Chapter 504: Cave Escape
Qiqing is also a little confused and doesn't know why this happened.

After all, this thing was not particularly normal, but he actually did such a big thing.

On the contrary, they are still injured now, so after thinking about it, I still feel that there are some things that I can't figure out.

Don't even know what's going on.

Nezha said this because he probably spent most of his strength to protect everyone.

And now his body is suffering from backlash.

This was all something he didn't stir up, so he put him in the right position and caused such a big danger.

This was also unexpected.

"What's going on? Why would Nezha do this?"

Qiqing really didn't understand, so she asked directly.

Jiang Chen didn't expect to encounter such a problem, and now he thought about it.

After all, this question was actually very strange to him, and he was a little unclear about it.

"These are all because everyone has done a lot for Nezha in the past."

"So now he wants to give more to everyone."

Jiang Chen said it very seriously, because now he actually meant this in his heart.

Nezha must be like this, then everyone was very kind to him before.

He has done many things since his resurrection until now.

He must have known it in his heart, so he did such a thing this time.

After Qiqing heard this, she still felt there were some differences, especially now that she had not thought clearly about this matter.

If it was really caused by such a reason, then he would definitely feel particularly uncomfortable.

Besides, I feel a little guilty now.

After all, I don’t know how he feels after doing so many things for everyone.
This lesson really did a lot for everyone this time.

And I also understood a lot of various things.

"If that's the case, then he has indeed done a good job, and he is also grateful."

Qiqing understood a lot when she said this.

After all, at this moment, I didn't expect him to do this.

But if it can really be done, it will be a very good explanation for everyone.

And I also understand what kind of person he is.

In the future, it will be easier for everyone to understand what he said and what he did.

So now I am actually quite conflicted inside.

One side was happy for him, but the other side was also very worried.

Don't know what's going on.

Do you encounter any difficulties? These are all things that need to be done.

Now that I think about it, I feel very troublesome.

But I don’t know what to say. Now I can only try my best to find someone as soon as possible.

"Then I don't know what kind of situation De Zhan is in now? I'm a little worried."

Qiqing said to Jiang Chen.

Now his face is full of worry. After all, he hasn't been found yet and he doesn't know where he is.

So I must be very panicked inside.

I don't know where he will be alone now.

Only in this way can you know what state a person is in.

Will he feel very scared?
These were all things I had not expected, and I was very worried about.

"If that's the case, then the two of us have to find someone quickly."

Master Jiang Chen felt particularly worried, not knowing what kind of state he was in on the other side.

They are just afraid that they will have a bad result.

I really haven't thought about this yet.

If there is such a result, I don’t know what will happen. So when faced with this, I still feel panicked.

Qiqing is also very certain.

"Then let's go quickly."

Qiqing was also very worried, so she hurried out immediately.

I held it in my mouth as I walked along, but still didn't find anything.

I don't know where to go.

But now after hearing this, I feel very scared.

Because I haven't found anyone, I am very worried now and don't know where to go.

"Maybe this is a good result."

Jiang Chen said seriously, because there is no news in the dormitory which is the best news.

If no one is found, then he must be living well somewhere else.

There won't be any particular danger.

So now that these things are happening, everyone feels that they don’t have any big friends.

But you may encounter some problems.

These questions made a particularly big impression on my mind.

It really makes me a little unclear, so I just wanted to ask.

At this moment, you also want to take good care of it.

"Indeed it is."

Qiqing also agreed with this sentence very much and knew what he meant.

Because now is truly the moment when these beginnings matter most.

On the other side, the cave was dark and extremely gloomy.

Nezha looked at the movement inside and huddled up in a corner to hide.

Now that I have finally escaped to this place, I don’t know what I will encounter here?
I always feel a little uneasy in my heart, but I still have to be here.

After all, I have nowhere to go now, and I might be discovered if I go back.

Now I can only hide here for the time being.

Looking at the surrounding environment is indeed quite scary, and there is nothing in it.

You don't know how long you can last and when they will come looking for you.


I also feel a little uncomfortable in my heart, but I feel that what I have done is still worth it.

After all, what I did was to protect them. As long as they were fine, there would be no big problem.

And nothing has happened to me now, so these are very good results.

Just wait for a while and then you can go back.

It's definitely nothing big.

After thinking about it, I felt that what I did was definitely the right thing to do, and there was definitely a chance.

If there is any time later, I will definitely take this matter back.

Shen Gongbao must pay the price for this.

I just want to see what he can do, and I must teach him a lesson.

Otherwise, such a result would not occur.

When you get another chance, you must confirm this matter and then understand certain issues.

After looking around, I decided to stay here for now.

Find a slightly better place where you can take a rest.

You still have the ability to survive, so you must ensure your own safety now.

They must all be worried about themselves, so they still have to protect themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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