Chapter 462 Someone comes in unexpectedly

Wuji stood beside him and felt a little at a loss, and even felt particularly uncomfortable physically.

After arriving at this place, this seat really does not suit my identity.

So it makes me feel very uncomfortable.

"Don't think too much. This kind of thing is actually normal now."

Jiang Chen said it calmly.

He just sat here and acted very normal, nothing unexpected happened.

This also made Buji feel particularly surprised.

"Why?" he asked directly.

Now I am very unclear in my heart. I don’t know why I arranged such a best seat.

"This is actually because Jiang Ziya is particularly favored in front of the emperor, so he has quite a lot of power."

Jiang Chen casually explained the reason, and what came out was very normal.

Usually Jiang Ziya works hard for the emperor in the palace, doing various things.

Therefore, he is also deeply favored by the emperor, and there is absolutely no obstacle to doing this kind of thing.

He even said that he could arrange these casually by himself and it was not a big deal.

"That's it, that's great."

Wu Ji stood up happily after hearing this.

Xiaolong also appeared on his face, and he felt very proud when he saw what he was doing in front of him.

Although this was not something he arranged, Jiang Ziya's status was his own.

I always felt attacked by him, and also felt very happy.

It would be best to be favored by the emperor.

"Yeah, it's good."

Jiang Chen smiled bitterly.

I don’t know if this is a good thing or not. Although I am very favored, I am also very busy.

I'm busy with all kinds of things every day and can't see each other.

But these are important. After all, they are national affairs, and they must be taken seriously.

Other things have to be put aside. I know these things in my heart, but there are also many disadvantages.

There are actually good and bad things going on now, but these all have to be judged by yourself and others.

See what you think in your heart.

At this time, the dinner party almost started.

It was officially announced that all kinds of good wine and food in the palace were served.

Especially seeing how grand the current scene was, it was worthy of being a dinner organized by the emperor himself.

It’s a mixed bag, with all kinds of exquisite things.

The various exquisite and detailed decorations, and the presentation of the dishes are particularly amazing.

The whole food made me salivate, and I even couldn't bear to eat some things. After seeing this, I felt that it was 10% correct.

In addition to the food on the table, this table is also made of special materials. The entire table is made of sandalwood.

There are various patterns on it, which look particularly noble. These are definitely carved by craftsmen stroke by stroke.

"I don't dare to act rashly now, for fear that these things will be damaged."

When Wu Ji said this next to him, he felt particularly nervous in his heart.

You are always careful when doing things. After all, this place is different from other places.

In other places, I can relax a little casually, but it's different here. I don't dare to let out my whole atmosphere.

"It's okay, just relax."

After seeing this, Jiang Chen also told him that there is nothing major happening now.

Just be a little careful and don't be so nervous. Wu Ji nodded hurriedly after hearing this.

He looked very nervous, and his whole hand was shaking a little.

But I quickly calmed down. This matter was really unnecessary.

"Why do some people over there look so familiar?" Jiang Chen suddenly seemed to see a few people.

I always feel like there's something strange about them, and when I squint my eyes and look over there, it's still a little blurry.

But I'm a little unclear in my heart, and I don't know if this is my illusion.

"Maybe you've seen it wrong. After all, how could we have seen such people?"

After hearing this, Qiqing took a look and said it.

I didn't feel that I was in a big state, and I was very calm, so I just started busy with my own things.

You didn't think this was a big deal, after all, you had never seen the people here before.

Now maybe I just feel a little familiar from time to time.


After Jiang Chen sighed, he withdrew his eyes.

Now maybe I really saw it wrong, after all, it seems that I have never seen them before.

After taking a sip of water, some strange thoughts came to my mind.

I always feel like my mind is particularly cloudy.

Suddenly a light flashed in my mind.

"I've seen them out there before!"

Jiang Chen was also particularly shocked when he said such a sentence directly.

Everyone around was shocked. Why was he so excited all of a sudden? What happened?
Qiqing also felt a little surprised. She never thought she would meet them again inside.

How is this going?

"Wuji, go tell Jiang Ziya about this and let him understand."

Jiang Chen also hurriedly took action. After all, he didn't know what big mistake he would make if he spoke later.

I don’t know what will happen now, but I feel quite melancholy in my heart.

Since everyone already knows that they have been seen outside, their appearance here is a bad thing.

Just say it in advance.


After hearing this question, Jiang Ziya's first reaction was also to eat chicken.

Then he was slightly stunned again.

Thinking of this problem, I started to think about it while imagining it.

I have never encountered such a thing.

"But why did they sneak in suddenly, and what's the purpose of coming here?"

Such an idea suddenly popped up in my mind, which made me really confused.

How could people outside suddenly go back, and how they came in.

I feel extremely uncomfortable, but I don’t know how to express this kind of thing.

Let yourself feel that your whole body is dancing, but you can't express it.

Very uncomfortable.

Jiang Chen was also watching carefully here, for fear of missing something big.

After all, the person opposite may not necessarily have good intentions, so you must watch them carefully.

See if they make any small movements.

This is something you need to pay attention to. Now before they come, you must be cautious.

(End of this chapter)

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