Chapter 466 Late arrival
Wuji also felt a little uncomfortable, but now that he saw the scars on their bodies, he felt that it was his own mistake.

"Don't be so anxious. If it weren't for him, this thing would still happen."

Jiang Chen stopped Qiqing because he was doing it for his own good.

But we really shouldn’t be too anxious now, and it was not intentional to see Buji.

He definitely didn't want this to happen, but it happened.

It had nothing to do with him. Those people were coming with knives, but it was just a matter of time.

"You don't have to blame yourself too much."

Jiang Chen quickly said to Wu Ji.

"I'm sorry. If it weren't for me, this wouldn't have happened to you. I apologize to you."

Wu Ji lowered his head and said, feeling a little uncomfortable now.

After all, this kind of thing has never occurred to me, and now it has really happened in front of me.

After seeing him like this, I felt quite uncomfortable.

They were hurt by what they did.

"It's really nothing. Just this little bit, and the rest is completely harmless."

Jiang Chen quickly showed off his body and showed other parts of his body to them.

There really wasn't any damage anywhere.

And it looks pretty good up there, but my brother accidentally slipped on it.

This is inevitable, there is really nothing else.

And I don’t know what to say, it’s simply a very bad thing for me.

"Let me take a look."

At this moment Jiang Ziya came over and started to check him over.

If you don't check it, you won't feel relieved, and neither will others.

Jiang Chen also understood their intention and simply let them go to have a look.

Anyway, it was an accident on the arm, but there were no injuries at all elsewhere.

Moreover, the kung fu of those people is simply not as good as mine, and I have no problem beating a few of them.

"It certainly doesn't seem to be injured."

After Jiang Ziya finished reading, he nodded and felt relieved.

After hearing this, the others relaxed a little, as long as they were not injured.

"Don't worry now, don't worry too much, and you don't have to blame yourself."

After that, he carefully told Wuji that he definitely didn't want this to happen.

Now after reading this, I find that there are no problems anymore, which makes it a little better.

Everyone's eyes and faces slowly started to smile.

He no longer frowned like before, this kind of thing is finally over.

I didn't expect such a result.

At this moment, everyone relaxed a little and finally drove the group of people away.

But now I don’t know how to determine this.

Because at this moment, many things are gone, so it’s not clear.

"How are you doing? Did anything happen?"

At this moment, the emperor came over in panic and looked at several people.

There was also a very anxious look on his face, and he didn't know what was going on.

Many people reminded me when I was there, but things had already happened.

By the time I heard this, it was already too late.

"We have nothing to do." Jiang Ziya quickly answered. Seeing the emperor so anxious, he felt flattered.

Although the emperor was usually very kind to me, but now that he really showed himself, he was very touched in front of him.

Because he has made a great contribution to the court, he may also feel proud of himself now.

And now this worry is really reflected on the face, and after arriving, I looked at myself.

Jiang Ziya also quickly explained.

There really isn't any big problem now.

"If Jiang Chen hadn't helped me from school just now, I might have been assassinated by them now."

I had no choice but to say such a sentence. In fact, it was very touching.

And there were other people helping me just now. Without him, I wouldn't be so relaxed.

The emperor looked at it and then turned to look at Jiang Chen.

There was also gratitude in his eyes.

"Thank you so much. Without you, I don't know how to solve this matter."

As he spoke, you began to walk over.

"I don't know what's going on with those guards and how they were able to let this group of people sneak in."

He will also have a very stern expression when he says this sentence.

As an emperor, he really failed to do his duty by lining up so many people to guard them.

I didn’t do this well either, which is my own fault.

"It's nothing. These are all things I should do, and we all know each other. It's impossible for me to ignore him."

Jiang Chen said it directly, even if it wasn't him or anyone else at this time, he would help.

Besides, I can beat them. If I can't beat them, I will find other ways.

"You don't have to worry too much."

Jiang Chen said lightly, and he was quite calm about this matter.

The main thing is that now I don't know what the purpose of that group is, and I haven't even found out.

When I came to this banquet just now, I wanted to investigate it carefully.

But I didn't expect that before the investigation, they had already come to commit murder.

"I guess they're all here for me."

Jiang Ziya said with his head lowered at this time, and the doctor now also had a thoughtful expression on his face.

After all, they all came towards me and stabbed me with a knife.

If it weren't for someone else, he might have succeeded.

"Then why is this? Do you have any enemies?"

Jiang Chen asked that these were very important. If he had any hatred, he might come to seek revenge.

But you have to think about who this is, and why does this problem occur?

I really can't figure it out in my heart.

"I don't know why. I have to think about it carefully."

After Jiang Ziya thought about this, he felt particularly confused. In fact, he had been in this palace for such a long time.

There may also be enemies.

But the main thing is that I don’t know who he is, and I must have many enemies.

So now we are facing a very important problem, that is, we are not sure who their group is.

"How to do this?"

Jiang Chen thought about this matter and felt that he had no idea what to do.

(End of this chapter)

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