Prehistoric: Download the Saint's Cultivation at the Beginning

Chapter 455 Pretending to be sick to avoid the banquet

Chapter 455 Pretending to be sick to avoid the banquet
Jiang Ziya was also particularly shocked after hearing this. He didn't know why he suddenly said this.

And it seemed like nothing happened to him, and his expression had returned to a very calm look now.

There was no discomfort just now, and now the whole body looks quite normal.

So why did you lie just now?

"Actually, I felt very uncomfortable when there were other officials around."

Jiang Chen said helplessly.

This is the real thought in my heart, because I really feel that I can't stay with them.

Let yourself feel that your whole body and mind are particularly numb.

"That's it..."

Jiang Ziya was stunned for a moment after hearing this, but he seemed to understand the matter.

In fact, I don't know what to say in my heart, but I have seen this kind of thing too many times.

"You will know later that this kind of thing is actually quite normal in the palace."

In this way, he said it quickly, after all, he had seen this matter many times.

It's inevitable that something like this will happen, and this time it counts, because we met it in advance.

"I also know that this kind of thing is normal in the palace, but they didn't tell me in advance, so I still don't get used to it."

Jiang Chen said it helplessly. If he had told himself earlier, he might have been mentally prepared.

But I didn't tell myself anything about this matter, and I didn't find out until after I went there.

And I couldn't make any reaction at that time, I could only stay dumbfounded.

Although he seems calm on the surface, he actually has a lot of things going on in his heart.

This was all unsaid, which is why I feel so uncomfortable now.

"Forget it, you don't have to be too anxious. I will definitely try to accept it, don't worry."

Jiang Chen said seriously, because he also knew about this matter, so it would definitely not be like this.

Since they have been talking about it for so long, let them all rest assured about this matter.

This is something you have to overcome yourself.

After regaining his composure, he also turned his head.

After thinking about this, I happened to find that Nezha seemed to be writing something.

I started to feel a little curious, and I didn’t know what he was writing about. Anyway, I felt a little curious now.

I don’t know what I’m studying, it’s been so long.

He never said he wanted to write anything before, but now he suddenly started writing something. A lot of questions suddenly arose in my mind, making me want to take a look.

Don't know what this is doing?
But I also let myself feel that there is a charm attracting me.

Jiang Chen slowly walked over and saw that he was writing very seriously, and he felt that he couldn't bear to disturb him.

But slowly I saw Nezha and discovered myself.

If that's the case, just walk right over.

"What are you writing now?"

Jiang Chen asked quickly, and he felt particularly interested.

After all, I have never seen him like this before, and I have never seen him write anything before.

"I'm writing in a diary."

Nezha turned around and said very seriously.

This person really looks like a person who is studying seriously and seems to be interested in everything.

And I was very serious when I wrote it, and the words above are also very neat.

"Are you going to write a diary?"

Jiang Chen asked curiously.

He was very serious when he wrote it, as if he had only written it recently.

I have never seen it before, so I don't know why such an idea suddenly came out.

It also surprised me.

"I just feel that I have been resurrected. I just want to cherish this life and live a new life."

When he said these words, he was very firm and resolute.

It really felt like he was half alive again. It turned out that he had seen many things clearly.

It seems that this time he will also take responsibility for this period of his life.

After all, I haven't done anything like this for a long time, and I have indeed regained my life.

Remember this for the rest of your life.

I can never spend this life in a mediocre way, nor can I do what I did in my previous life.

You should live for yourself.

(End of this chapter)

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