Chapter 515 mentions Nezha
Facing the mountain god's backbiting, Jiang Chen only felt very angry.

In order to get the Tianshan Snow Lotus, he didn't know how long he had been delayed here.

It was clear that all the plans were finalized, but who knew that this guy would suddenly attack me.

"You are really despicable and shameless. You are wasting the honorific title of Mountain God. At first, I really thought you were a gentleman."

Jiang Chen erupted and started a fierce attack on the mountain god.

The mountain god didn't expect Jiang Chen to be so skilled. After a few rounds of fighting, the mountain god quickly became unable to withstand the attack.

"I'm warning you, this is my territory. If you run wild in my place, are you really not afraid of provoking the wrath of the nearby gods?"

The mountain god held himself up and threatened Jiang Chen.

The mountain god was aware of his current situation at this moment.

If he continues to fight against Jiang Chen blindly, he is afraid that he will be beaten to death by Jiang Chen in a short time.

"I want to see if any of the gods around here are blind enough to come and help a villain like you who likes to go back on your word."

"As long as you have credibility, I will show mercy to you today."

Jiang Chen spat at the feet of the mountain god.

When dealing with such a villain, there is no need to talk about moral principles.

Jiang Chen changed his mind and wanted to deal with the mountain god here.

Then he returned with the snow lotus without any worries, so he no longer had to worry about someone attacking behind him.

The mountain god had no choice but to rush up.

With each blow, Jiang Chen increased his strength.

The mountain god really didn't have the strength to continue fighting Jiang Chen. He gasped for air and huddled up in a corner.

Just when Jiang Chen's palm was about to strike down, Qiqing directly protected him in front of the mountain god.

"Stop fighting, I beg you. If you continue like this, you will definitely get killed."

Qiqing stared at Jiang Chen with tears in her eyes, protecting the mountain god behind her.

In the eyes of Qi Qing, the mountain god is a good person.

Maybe he had a temper and suddenly acted abnormally.

At present, they only need to take the snow lotus and leave here. Qiqing really doesn't want to cause too much trouble.

"Qiqing, are you stupid? This guy is going to take our lives."

"If you are so kind again, the two of us will have to put our lives on this mountain in a while."

Jiang Chen stretched out his hand, trying to pull Qiqing away.

It seemed to Jiang Chen that Qi Qing was indeed a womanly person at this moment.

Facing such a person, there is no need to be merciful. The best solution is to eliminate the root cause as soon as possible.

"I'm begging you, just let him go. The mountain god is really a good person. Are we going to kill even the good people in the world?"

Qiqing's crying became louder and louder.

She really didn't want Jiang Chen to commit murder again.

Along the way, Jiang Chen had already killed many people in order to fight against those bad guys.

At present, we only need to get Tianshan Snow Lotus, there is really no need to worry too much about other things.

"I would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let one go."

"What's more, I have never wronged any good person in the world. This mountain god deserved the end he did today."

Jiang Chen insisted on his idea and simply pulled Qiqing behind him.

Faced with Qiqing's kind act, Jiang Chen found it a bit funny.

It was clearly almost over just now, when the Mountain God suddenly came straight towards me.

If he had reacted slower, he would have been lying in a pool of blood at this moment.

"You two guys, stop being hypocritical here, one is a white face and the other is a bad face." "I tell you, as long as I have a breath today, you two should not even think about walking out of this mountain."

The mountain god picked up the branches on the ground, forced himself to hold up his broken body, climbed up from the ground, and stared at Jiang Chen fiercely.

Faced with Jiang Chen's arrogant behavior, the mountain god was also very dissatisfied.

He was supposed to protect the Tianshan Snow Lotus.

Now that I, the master, have changed my mind, why not take it back?

Jiang Chen's approach was too domineering.

"Are you a deadbeat? He has even considered killing you. If you just give in, he won't continue."

"Is it possible that your life is so worthless?"

Qi Qing was so anxious that she shouted loudly to the mountain god.

She couldn't believe that the mountain god could become so stupid.

As long as the mountain god is willing to dedicate the Tianshan Snow Lotus, Jiang Chen will not care too much.

At this moment, Jiang Chen was already irritated. If he argued with Jiang Chen too much, he would be asking for trouble.

"Don't try to persuade me here. If you two really want to take away the Tianshan Snow Lotus, then take my life together."

"Anyway, if Xue Lian is here and I am here, but Xue Lian is not there, then I will follow him to death."

The mountain god forcibly held Xuelian in his arms and protected Xuelian tightly.

Faced with the mountain god's stubborn approach, Jiang Chen and Qiqing looked increasingly confused.

If this guy had explained the importance of Snow Lotus to them from the beginning, they would not have forced him to do so.

Now that everything was agreed upon, the mountain god suddenly went back on his word, proving that good things are bad things.

"God has given this snow lotus to you just so that you can one day use it to save the world."

"Why are you so selfish and want to take over Snow Lotus?"

Jiang Chen looked much calmer and simply started to reason with the mountain god.

He is not a bad-tempered person either.

After just a few palm strikes, the anger in my heart disappeared a lot.

Jiang Chen also wanted to get to know the mountain god well.

He wanted to see what this snow lotus meant to the mountain god. In the moment of life and death, the mountain god would still stand firm like this.

"I'm going to die anyway, and I'm too lazy to beat around the bush with you. Since you want to know, I'll just explain it to you two."

The mountain god laughed. At this moment, he seemed to have half looked down on life and death in the world.

The whole person seems much more open-minded.

Jiang Chen and Qiqing both turned their attention to the mountain god.

The two wanted to see how the mountain god would explain.

"When the master handed the snow lotus into my hands, he told me repeatedly that the snow lotus was used to treat Nezha's illness and must not be snatched away by others."

"Since I agreed to the master's request, there is no way I can go back on my word."

The mountain god closed his eyes and recounted the past events.

When he first received the snow lotus from his master, he made up his mind to protect it well.

The reason why I talked so much nonsense with Jiang Chen just now was just to fool Jiang Chen.

Unexpectedly, these two guys really got serious about it.

Jiang Chen looked at the mountain god in shock, and so did Qi Qing.

Seeing the expressions of these two guys, the mountain god looked even more confused.

"You are really confused. We came here to get the snow lotus just to treat Nezha."

(End of this chapter)

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