going around for a day, I always feel like I can’t sleep well.

Jiang Chen tossed and turned on the bed, thinking about this and that, but in the end he didn't know what he was thinking.

"What's going on?"

Jiang Chen asked himself, but he really couldn't think clearly.

Maybe it's because I recognize the bed. I'm a little bit unaccustomed to it after I first came here. This palace does give people a different feeling.

After arriving here, I couldn't sleep well.

"It's better to go out for a walk."

Jiang Chen thought about this and immediately lifted the quilt and got out of bed.

After opening the door, a cool breeze blew over. The night wind was indeed cool and peaceful.

It feels very comfortable when I blow it on my face. Although it is a little cold, it makes people feel very awake.

I definitely had a different feeling after coming here, and now I just walked out.

The wind blew in front of me.

As I was walking, I saw someone in front of me.

"Buji? Why are you outside too?"

Jiang Chen was particularly surprised after seeing it. Could it be that he couldn't sleep at this time?
Wu Ji laughed out loud when he saw Jiang Chen's surprised look.

"Master finally came out. Why do I feel like I haven't seen Master for a long time?"

Jiang Chen also smiled, and it was obvious that he was making fun of himself.

But he didn't say anything. After all, at this time, the two of them hadn't spoken alone for a long time.

I felt a little uncomfortable after seeing it, but it was okay.

After coming out, the two people stood directly on the fence and looked outside.

"You see, although this palace is glorious, it can also make people sleep uneasy."

Wuji said with emotion.

Although I also like this kind of place very much, I feel that it is resplendent and very majestic.

But after coming here, I felt very strange, and I couldn't sleep well at night.

I don’t know why this is, so I feel that every place has its advantages and disadvantages.

"Yes, actually a quiet place is the best."

Jiang Chen also sighed deeply.

What he said does make sense, and he thinks so too.

Although I have been staying in this place all my life, when I came here it was very beautiful, but it also made me feel in awe.

This feeling really gave me a great feeling.

"By the way, I won't be emotional anymore. Now is not the time to be emotional. I want to tell you something."

Wu Ji suddenly changed the topic and came to him.

Jiang Chen felt a little strange when he saw him looking so serious, but he quickly became serious.

Because it was obvious that he wanted to talk to him about serious things.

"You say it."

Jiang Chen spit out three words lightly.

Seeing this, Wu Ji knew that he was listening to her words carefully, so he just talked casually.

"I just feel that Jiang Ziya has changed recently."

Wuji didn't know what he was thinking about, but he suddenly lowered his head and said this.

Jiang Chen was indeed a little strange looking at him like this.

I don't know why he asked these questions. He looked like he was playing with his fingers.

But he looked a little overwhelmed, obviously still not sure about this matter.

"I didn't feel anything? Did you feel it because of something?" Jiang Chen said it directly. He really didn't feel anything special.

Jiang Ziya has either changed a lot recently, or he's just been busy lately.

It may be that there are many things that cannot be taken care of, and there are even more things to take care of.

So I haven’t done too many things, so these probably don’t have much to do with it.

"is it?"

After hearing this, Wuji didn't know why, but his head felt a little disappointed.

But I really can’t explain why, it’s just a special feeling.

And I am particularly aware of this feeling. I have felt it since I came here.

"If you have any feelings, you can tell me and I will take a look at it for you."

Jiang Chen looked at him like this and was indeed a little confused.

He probably encountered something that made him feel that something was not quite right.

After Wu Ji heard this, he quickly prepared to express his inner thoughts.

And I have been thinking about this matter all the time, ever since I came here.

The reason why I couldn't sleep at night was because of this thing, because I kept thinking about it, so I had insomnia.

"I feel that the master is very indifferent to me, as if he has nothing to say to me at all."

Wuji spoke silently.

I still felt a little sad, but I was still playing with my fingers casually.

He seemed to be acting casually, but he seemed to care about this matter very much.

He was particularly concerned about Jiang Ziya's opinion of him, so he was feeling downcast now.

A little lost.

"It's nothing. Maybe you're overthinking it. He's really been a little busy recently, and the same is true for us."

Jiang Chen explained directly. After all, he had not spoken many words to Jiang Ziya.

He has always been busy with a lot of official duties, and the country and the country are the most important.

So he has been busy with these things, and it is quite normal for him not to talk to himself.

"Are you sure this is what it's like today?"

Wu Ji looked a little confused.

Because I am a little unsure, and I seem to hope that others will give me an accurate answer.

I have thought about this in my heart, but I feel that it is not an important reason.

"Yeah, you must be thinking too much, so don't think too much and go back and rest."

Jiang Chen said it casually, feeling that this step was a very big thing.

He might just be overthinking it, and he doesn't feel much change.

"Go back and rest early. I'll go back first."

Jiang Chen also fell silent after seeing his confused look.

He walked out first, returned to his room and closed it.

At this moment, Wuji was seen outside silently looking into the distance.

It turns out that he cares so much about this matter, but it actually doesn't need to be thought about so much.

After a long time, you will naturally understand that there is really nothing you can do in a short time now.

And I can't see anything.

So you shouldn’t think so much now, just do your own thing well.

(End of this chapter)

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