Chapter 457 Going fishing
I don’t know why I stayed there. As I stayed there, I felt that my mood was different.

Qiqing has been thinking about this issue in her mind recently. She doesn't know why. Is it because she likes the new and dislikes the old?
Because these things have always seemed too boring recently, and they are always very different from the beginning.

When I first came here, I felt it was very novel and interesting.

But now I always feel that it is too boring, as if it is just the same thing without much change.

"I'm so bored. I don't want to stay here anymore. It's so boring."

After Qiqing came over, she also complained to her master.

Jiang Chen was a little funny after hearing this. He was not like this at the beginning.

When you first started, he had the most fun and was also the most interested in the things here.

I didn't expect that I would be the first to feel bored about these things now.

"How come you feel so bored in such a short period of time?"

Jiang Chen also asked funnyly.

Seeing him like this, I couldn't help but want to laugh.

So now I don’t know how to solve it, after all, I definitely can’t leave the palace now.

"Master, just think of a way. I'm really bored."

Qiqing said coquettishly, but now her tone was full of discomfort.

After all, I don't want to stay here anymore. It's too boring. I'm in the palace every day.

Everything has been changed here, and within a few days, I have understood how this palace works.

It seems like doing the same thing every day always feels very boring.

"It is indeed like this, but you should go back first and let me think about it carefully."

Although Jiang Chen also understood that there was indeed nothing to do here, this matter was not that simple.

Just leaving is definitely not possible. We are already here, so we have to think of other ways.

How can we make it less boring?

Jiang Chen racked his brains, but still couldn't think of any way, and now he still feels very uncomfortable.

"? So that's how you feel?"

After arriving here, Jiang Ziya also heard such complaints.

I never thought that they would also say these things, which made me feel very strange.

But this seems to be a matter of course.

When I came here, I didn't solve anything at the beginning. I just dealt with official business every day.

If you don't have these official duties to deal with, you may feel particularly boring.

"By the way, I have something to do. We need to go out for inspection. How about you come with us?"

Jiang Ziya also suddenly remembered this matter.

After thinking about it, I mentioned the matter. It was not a big deal anyway.

We just happened to be out on a patrol, so there would definitely be no problem in bringing a few people with us, if they wanted to.

Jiang Chen also thought about this matter.

"Then I'll go back and ask them."

After Jiang Chen heard this, he felt that this opinion was very good, and they would definitely agree to it.

I haven't been out for a long time, and I have been doing various things since I arrived at the palace.

Every day after eating, I would go to the palace for a walk.

But there was no real solution for a lot of time, which made me feel particularly irritable inside.

It would be best if you could go out.

"What do you think? It might be better to go out for a patrol."

Jiang Chen asked a few more people for their opinions, wanting to know what they thought. Nezha also raised his hand first.

"I don't think there's any problem."

Because although I find it particularly interesting here, it gets boring after a long time.

I record my diary every day, but it seems that several days of diaries are already considered repetitive.

Most of them eat together every day and chat about small things like this.

Haven't been out yet.

So this thing is also a good thing for me, as I can go out and see the world.

"We don't have any problems."

Of course Qiqing felt there was no problem and agreed immediately.

And I was very excited. After all, this matter might be about me. I was really bored.

No matter where you go, it is a good thing for you.

You can let yourself experience something new.

Originally, I am the kind of person who has a particularly low durability for something.

Now that I can see new and exciting things, I will certainly feel very happy.

"If that's the case, then this is what we have decided."

Jiang Chen saw that everyone had no problems and nodded with satisfaction.

After all, no one's opinions are inconsistent, and now everyone is unanimous.

This method is the best solution, and I can talk about this now when I go back.

The next day, Jiang Chen got up early, still feeling very bored.

"How about going fishing?"

An idea suddenly popped into my mind.

I haven't fished for a long time. Even though I'm in the palace, I can still do such a thing.

After all, you should be able to go fishing on the lake.

After walking to get the things, he quickly got ready and went out.

After all, you don’t need anything complicated to go fishing, just a fishing rod and bait are enough.

After casually grabbing the things, he went out without telling anyone else.

After all, this is a small thing. I will come back soon after going fishing, so it shouldn't be necessary.

After looking at it, I went out directly.

"Jiang Chen..."

Looking at the empty room, no one was particularly surprised.

"Where has this person gone?" When Jiang Ziya came here, he originally wanted to find Jiang Chen, but he didn't expect that the place was empty.

There was no one there, so it seemed like they were out.

But this palace is so big and I don’t know where it has gone, and I am also very confused in my heart.

I don’t know what’s going on, because usually they don’t seem to have anything big to go out for.

And usually he would tell himself, but now he went out without saying anything.

I don’t know what to do. Is it because I’m too bored to find something to do?
These things are possible now. After all, Kaifang told himself yesterday that there is nothing to do in this palace.

Maybe just find something to do.

He shook his head, looked around, and left without seeing anyone.

(End of this chapter)

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