Chapter 507 An unexpected move
Buji has become different at this time. He is in two different states from the previous Buji.

It's something I haven't figured out yet, and I don't know why it's like this.

He was not like this before, but now he has become very selfish in a short period of time.

Some of the issues mentioned before were based on my own opinions without considering other people's feelings.

"Don't participate in other activities now."

Qiqing didn't know what to say after hearing this.

He immediately fell silent. He was no longer the same person as these.

Although I said something before Xia Zhiri, I don't know how to say it. After all, I am not very familiar with it.

Now I can't seem to get a word in, and I don't even know how to talk about this matter in detail.

I am no longer allowed to participate in many activities.

So it’s useless to say what I want to say. It seems that I don’t understand many things anymore.

"What should I do?"

Qi Qing was a little troubled and didn't know how to express this matter.

He was very kind to me before and told him all kinds of things.

But at this time, participation in many activities has been banned.

I don't even know how to talk about this matter.

Jiang Chen was also quite helpless, because he also realized that this strange thing had happened.

But he couldn't persuade him, and he had already tried it before.

Buji just listens to himself.

"At this time, only Jiang Ziya can explain it to him."

Jiang Chen decided on it directly, because now Jiang Ziya was able to persuade him, and the others were of no use at all.

He couldn't listen to what others said at all.

Even if I wanted to say something or discuss something with him, it would be useless.

He didn't listen to what he said, nor did he ask what he wanted to say.

I really don't know what to do now.


Qiqing didn't expect how things would turn out like this. She had obviously experienced some small things.

After this incident, he became a completely different person.

So I really don’t know what to do now.


Soon he came to Jiang Ziya, where he talked about these things.

Jiang Ziya also looked confused after hearing this.

I didn't expect such a problem to arise. Things have been very busy recently.

Encountered many various problems.

And this kind of problem has already made my mind complicated enough, so of course I didn’t expect another one like this to come up.

Now I can't control these things at all for the time being, and I can't do them.

"Some recent things have made my head almost explode. What's going on?"

After I said it, I did feel a little uncomfortable, and my heart was also very painful.

Don't know why such a problem occurs.

And this matter is originally a big pain for me.

But now it happened to me again, making me feel a little overwhelmed.

"What happened to you recently?"

After Jiang Chen heard that there was someone who continued to live there, he was indeed very busy.

And I talk about various issues and do various things every day.

I don't even know how to bother him anymore. It seems that I really shouldn't bother him at this time.

"I feel particularly uncomfortable because of something about Nezha." Jiang Ziya said helplessly. The situation has been getting worse and worse in recent times.

I don’t know how to deal with it anymore, but now I have found a special one.

"You also know Nezha's current situation."

As I talked, I felt particularly uncomfortable. I didn't expect that such a problem would arise.

After the huge impact of Nezha Tribute's mana, he was now seriously injured.

And it is also a very big harm, and now there is a lot of harm in the body.

If you don't solve it, your whole life may be lost.

This is the most important thing now, everything else is not that important.


Jiang Chen was stunned after hearing this. How could his condition worsen in such a short period of time?

If this is the case, then the longer it takes, the more serious the condition will become.

Things have become extremely urgent, and time is also very urgent.

Don't know what appropriate method to find.

If it continues, I won't know how to deal with it.

"Then what needs to be done now to save him?"

Jiang Chen asked directly, with an anxious look on his face now.

I feel very uncomfortable in my mind now, and I don’t know what to say to them.

Encountering such a situation really made me feel a little sleepy in my head.

It's also a bit uncomfortable. I really should want to solve the situation on Nezha's side first.

Buji, just put it aside for now and don’t deal with it for now.

"Because the main thing to save Nezha now is the Tianshan Snow Lotus, but now I can't go on my own."

Jiang Ziya said very helplessly, he really couldn't leave here now.

Once you leave here, you will not know how many nearby city lords rush over.

By that time, there is no need to talk about this matter, and nothing can be done.

There's not even this place left, nothing to do.

Especially since this has caused a lot of pain and suffering in my heart.

This is the most uncomfortable thing.

"If that's the case, then I'll go!"

Jiang Chen said it directly and firmly, he had no choice but to do so in this situation.

At this moment, only Tianshan Snow Lotus can fight, and only I can get through it.

Others will certainly not be able to survive, such as Jiang Ziya's current situation.

If he passes, the whole place here will be ruined.

This is something that no one can face, so there is nothing wrong with me and I can get over it.

You must do more to save Nezha.

After all, he was hurt because of everyone.

If there was no Nezha, no one else would know what was going on at this time.

So I said I was definitely going to pass.

"Are you sure you want to get Tianshan Snow Lotus?"

Jiang Ziya was a little surprised after hearing this. He didn't expect him to agree so quickly.

No questions were asked. In fact, this place is also very difficult.

It can be said that it takes a lot to find this thing.

And it's not necessarily very difficult to get those.

(End of this chapter)

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