Chapter 498 Strange Action

After coming back, I saw Nezha, who probably wanted to come find me.

However, his face looked particularly bad in this state, and he looked particularly anxious.

"What's wrong? Are you so anxious?"

Jiang Chen asked and felt a little worried when he looked at him like this.

Now that we have reached this moment, I feel a little uncomfortable and don’t know how to be sure.

"I'm just a little worried, afraid something might happen."

I said it directly. After all, they had mentioned it in their discussion before, and it was very urgent.

I don't know what happened, but I just know there will be a big problem.

Many things are waiting for them to solve.

So I was afraid that something would happen, and I felt a little uneasy in my heart.

My mind wanders all the time when I'm thinking about other things.

When I think of this, I also think of other things.

Anyway, I felt particularly uncomfortable inside, a little unsure.

I didn't know what would happen, so I just ran over in a hurry.

"You don't have to worry, you don't have to be afraid. If anything happens, Jiang Ziya will handle it."

Jiang Chen told the truth that he believed in Jiang Ziya very much.

No matter what happens, he will definitely handle it well.

And it will definitely not cause any harm here, so there is no need to worry too much.

Just wait here.

After taking care of other things with them, they will come over naturally.

What's happening now is a bit unusual, but there's nothing to say about it.

Just be patient.

Although Nezha is still a little worried, he has changed a lot after hearing these words.

It seems that he really shouldn't worry about these things and should trust Jiang Ziya.

He has dealt with so many things, there must be nothing wrong with this matter.

Finally, a look of trust appeared on his determined face.

Knowing that they will definitely handle it well during this period, I don't need to worry too much.

Jiang Chen felt relieved after seeing him like this.

There shouldn't be any big problems, Jiang Ziya and them were all discussing political affairs.

I believe that a result will come out soon, and as long as we implement it, it will be fine.

Ji Fa should also cooperate fully, so there will be absolutely no problem in this case.

Things will be easier to deal with later on.

These are all based on a very good judgment, so I am sure there is no problem.

Jiang Chen then turned around and walked into the courtyard again, looking at the sky outside.

There were heavy clouds, and although it didn't rain, the depressing atmosphere made me feel uncomfortable.

The situation was also somewhat sudden.

At this moment, I still can't think of any good solution.

So I’m thinking about it seriously now.

It would be better if nothing happened.

But if something really happens, I will definitely go all out to face it.

"Ji Ming?"

A person hurriedly ran in from outside.

Jiang Chen took a closer look and felt a little surprised. Why did he come back at this time?

Did you encounter something or have something to report?

I don't know why my heart suddenly tightened. I always felt that there would be some kind of problem, so I was very worried and scared now, but I still hurriedly came to him.

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

I also asked about my feelings. Now this kind of question is really urgent.

I am just afraid that something remains unresolved, which makes me feel particularly worried.

Ji Ming shook his head.

Thinking about this issue now.


After thinking about it, I still feel a little uncomfortable, but I still face it.

After seeing this situation, I felt a little strange.

"It's nothing big, it's just that the situation outside is really not optimistic, but it's a bit strange."

"What's weird?"

Jiang Chen also became curious after hearing this.

I don't know what's going on. Why does it suddenly become strange?
There is no need to be optimistic about the situation outside, you can guess these things yourself.

I also know that they will definitely do various other little tricks later.

This must have been done by them, but I don’t know the rest.

This situation is very difficult, and I am thinking about it seriously now.

"The situation outside is not good, but Shen Gongbao's side is extremely quiet."

Ji Ming said it and felt particularly confused about this matter.

I have never thought about why he should come out even though this situation is not normal.

But at this time, there is still no movement.

I don’t know what I am doing, but now I feel a little weird.

Jiang Chen also thought about it after hearing it.

Now this isn't a big deal, it's just that his actions are weird.

But one can't guess what it means.

It was obvious that he would never stay quietly, he would definitely want to do something.

It's just not on the surface, I can say it and do it.

At this moment, they must be thinking all kinds of bad ideas in their hearts.

"I don't think this is a strange phenomenon."

After Jiang Chen said it, Ji Ming became a little curious.

How could this not be a strange phenomenon? He wouldn't do this, would he?
Now you are actually doing nothing. You are just waiting there for something to happen to you.

"Shen Gongbao must be holding something back. He will never be so quiet about you. Just wait, he will definitely find other ways."

Jiang Chen was calm, what he said was not a big deal.

These are all normal things. He himself is not a particularly good person.

At this moment, he has not made any move, so he must be waiting for some bad move.

So now I have to be careful all the time.

You definitely can't take it lightly, he feels a little abnormal in this state.

If you can do other things, it's spontaneous combustion. If you can't, you still have to watch it carefully.

Presumably he will do other things in the future.

These are just a small means now.

There is no need to take it seriously, mainly because you are thinking about some problems you will encounter later.

That is the main thing, these are not the most important.

So I'm thinking now, how to guard against his next actions? Beware.

(End of this chapter)

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